The information overload that some British scientists are so afraid of does not yet threaten us: there is a lot of high-quality news content on the Internet, but the limit is still very far away. All the topics that need to be covered have not yet been fully disclosed, and all the events that should have been described have not been described. Therefore, the unplowed field of the media environment on the Internet is literally crying out for replenishment.

Let me make a reservation right away: if you are not at all familiar with the specifics of news content and methods of presenting it, it doesn’t matter. You will learn the basics by reading this material, and the rest you can learn either at the journalism department of some institute, or by working in a real and quite tangible media. However, for successful work on the Internet it may even be redundant. As a last resort, if things get really difficult, you can hire experts. So let's begin.


We will not talk about the state, but about those thoughts that nest in the head and sometimes prevent you from falling asleep, unrealized. If you have been smart since childhood, then you definitely have thoughts. So, first of all, any idea needs to be thought through. Gather your will into a fist, your thoughts into a bundle and focus on your future enterprise. A news site is actually an unregistered media outlet with its own topic and, in the long term, audience. The first thing to theorize about is what your site will be about.

The theme for a news (and any other) site is the beginning of all beginnings. If you don’t want to bother with one specific thing, you can always go for a multi-thematic news site, that is, a site with a flexible rubric, where events from a variety of life spheres will be covered, such as, for example, from the field of science and education, culture, economics, law enforcement, etc. If you feel your strength in one thing, for example, in cars, then let the news site be about cars. If you want to write about the fashion world, write. The main thing is to feel free to express yourself.

There is a theme, but then what?

Let's say you wanted to run a multi-thematic news site. That is, you are sure in advance that you will be able to fill it with materials on all the topics that you designate for the site, and that you are ready to compete in a multi-subject niche with key market players. Not ready? Then it is better to reduce the “firing radius”, that is, choose a narrower topic, for example, cars or, say, finance, or even even the banking sector.

Pros and cons of one or many topics

Being multi-thematic is good for a site because it makes it easier to find advertisers. But the competition is much more intense, because there are many more multi-themed sites than narrowly focused ones.
A narrower topic, for example, finance, dulls, let’s say, the intensity of competition, but at the same time there are fewer potential advertisers. However, there are still so many of them that there will be enough for your share, and therefore feel free to take on such a topic, especially if you feel like a specialist or connoisseur in it.

If you narrow the topic even further, for example, focusing on the lending sector, then the number of advertisers will decrease even more, but the competition will also decrease. My advice is to maintain a balance, that is, do not spread yourself too thin, but also do not narrow the above-mentioned sector of fire too much, so that your news does not turn out to be interesting only to you and a group of marginalized people without a penny to their name.

Where does the site start?

The theme is not even the foundation: it is the idea. And the foundation of any site, frame, walls and roof is the cms or “admin panel”. CMS (Content Management System) manages the content of your website, allows you to add new sections, pages, upload photos, edit texts, publish whatever you like, and under whatever sauce you like.

It was called the admin panel for two reasons: it allows you to administer the site (that is, manage content), and, in addition, the CMS access page is most often located at http://site_address/admin/. You should immediately decide what your financial capabilities are. Probably, if you had enough money, you would hardly look for a way to make money on the Internet on your own and, rather, would simply invest money or hire professionals. This means you either have little or very little money. We do not touch upon the “no money at all” option.

For cases where there is little or very little money, there are free CMS or, as they are also called, website engines. These include admin panels such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, each of which fully satisfies the requirements for creating a news site, that is, it allows for a structured rubricator and the ability to export content to news aggregators. Overall with choice of CMS It may help to read the relevant sections on the website Everything is clear and clearly outlined there, according to your needs.

Site name

Here it’s better to rack your brains a little, because whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. It is ideal if the site name or domain reflects its essence. A domain is what we see in the address bar of an Internet browser. For example, is the domain and name of the news site (MedNovelty). It is not at all necessary, however, that they coincide. If you intend to publish an online magazine about cars, you can name the site itself, for example, Motor, and register the domain that is most suitable from those available from the registrar. It’s no secret that the most beautiful, sonorous and popular domains have been occupied for a long time, and therefore you will need to work hard, perhaps think about it for more than one day, and consult with someone. It is better not to select a domain that will, as they say, spell out the Russian-language name ( It is optimal if the name mentions something related to cars, and perhaps the word news, for example, autonews or carnews.

You can register a domain either directly with the registrar or with resellers. The first option is more reliable, since the renewal and simple administration of the domain will depend only on you, and in the second case, it will also depend on the connection between you and the registrar. But resellers, as a rule, sell domains somewhat cheaper than registrars, taking advantage of the fact that the latter give them affiliate discounts for volume. The savings, I’ll say right away, are not great, but there may be problems, including the loss of the domain. Therefore, it is better to go to the registrar. The largest, in my opinion, in terms of domains in the ru zone are and The cost of a domain in the “.ru” zone is 590 rubles. The domain is paid upon registration and thereafter, once a year. The registrar will remind you when it’s time to deposit the next funds, or you can immediately deposit the amount into your account for several years in advance.

The site also needs to live somewhere.

We have registered the domain and will leave it alone for now. Now let's look at hosting. Hosting is the place (server) where your website, its pages and all content, including the admin panel, will be physically located. That is, the site will not be located on your home computer- only on remote server with a powerful channel through which your news can be read simultaneously by thousands of site visitors. So, choose a hosting company for your website. To begin with, you can limit yourself to one of the minimum virtual hosting tariffs (about 150-250 rubles per month), since it is unlikely that crowds of readers will rush to the site from the very first day. You can try the services of popular companies or masterhost, which are similar in functionality and cost.

Please note that when initial setup You will need to change some data for your site’s domain in the control panel on the registrar’s website, namely the NS server, to those that will be provided by an employee of the hosting company (or those that will be indicated in the help section on the hosting company’s website). Next, we install it ourselves or with the help of hosting employees (or by reading the help file on the hosting company’s website) free engine to the hosting server.

After joining the domain some time later, by typing the name of your site in the address bar of the browser, we get to the main page. For now, it is most likely pristine, or there will be a so-called “stub” of the hoster hanging on it.

Where is the site itself? Where to publish news?

This is, perhaps, one of the most expensive moments, because now you, who do not have the skills to create websites (do you have them? - then skip the paragraph), will have to fork out a little more - to create the site itself and/or its appearance. A similar service (performers are easy to find on the Internet on freelance exchanges) can cost from 5,000 to 50,000, depending on your requests and the qualifications of the performer. Explain in detail everything you want to see, and after a week or two you will receive a new, still unfilled website. It will only contain the design, text “fish” and illustrations so that it is immediately clear how it looks with the content. In principle, everything is ready to start working.

Filling out a news site

In order to quickly and correctly figure out how, what and where to write, where to upload pictures, etc., it is best to ask for help from the specialist who did the structure and design of your site. Let him write short, but at the same time as understandable and clear instructions as possible, and also be sure to indicate in them the expected results after this or that step. Practice for a week and you'll figure it out.

Ways to attract visitors

In general, as soon as the first pages of your site get into the index search engines(Yandex, Google, etc.), the first visitors may come. Most likely, there will be few of them, as well as the material on your site. The more pages you add, the more readers you will get. If the materials are interesting, the first visitors will not only come again, but will also bring others with them, leaving links to interesting materials on other sites. Such links are useful not only from the point of view of attracting visitors, but also for search ranking, that is, to occupy positions closer to the first page of search results in search engines. In the future, such links will allow you to earn income not only from direct advertising, but also from link advertising. However, you shouldn’t rely on it: a successful and visited resource will make good money even without selling links.

Where to get original content

If you personally lack a creative streak, then it is better to turn to someone else for content who knows how to express their thoughts competently and to the point. There is an option to order or purchase ready-made feature articles on content exchanges. Or on the above-mentioned freelance exchanges you can find performers who will write from scratch, rewrite finished articles, or translate materials from foreign sources. There are sites that, by the way, make do with only translated content. The main thing here is not to infringe on anyone’s copyrights. With illustrations, too, not everything is as simple as we would like. Until now, you might have thought that all the pictures that are on the Internet are in the public domain, but this is not so: each photo has an author who may not like the decision regarding the placement of his property on your site.

In this case, either agree in advance on the possibility of posting with the author, or, if there is no obvious author, put in the material with the illustration a link to the page where you borrowed the photo, or use the services of photo banks. Most photo banks sell photographs, and for a low cost you can only count on small photos and, most importantly, on their one-time placement. Copyright to the photo is not transferred, and the photographer has the right to sell his work in the future. There are photo banks that contain a selection free photos, for example,, where after registration it is available free download limited number of photos. After reaching the limit, you will either have to pay or register again for other data.

How to count visitors

Everything is simple here: register your site in one of the popular statistics collection systems, for example, Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, and then periodically log into your account and check who, where, from, at what time and in what quantity came where on the site I walked around, looked at what page I left the site on.

Is it possible to somehow attract visitors from other sites yourself? Of course, there are a lot of techniques and methods.


Contextual advertising. There are at least two of the most popular contextual advertising systems in Russia (Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords), with the help of which you can place advertisements on sites participating in these systems and in search results for the desired search queries and words in the context of site pages.

Link exchanges. They allow you to raise your site in search results, that is, to certain pages your site was more often found by people looking for something on your topic on the Internet using search engines.


News aggregators. In general, it is better to add your site to all possible aggregators, but you definitely shouldn’t skip at least five. Here they are:

  • Yandex.News (you will need to sign an agreement and send it by mail, and create a file in RSS format on the website, as required by Yandex). You may need help from a programmer.
  • Google News (you will need to create a special sitemap for news; you won’t be able to figure it out without a programmer).
  • Novoteka (RSS for Yandex is quite suitable).
  • Rambler-News (RSS for Yandex).
  • Liveinternet news (RSS for Yandex).

In principle, this should be enough if you learn how to work with aggregators: it is important not so much to produce completely unique and stunning material, but to get into a popular story, and it is advisable to present the material in such a way that other participants in the aggregator will refer to it (in the Yandex.News service this is very important). If, after several trials and errors, you develop a certain strategy, popularity will not be long in coming. In addition, the use of news aggregators will sooner or later lead to the fact that new pages of your site will be indexed by search engines after just a few minutes, a maximum of an hour, while many other sites that are not defined as news and frequently updated are forced wait a week, or even two.

If someone suddenly wonders about creating their own news website, then in this article I will share my thoughts on this topic. Is it necessary to create such a site at all? Is it difficult to promote it? and how can we develop in this direction?

News site This Media— mass media.. even if we are on service Yandex Wordstat let's enter the word " news“, then we will get a very popular request, naturally this is a very good industry, but at the same time it is also difficult..

Promoting a news site is not so easy... pay attention to other news sites, and how long have they been publishing this news, and how many news appear on the day? It’s very difficult for one person to run a news site, for this you need a whole company of people who ran there would be different categories of your site, let’s say one person per category.. this will be much more logical and easier to develop your resource..

On the one hand, a news site is good money, a template for a news site can be easily found or even made by yourself, and I would use minimal things regarding the template, since people first of all come for information.. secondly, it is advisable to make your own an engine for a news site that would work and display your information much faster than many other news sites..
Going to other sites, I realized that not all sites are good and load quickly, and they still have some kind of inconvenience..

The most important goal of your site is to achieve traffic. Set yourself the same Yandex Metrica, and this will motivate you, when you publish more and more unique articles, you will notice how “traffic” (people) will begin to increase, and your statistics will display different data , and even behavioral factors provided by Yandex Metrica. And this traffic will motivate you to write more and more articles.

It is very difficult to increase traffic to a news site, since it is a media outlet. Also, when you create such a site, you should focus on your capabilities..

Let’s imagine a situation that if you suddenly are a journalist or a former journalist, and if you have already been involved in “content information”, then you already know this topic..
News sites usually have a lot of sections that support a community of people!
That is, in essence, you need to recruit a team and look for people who have the desire and interest to do this (for example, 5-10 people to start with). And it is worth understanding that this team must initially work very hard for some process to take off, and this will take at least half a year or a year. Ideally, you should have a goal to attract 10 thousand people in a year and a half.

If, for example, you have 10 sections, then these sections should be handled by ten people and add at least 10 news there so that there are constant updates.

It’s also difficult to maintain a team... It’s one thing when you pay a team money, and naturally they will write something and the profit will naturally motivate them too, but if you don’t pay money at the beginning, then it’s very difficult to keep the team. That is, they should not be disappointed in the work, the project, or you!

Let’s imagine a situation if you are alone and want to run a news site alone.. Physically, even if you want, you won’t be able to run this site completely; if you create a bunch of sections at once, it won’t be the right way.. Different sections and different difficulties and run everything these sections are physically impossible.

Imagine in general what is news?
By and large 99% news are no longer news but “ Rewrite news“, that is, there is only one news, and all sites are trying to rewrite it in their own way and rewrite this news so that it looks unique! But in fact in general Latest news only a few sources write (2-5 sources).
How does this happen?
If something happens, they go to the scene of the event, they have cameras with them, they have journalists who write down all the information, film it, this is creating news, and then they simply transfer the information wherever they need it, to the Internet is the same.
All other 99% of sites simply copy this news. You can also copy in different ways... You can copy completely, or you can redo the news, that is, do rewriting, or copyright, it depends on the sites how they will do it.

Based on this, it is clear that the only option left is to take the published news and post it on your website. But it is physically impossible to maintain all sections.
Look at your resource from the outside. How do people from the outside look at it?
Let's say a person comes to your site, what will he see on your site that is not on another site? He will see the same thing first. Secondly, you have less of this on your site.
Of course, you can also read the news and rewrite it briefly, that is, highlight the most important thing and write about it in your own words, the most interesting from the network, then yes, maybe that will do, but the fact is that all news sites, by and large, do this , because it is not realistic to cover all the news. Therefore, all major information sources cover only the most important things.
Therefore, a person has to be interested and attracted to something interesting.

What should you do in this case, if you are already desperate, but still have the desire to make a news site?
It is worth removing all sections and leaving only one section, and leaving the section that would be interesting to you, in which you have passion. Again you can use the service Yandex Wordstat and put words there such as “ Policy«, « Business"and so on.. and see which queries are popular and which ones are less popular..
Let's say if you chose Politics.. More than 50 news about politics appear a day, of course, you again will not be able to write all 50 news. As a result, you will again have to do an even narrower focus, for example... write Only about Presidents.
And from now on website becomes narrowly focused, and when a person gets to your site, he already sees more accurate, specific information about presidents! Other sites also have information about presidents, but there is a lot more there.. and you are only doing it about presidents.. you can also improve the articles.. scroll through the search and look for information, and from different sources we make one good article more detailed and interestingly complete. At all the text of the article must always be original, it should not be copied. That is, it should be written in your own words.

By the way, if you take content from somewhere, from other sites, then you should also indicate links to them so that you don’t have problems in the future, firstly, it’s more honest, and secondly, many say that such a thing works even better for your site when you have some other person’s link that leads to a popular source. In the end, you get the best result that people like. Over time, this site is beginning to gain popularity.

Therefore, I advise you to take only the topic that you are interested in and like. Otherwise, with any other topic, you will lose interest in working on it. People need to understand that your website is better, more detailed, more beautiful! You can add 5 news per day, but these 5 news will attract more people than if you added 20 news, but simply copied from different sources. And then later, when you get going, when you gain weight, then you can create a second section and start running it.

Thank you for reading, I’m glad if you helped with this question, who was interested..


Select domain name and suitable hosting for your website. The domain should be short, memorable and easy to pronounce. Domains in the .РФ zone are perfect for these purposes, because many good names in this segment have not yet been taken and they can be remembered without problems. Choose hosting taking into account the fact that in six months or a year traffic to your site will increase sharply and the server must cope with heavy loads. Don't skimp on a beautiful name and reliable hosting - the stingy pays twice.

Select the theme of the site. It can be dedicated to regional, sports, political news, show business events, car market news, weather, etc. The main thing is that the topic is close and interesting to you in the first place. If you think that after 2 years you will lose interest in your chosen topic, then you shouldn’t start. History remembers many excellent projects that died only because the author lost interest.

Select engine. Install the most famous CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, DLE, Livestreet, InstantCMS, etc.) on local hosting and create drafts of your resource on them. Evaluate all the difficulties, disadvantages and advantages of the engines you have tried and choose the one that is most convenient and relevant for you. This is a very important step, because if you choose a sophisticated but incomprehensible engine, and in the future you need to modernize the site to meet the needs of the user, you will have to pay webmasters to add a survey, slider or registration form to the system. It is much better to know the resource and development tool like the back of your hand and be sure that any problem that arises will be solved.

Fill your site with content regularly. Never copy news from major news portals. Firstly, if all articles are completely copied, this will lower your site in positions search results up to complete departure. Secondly, this is considered a violation of copyright, and if you put a link to the source under each news, then the value of such a news resource is reduced to zero. Rewrite each news item and use key phrases. If you don’t have time for this, you will have to hire a copywriter.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

But first, let's define what a news portal is?

Obviously this is a news site. But what else can you say about such a site? How is it different from a regular news column on any Joomla or Wordpress site?

It is distinguished by a large number of news, news categories, special sections of the site, the presence of RSS, as well as the output of news and announcements in the most convenient form.

Why Joomla?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Joomla is ideal for creating news websites due to its flexibility and enormous capabilities for displaying materials.

The system of categories and subcategories helps to distribute news very effectively, as well as manage their output. In addition, it is possible to insert any modules into the news, as well as enormous opportunities for visual output and customization of materials.

Why not Wordpress?

Wordpress, of course, also has great capabilities, but it has a slightly complex structure for a beginner to understand, and for many it can be very difficult to configure the display of widgets on the right pages and in the right positions.

Of course, this is everyone's business, but we are confident that for creating a large-scale and complex news site, Joomla is the best solution.

Read the article and see for yourself!

What do you need?

    To create a news portal, we just need a website on CMS Joomla! You can start experimenting with local server, or immediately start working on hosting. However, if your site already exists and is working, then first make a backup.

    A dozen or two prepared news items, or stubs like “Lorem ipsum..”, so that you can immediately see how the news will be displayed. It is also better to first create a couple of news categories with their approximate names, also to make the work easier.

    It is advisable to have a beautiful template to make your website look impressive. The standard Joomla template is not very convenient for creating such a project. But about templates, requirements for them, as well as examples of templates a little further

    A couple of components for displaying news on the main page (more on this a little later)

That's it! Now let's start creating the site

Displaying news on an existing website.

At this step, we will consider the case when you already have a website on Joomla, and also have an initial set of materials and categories (all information about this can be found on our website).

So, there are times when you just need to get the news out. Maybe on home page website, or maybe as a separate menu item.

If you want to display news simply as a news feed, then the standard Joomla functionality will be a very convenient solution to the problem.

If you want to make the main page of your site a news feed, then in the admin panel, open the Menu item - Main Menu (Main Menu or any other version of your main menu whose name has a “house” icon).

Find and open the menu item marked on the main page, as in the screenshot below.

Change the menu item type to Category Blog and select the category you want (one of the ones you created before). Check the screenshot.

By the way, this method will be useful for you to create sections of the site dedicated to certain categories, for example, sports or music.

Ready! There is now a news feed on the home page of your site.

You can also learn more about setting up news output on this page (if you need it).

However, this is very little to call the site news, so we continue.

Extensions for displaying news.

Any news portal must provide easy access to a huge amount of information. This can of course be done standard means Joomla, but you can do this using modules and extensions.

The most popular news output options:

    News feed

    Displaying news in a grid

    Display titles, short descriptions and images as a list

    News sliders

    Short announcements (usually just a title)

Here is a list of extensions and modules that will help you display your materials as beautifully and informatively as possible:


A wonderful extension that allows you to display news in more than 7 options with different design schemes, as well as a huge number of customizable parameters, which makes life very easy for the site administrator. By the way, you can use this extension to large quantity various modules of various types.

2. Widgetkit 2 from Yootheme

A very multifunctional component that, in addition to the most various options news display allows you to display manually specified content. Also includes huge amount additional modules, ranging from sliders to photo galleries. It is possible to display news “cards”, as well as change news categories and much more.

Very functional, beautiful and easy to configure and use extension.

3. RAXO All-mode PRO

A very serious product that has a huge number of settings and news output options. It has almost everything. Convenient ways sorting news, displaying pictures, lists of the latest news, individual categories, and so on. Everything in one place!

4. RokSprocket

Also very famous and popular free extension for Joomla 2.5 and 3. A huge number of options for use. Unlike many extensions, there is even a “Quote” display mode. A huge number of information sources are supported, from standard Joomla materials to K2 and Zoo.

We can talk for a long time, but just watch the demo!

Joomla News Website Templates

A small list of templates that are perfect for your news site.


A beautiful colorful template with a thoughtful and simple structure. The package already includes a Page Builder, which can help you move certain elements and quickly design pages.


Template from Shape5, which includes a huge number of important and useful things for a news site, such as a map, feedback, convenient display of categories and so on.

3. RT Nuance

Beautiful responsive template from RocketTheme with customizable color scheme, as well as the famous Gantry framework. The template also uses RokSprocket, which we talked about just above. Great option!

P.S. dear friends! Do not use downloaded hacked templates! This could end up hurting your site!

In this article we talked about some points and ways to create a news site on Joomla. Good luck in your endeavors!

P.S.S. To create a news portal on your own, you may also need RSS, a site map, and video. Click on the one you are interested in and read the detailed instructions :)

Create a news site - make a resource that allows you to add news as quickly as possible! After all, efficiency is one of the most important qualities for such an information source. How to implement the task?

The uWeb service offers a solution accessible to everyone!

Features of the service

We offer not just downloading a news website template, we provide all the necessary functionality for its creation, content and support. You do not need to attract specialists or pay for their services. You carry out all the actions, having at your disposal everything you need so that creating a news website does not take much time and does not require large investments.

By using the uWeb service, you get the following benefits:

  • exclusive design of a news website - any of the proposed templates can be edited to get an original appearance;
  • a powerful news engine for the site, allowing you to easily process masses of information;
  • the ability to quickly change text and graphic information, adding news with instant display on the site.

How to make a news website?

uWeb service specialists have developed convenient functionality that even an inexperienced user can master. You will need:

  • registration in the system;
  • familiarization with the conditions;
  • using a constructor to obtain the desired result.

The functionality of the service allows you to select a design option from among a variety of ready-to-use news templates. An important feature of the service provided is the absence of payment. Minor financial costs will only require hosting on which the site will be located.

The efficiency and convenience of posting information using the uWeb service will allow you to create a strong news resource with high traffic!