Every day, people bring their smartphones to workshops and service centers with complaints that the display has begun to flicker. This is a typical breakdown and there may be several reasons for its occurrence. This article discusses the question of why the screen flickers on a smartphone and what to do in such a situation.

Damaged display

The most common and obvious cause of flickering can be external damage to the screen due to strong shocks or internal damage due to water ingress. In general, 3 components can be damaged:

  • display;
  • chip;
  • connecting loops.

Even an inexperienced mobile technician can handle screen repair using a small set of tools. In other cases, you will need a special approach and equipment.

Video controller problem

The graphic subsystem is responsible for displaying the picture on the screen, which includes memory, processor and "strapping". Failure of any element on the board leads to special problems: ripples, "artifacts", interference, flickering, stripes, etc. appear on the display. In this case, it is better not to try to fix anything on your own, because the video controller will be damaged to a greater extent.

Software malfunction

Many users do not even think that screen flickering can be due to a conflict between two or more installed programs, the harmful influence of a virus, increased software "pollution" of the system or invisible application failures. In this case, you can do the cleaning yourself, roll back to factory settings and install antivirus software from the app store.

If these actions did not lead to a positive result, it is worth reflashing the smartphone. Almost every smartphone has its own and different flashing methods. Therefore, it is not recommended to do this procedure yourself without special training, because you can make a "brick" out of the phone. Better then contact a workshop or service center.

Battery problem

It so happens that the system of the device has nothing to do with the flickering of the display, but it's all about the battery. Often this happens due to the fact that the battery has lost its capacity, working for many years.

To check this reason, just connect it to your smartphone Charger and look at the screen. If there is no more flickering, then the point is precisely in the weak power of the battery.

In this case, you should proceed as follows:

  1. If the battery is removable, you can buy a replacement that specifically matches the problem phone.
  2. If the battery is integrated into the case, you can try to take the smartphone to a service center (preferably an official one from the manufacturer). There is a chance that it will be replaced. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new phone.

Note! Low-quality Chinese devices are distinguished by the fact that their batteries become rather weak after a couple of months after purchase.

Testing with secret codes

There are other ways to find the probable cause of the problem, one of which is - secret codes suitable for all Android phones. They help to tune the system and identify problem areas. Below is a table of the most useful ones.


When the screen on a smartphone is flickering, it is worth finding out what is the cause of this problem. If the device is physically damaged (internal or external), it is worth taking it to a service center. If the reason is software "pollution", viruses, or the removable battery has already lost power, you can fix it yourself.

Every day, Android users come to service centers who complain that their phone screen is flickering. This problem is far from new and has a number of reasons for its occurrence.

The manual is suitable for all models and brands: iPhone, Alcatel, Asus, Lenovo, Phillips, Prestigio, Sony Xperia, HTC, Samsung, Xiaomi, Umidigi, Leagoo, Doogie, Huawei, HomTom, etc.

Let's figure it out in order.

Despite the rapid development mobile technologies, they still have not made it possible to create a device that can withstand strong shocks or software malfunctions. For each gadget, the cause of the display malfunction can be strikingly different, therefore, before drawing final conclusions, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Screen damage

The first flickering and "jumping" of the picture on the phone can appear after a serious fall or contact of the device with water.

In this case, it can be damaged:

  1. Screen.
  2. Microcircuit (video controller).
  3. Loops connecting elements into a single system.

If in the first case, any specialist in the field of mobile technologies with a minimum number of tools will deal with the problem, then the second and third require a scrupulous approach and the availability of diagnostic equipment.

Video controller

The image is displayed by the so-called graphics subsystem, which consists of memory, processor and "strapping". When one of the elements on the electronic board burns out, problems begin - the appearance of ripples, "artifacts", interference, blinking, flickering, stripes and other unpleasant symptoms on the smartphone screen. In this case, it is not recommended to act on your own, there is a possibility of breaking the video controller even more.

Software malfunction

Most users do not even suspect that the display starts to flicker due to a conflict in the operation of several applications, the presence of a virus in the system, excessive clogging of the system or hidden software failures. The user is able to independently clean the smartphone, roll back the software to and install anti-virus programs from the official Google Play store.

However, if these manipulations turn out to be useless, reflash the device. It's better not to do something like this with your own hands, without prior practice, otherwise, the gadget will be completely disabled. The correct way out of this situation is to contact the service center.

Battery problems

As a rule, everyone begins to lean towards the idea that the malfunction was caused as a result of damage to the device's system, completely discarding the simplest options. A flickering display can cause a weak battery. This happens due to power loss when the battery is used for several years without replacement.

It is quite simple to check this option in practice. Connect the charger to the phone and take a look at the display, if you managed to get rid of flickering, then it's all about the power. We recommend that you take another battery and carry out a similar test. If this is really her, it is worth going to a specialty store and changing the battery. In this case, special attention should be paid to its originality, chinese fake can fail one month after purchase. In some cases, it can even harm.

However, there may be one interesting snag about the non-removable battery on your phone model. In this case, it is better not to risk it, and entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

Flickers on charging

Frequent occurrence when using a non-original charger.

This is especially true for inexpensive models of Chinese manufacturers when setting a low backlight level. If a defect is found when the wire is connected, we recommend changing the charger to a similar one.

If it does not help, it is better to exchange the device under warranty, if possible. This is not a critical malfunction, the phone will live for a long time.

Secret codes for testing

There are several more ways to find possible problem, to do this, refer to the service codes that apply to all smartphones running Android. Codes can help in setting up the system and identifying the reasons when the smartphone screen begins to shake (twitch) or sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

* # * # 4636 # * # * - allows you to view basic information about the phone, battery, user statistics.

* # * # 7780 # * # * - resets settings, removes only existing applications.

* 2767 * 3855 # - in progress full reset settings, reinstalling the existing firmware.

* # * # 0 * # * # * - quick test of any LCD display.

* # * # 2663 # * # * - makes it possible to test the touch screen for the response and the number of simultaneous clicks.

* # * # 1234 # * # * - provides comprehensive data regarding the firmware of the device, which is required when reinstalling or updating the software.

* # 06 # - the most common code used to get information about IMEI.


Summing up, we can say with confidence that it is quite difficult to identify a malfunction in the operation of the screen. The reason is not only severe mechanical damage and partial failure of the software, but also problems with the battery or charger. The battery loses power over time and cause unpleasant consequences in the form of flickering or "flickering" of the display.

The only correct solution in this case is to visit the nearest service center, where, with the help of special equipment, they will conduct full diagnostics devices and identify the root cause of the failure. And most likely, they will change the screen module for a new assembly.

Of course, you can repair the phone yourself, however, it should be borne in mind that without proper knowledge and practice, a smartphone can completely fail, without the possibility of its further restoration.


A high-quality and clear picture, without the slightest distortion is the hallmark of Xiaomi smartphones. Display problems are rare in phones. Flicker is most common, causing a serious strain on the visual system and causing a lot of inconvenience. Why does it appear and how to get rid of it? Let's try to figure it out.

Varieties of blinking

Screen defects mostly appear as streaks and ripples. Depending on the nature of the problem, flickering may appear only when the brightness is set to minimum values ​​or, conversely, at a high brightness level. At times screen Xiaomi blinks only in certain places or a specific point, in a vertical or horizontal direction.

In some cases, the display stops responding to the commands given by the user exactly in those places where there is blinking. Sometimes a certain area can fade altogether, and the display completely dies out, despite the fact that it continues to respond to finger touches.

Why the screen flickers on Xiaomi: problems in the software part

There are several methods available that can help solve the problem:

Hardware problems

If you tried to eliminate software errors, but the Xiaomi screen still blinks, then it is recommended to pay attention to the technical condition of the device.

Common reasons:

  • If the device has been dropped from a height, especially on a hard surface, has fallen into water, or is heavily soiled, the sensor may be damaged. The consequence of this is the unstable operation of the backlight with blinking and flickering. The malfunction can be eliminated by replacing the matrix.
  • Manufacturing defects. If you are sure that the mechanical impact on the smartphone is excluded, and no irregularities in the operation of the OS have been identified, then perhaps you are dealing with a factory defect. Despite high quality Xiaomi products, unpleasant situations can still arise. The best option there will be an appeal to the service center with a full package of documents to replace a defective item or replace the device with a new model;
  • Lack of contact between the matrix and its loop. Typically, this situation occurs due to the fall of the phone, in which the loop is disconnected. You can restore the performance of the matrix when disassembling the gadget and connecting the broken loop;
  • The battery has reached its end of life. If the battery is not capable of delivering the required voltage to ensure the functioning of the screen, then this can be guessed by the small ripples on the smartphone. It will be very noticeable if the picture is placed on a white background. The solution to the problem is replacement battery to a new one.

The process of troubleshooting technical and hardware problems is not too much of a hassle. In some cases, the issue can be resolved at home, and in case of complex malfunctions, with the involvement of service center specialists.

Mar 14

Why does the screen twitch on a tablet, phone, etc. devices?

In this article, we will consider why the screen on the tablet twitches, phone, smartphone and other devices. This problem is very common. The reason may lie not only in hardware failure, but also in software glitch... To identify the exact cause, it is necessary to make a thorough diagnosis. Some of the tests can be done by hand and at home. In some cases, specialized equipment is indispensable. By the way, on the site workandhobby.ru you can find many useful tips and articles. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons.

Why is my tablet screen twitching?

First you need to decide on the "history", for which you need to find out:

  1. Did the problem start after the tablet fell;
  2. Was there;
  3. Has there been a recent firmware update;
  4. Whether an unknown application was installed;

If the screen on the tablet twitches after a fall, then physical damage should be assumed. In the best case, there may be poor contact of the loop with the board or a violation of the soldering of the connector legs. The problem is solved by reconnecting the loop or soldering the connector. More difficult cases are the occurrence of "cold" soldering under the main or graphics processor, the appearance of microcracks and broken tracks in the board.

Finally, the reason may lie in damage to the screen itself. The defect may not be visible from the outside. As a rule, even a small chip on the display matrix is ​​enough for the image to twitch or disappear altogether. Repair - replacement of the display. If the phone is dropped into water or if it is in a damp place for a long time, it can cause oxidation spots in various parts of the board. Oxidation of the cable legs or display connector is removed by cleaning. You can use acetone or a solvent such as B-650 as a cleaning agent.

Replacing the firmware can also be the reason why the screen twitches, especially if a modified version was installed. In this situation, it should be repeated. It is better to use the original firmware from the manufacturer's website. If any application was installed, then there is a high probability of a virus infection. The problem is solved by the firmware of the device.

Why does the screen on my phone twitch?

The list of reasons is almost the same:

  1. Falling the phone onto a hard surface;
  2. Water ingress into the device;

Unlike tablets, many phone models often lose display connectors from falling. You can solve the problem with your own hands if you have a set of screwdrivers at hand. You just need to carefully open the phone and check the connection. Another very common problem is EMIF filter breakage. Sometimes a visual defect may appear as a small chip. The solution is to replace the part. Oxidation or contamination can be removed by cleaning. Software failures are "treated" by the phone's firmware.

Why does the screen on my smartphone twitch?

The situation with smartphones is the same as with other mobile devices. If the screen on the iPhone twitches, then you should start diagnostics from the above reasons. However, it should be noted that a number of applications, namely browsers, can cause shaking or flickering of the image on the screen. The problem is solved by reinstalling. If the screen is damaged, then the display should be purchased and replaced. When diagnosing mobile devices the possibility of poor soldering should not be overlooked. A similar problem often occurs on Chinese-made models.

Why does my laptop screen twitch?

If the image on the laptop twitches, then there is a high probability of failure of the loop. You can do the initial diagnosis yourself. If the image starts to ripple during the movement of the lid, then the problem lies precisely in the loop, which can fray from intensive use. In addition to the trail, the following reasons for image distortion are possible:

  1. Failure of the matrix;
  2. Video card problems;
  3. Malfunction of components on motherboard.

In the first case, it is necessary to replace the matrix or the display itself. The video card may have a hardware or software problem. Connecting the monitor will help identify the problem. If the image on the second monitor is stable, then the video card is functioning properly. If not, the first step is to reinstall the driver. Otherwise, hardware repair is required. Also, cold soldering, failure of the graphics chipset, filters or capacitive elements can be noted on the motherboard.

Why is the monitor screen twitching?

If the image on the monitor twitches, then the reason may lie not only in the device itself, but also in the computer. For example, the video card might be faulty, or outdated or inappropriate drivers are installed. The check can be done by connecting the monitor to another computer. If the image is still twitching, then you should look for the cause in the hardware. The most common reasons are;

  1. Defect or wear of the matrix;
  2. Failure of capacitive elements, resistances and filters;
  3. Failure in the power supply system;
  4. Unstable operation of the calibration and information unit.

Sometimes the reason may lie simply in a wrong setting. For example, the resolution or refresh rate may be incorrect. You can solve this problem yourself.

Why does the screen twitch in games?

Many users are faced with a situation when the image starts to twitch during the launch of a game. As a rule, the problem lies in the software part. Rarely enough there are cases when a video card defect is detected. By the way, on the site exabait.ru you can find many useful information about popular games, in particular secrets, walkthroughs, easter eggs, etc.

If the image twitches in games, then the problem may be:

  1. Incorrect screen resolution setting;
  2. Enable buffering options, V-Sync, etc .;
  3. The presence of viruses;
  4. Outdated drivers;
  5. Incorrect setting of the refresh rate;
  6. Software crash.

If the screen twitches when playing games on a tablet, smartphone or phone, then the reason may be a virus infection of the device, a malfunction of the graphics core, or a software failure. You can solve the problem with viruses and software by means of a smartphone or phone.

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Phone screen flickering is a very annoying problem. And noticeably dangerous to the eyes. After all, when flickering, the load on the eyes increases greatly.

There are quite a few possible reasons for the flickering of the phone screen, both hardware and software. This article will go over all of them in the recommended order of consideration.

Smartphone screen flickers - solutions

Firmware problem. You need to make sure that the problem is not programmatic. Ideally, you should reset your phone to factory settings. We have how to do it. Do not forget, otherwise they will be irretrievably lost. If the flickering persists after the reset, then you have a problem with the device itself.

This problem is sometimes seen with older batteries. If the flicker disappears during charging, then the matter is definitely in the battery. Try using a different battery if possible.

There is a problem with the screen, cables and other elements. Damage to the screen or its cable is one of the most likely causes of flickering. Especially if before that the phone fell or was subjected to other physical influences, for example, severe overheating. If all of the above tips did not help you, then there is only one option - contact a service center to repair your phone. Of course, you can replace the screen yourself, but this requires special tools and skills.

The screen is the main component of a mobile phone. Modern phones can be equipped with a wide variety of screens, which will allow even the most fastidious buyer to choose the most suitable device. Screens can be ordinary and touch-sensitive, they can differ in size, resolution, pixel density, production technology. Touch screens differ in the type of touchscreen design, that is, a touch-sensitive coating that responds to touches. The failure of the screen leads to a number of inconveniences for the user.

A dark screen, stripes on the screen, or picture distortion prevent the device from functioning properly. To fix the problems that have arisen, you need to contact phone repair as soon as possible. The longer you use a defective phone, the more difficult and expensive it will be to repair it.

The reasons

There are various reasons for screen problems. Phone repair specialists point out several of the most common problems:

Malfunction of the display itself. The breakdown is eliminated, as a rule, by replacing the display with a new one. Many people perform this procedure on their own, but we do not recommend tampering with the mobile phone device. It is worth entrusting this business to masters who are well aware of the device of a mobile phone and have sufficient experience in performing such a procedure.

Failure of the microcircuit, which is responsible for controlling the screen. One of the most difficult breakdowns that can occur. To carry out repairs in this case, special equipment and tools may be required, therefore the only correct solution in this situation would be to go to the workshop, where it will be done quickly and efficiently.

The display malfunction may be due to a firmware failure. To fix it, it is enough to perform a flashing. However, you should not perform the procedure yourself or trust your phone to the hands of non-professionals. By contacting our workshop, you will be able to correctly install the licensed software on your phone and configure all the necessary parameters.

Surprisingly, the flickering of the phone screen can be due to the failure of the battery. It is easy to fix the situation - just install a new battery, the main thing is to choose the right one for each specific model. In our workshop that repairs phones in Mink, we always have original batteries for various phone models available, which allows you to quickly select the right battery for your brand and replace it. # phone screen blinks # why # phone screen flickers # phone fell down screen flickers


A dark screen, stripes on the screen, flickering of the display make the user unable to use it. To eliminate any type of malfunction, you will need the help of highly qualified specialists. Our, will provide you with the services of professional wizards who can determine the cause of the problem by performing computer diagnostics of your phone and quickly restore its performance. the necessary equipment and tools are available, as well as original components in case of replacement of faulty parts. All work performed and replaced parts are guaranteed quality.

According to experts, most of the damage to the screen is due to the carelessness of users. Drops, bumps, spills, pressure on the screen are the most common situations that result in a broken display. Our masters recommend that owners of mobile phones be more careful and careful when using their devices, use a protective film for the screen and a special case. By following these simple rules, you can reduce the likelihood of display failure and extend the life of your phone.

Modern smartphones boast very high-quality screens with significant technical parameters in the form of resolution and color reproduction. It is not for nothing that manufacturers pay so much attention to the smartphone screen - it literally is the face of the device, moreover, through the screen, as a rule, the user interacts with the phone.

If there is a problem with the screen, you can see it immediately. One of the most annoying problems is that the screen of Xiaomi Redmi 3S or another Xiaomi phone flickers (some users describe this as flickering). There are two main reasons - nuances in software or hardware components, will be presented in this article.

Types of screen blinking

The difference is most often the visibility of the manifested problem with the ordinary eye, as well as its frequency.

  • Flickering often appears in the form of stripes or ripples, which can be barely noticeable at low screen brightness, or significant, with a change in colors, brightness in some places of the display, vertical and horizontal, or even mixed.
  • Certain areas of the display can fade out for a short time, and this can be either one specific place, or a completely unpredictable piece. The phone at this time can either respond or not respond to pressing.
  • The screen can be turned on or off entirely at different frequencies, and when the backlight is off, it will continue to respond to finger presses.

Troubleshoot if it's a software issue

  • It's trite, of course, but try rebooting - perhaps the problem will disappear immediately and forever.
  • Incorrectly working auto brightness sometimes makes the screen flicker unpleasantly. Go to the phone settings, and disable this function, then reboot the phone.

  • The operating system kernel is responsible for the stable operation of the display. It usually comes with the firmware itself, it can also be installed separately, taking into account compatibility. Flickering of the screen very often appears when installing updates or completely flashing the phone, as well as when replacing the kernel. Usually the problem is solved by installing another firmware based on a different kernel from the problematic one, or by searching for a separate kernel that is fully compatible with the current device and the firmware itself.
  • The kernel may be correct, but it may be incorrectly ported or crookedly assembled, due to which some of its functions conflict with the current hardware. It is recommended to use only those firmware that are fully compatible with a specific model, as well as with the hardware of the phone.

If all else fails

It means, most likely, not operating system became the reason, you should check the hardware of the phone itself. Usually, screen problems are the result of a rough physical impact on the phone - usually it falls on a hard surface from the height of the hands, bathing the phone in the sink, or being caught in the pouring rain. The consequences are manifested in the form of unstable working backlight, which constantly blinks and the image is covered with multi-colored moving ripples.

  • If the phone was only recently purchased, and the firmware has not yet been updated, and the attitude towards it was reverent and neat, then we are dealing with a marriage, and even the popular Xiaomi Redmi 3 sometimes blinks the screen due to a manufacturing error. Please contact your retailer with proof of purchase and warranty. Insistently demand a complete replacement of the device with a new one with a warranty countdown from the current day in order to avoid a recurrence of the problem in the future and save time and nerves for constant running around service centers;
  • If the phone gets wet or is damaged by accidental dropping, the matrix may be damaged. Usually, in this case, flickering is accompanied by non-working areas on the screen, which sometimes do not respond to pressing. In this case, you should contact the service center for a complete replacement of the matrix.
  • The third option is when, with a strong impact, the matrix cable jumps out of the groove, due to poor contact.
  • Check the battery - an old or damaged battery sometimes produces insufficient voltage to adequately operate a powerful display, this is often accompanied by subtle, but very unpleasant ripples, especially visible against a white background.

Display flickering is one of the most annoying problems that interferes with normal phone use. Correctly identifying the problem will help you fix the problem as soon as possible by returning to normal smartphone use.

The phone screen flashes.

A strange thing happened to my gadget the other day. Samsung Galaxy S3 screen flickers on and off... By and large, I tensed a little, although the phone is not completely new (about 2 years old), but I would not like to lose it. At first I thought it was a glitch. But after the 3rd day I realized that something was wrong.

First of all, I decided to immediately transfer all the necessary information and contacts to the cloud. The program helped with the second. Then, having installed the application, I checked the characteristics of the smartphone.

Smartphone screen flickering: the reason

1. Broken display.

I will not hide the fact that I first of all thought about it. This may be strange to some, but for me this is one of the easiest solutions to the problem. Firstly, I already have a spare display, and secondly, I can easily solve the problem myself, without the help of a service center.

2. Chip problems that controls the screen. This is what I feared the most. At home, I would not have done the repair myself, and there is no specialized equipment. Moreover, the work is very painstaking. And as far as I know, this problem appears rather rarely.

3. Outdated / outdated firmware... I was hoping for this breakdown. On the one hand, I always waited for a moment to have a reason to reflash the gadget, on the other, it was not a very expensive procedure.

4. The display may flicker if moisture gets in. This I ruled out at once.

5. Battery.

Here is something, and I did not attach any importance to the last point. As the saying goes: "But I didn't notice the elephant." Most likely because you always expect something more serious, for which you are constantly preparing, and as a result, "shoots" in an unforeseen place. And the testers did not show any problems with it.

The blinking and shutdown of the screen was caused by an exhausted battery. By replacing which, I got rid of the problem.

Secret codes for Android

Samsung smartphones certainly stand out for their quality and sleek design. But it is possible that in 1.5 - 2 years the owners are faced with some problems that are very common for these models. The presence or absence of these breakdowns directly depends on the country of origin, and if the owner got a smartphone from Taiwan, then 48 gadgets out of 100 will eventually have problems with the screen. Therefore, if on a Samsung Galaxy, it is easy to deteriorate. Most often this happens due to a careless attitude towards them;

  • Insufficient battery power. A common reason that owners often bypass because they do not understand the relationship between the parts of a smartphone. The battery of a gadget, like any other, has a certain period of full use and loses its power qualities over time, especially when the warranty on it ends;
  • Closing the tracks of the microcircuit. Difficult to detect breakdown, which can only be identified and repaired at an authorized service center. This is due to the ingress of moisture and dust during use in adverse weather conditions.
  • The above list is not all the reasons due to which it may flicker screen samsung... If the owner really values ​​his phone, then he will not diagnose malfunctions, and even more so, repair it on his own. First, it is easy to break other parts, which can be much more expensive to replace. Secondly, you can waste money on something that is not the cause of the breakdown. For example, most people immediately resort to replacing the display, the price of which, depending on the manufacturer, varies from 6 to 12 thousand rubles at a time when only a new firmware is needed. Thirdly, the official service will not only save the budget by fixing the breakdown inexpensively, but also save time if the client needs delivery at a time convenient for him.