How to send a video or a musical postcard to Odnoklassniki, as well as a private or free gift to a friend - find out right now from the provided article.

Modern life is increasingly taking us away from reality into the virtual world. For shopping, we now often go not to the nearest shopping center, but to the online store. And in order to please a friend or just a person you like, we send congratulations or a present on the social network. After all, this is very simple to do. You don’t have to leave the house and you don’t even have to meet. It is enough to send a gift to Odnoklassniki. I must admit that this social network is especially active, in comparison with others, develops the gift direction. If you still do not know how to present virtual presentations, but want to learn, this material will be very useful to you.

Let's find out how to send free gifts to Odnoklassniki. We warn you right away that gratuitous (for your wallet) gifts are allowed to be sent only to friends. And by the way, the choice of such presents is extremely small. If the person you want to make happy is not your friend yet, but get ready to fork out. You will have to pay for the gift with Odnoklassniki's virtual currency - OK. And they are bought for quite real money.

To make a gift to your friend on Odnoklassniki, you can use several methods. The first one is:

    Log into your profile, open the "Friends" section;

    Place the mouse cursor on the photo of the friend you want to please;

    A menu will open, in which select the "Make a gift" command;

    Choose what you want to donate;

    Fill in the fields in the accompanying form (if you wish) or tick the box that your gift is private (what this means, read below);

    Finish sending by clicking on the "Gift" button.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to send a gift in Odnoklassniki not to a friend, use the above algorithm. Just go to the "Guests" section or find the user to whom you want to address a gift through search engine.

The second way to gift your friends:

    Open the "Gifts" section, located under the main photo in your profile;

    Find a suitable gift and click on it with the left mouse button;

    Photos of all your friends will appear, select the person you need or enter his name in the search box;

    Write a message (if you want) that will accompany the gift, or mark that this present is private;

    By clicking the "Present" button, send a gift.

The third way, how to send free gifts to Odnoklassniki, of course, is also suitable for purchased presents. Follow these steps:

    Select a gift on the main photo of the page or in the feed, click on it;

    In the window that appears, mark your choice again by clicking on the gift;

    Mark to whom you intend this present;

    Fill out the accompanying form, complete everything by clicking the "Gift" button.

I must warn you that the last two methods will not work if the user is not your friend on Odnoklassniki.

A friend or other member of a social network may not appreciate the present and reject it. But if he agreed to accept your virtual gift, you will receive a notification about this. And the main photo of the person who has accepted your sign of attention will immediately be decorated with a beautiful picture with pleasant words. By the way, gifts can remain in limbo and wait for the recipient's approval for a very long time, up to 2 years. After this time, the gift will simply disappear, it will be impossible to receive it. By the way, if the present you made is rejected, the OK spent on purchasing it will be returned to your account. But in the case when the gifted for some reason removed the gift sticker sent by you, the money will be lost.

In addition, you will not be able to send a gift to the user who blacklisted you. You cannot give free presents, as well as those that are available when you activate the All Inclusive service, to site members with private profiles.

Do you know how many gifts a profile on Odnoklassniki can display at the same time? Now the capacity of the personal page allows you to accept up to 100 presentations at a time. And those that do not fit do not disappear anywhere if the addressee approved them. They are stored in a special section. It's easy to enter it:

    Click on the word "Gifts" in the menu on the left of your profile;

    On the new page also in the left column find the subsection "My gifts";

Gifts on Odnoklassniki can be public, private or secret. Public presentations in full view of everyone. The user himself and each of his friends or guests who have looked at the profile can find out who the sender is. Just hover the cursor over the sticker. A private gift is also visible to everyone, but the donor's name is open only to the recipient. The rest of the network participants will not recognize him.

To obtain classes of Odnoklassniki in large volume, go to the presented page - increase the popularity of your profile or community at extremely cheap prices.

We will now tell you how to send a private gift to Odnoklassniki. Giving someone a gift and hiding your name is easy. When you submit it, please check the appropriate line. In addition, the recipient can also make your present private. Then, receiving it, he must select this option.

Users of Odnoklassniki are interested in the question of whether it is possible to somehow figure out the mysterious donor. The site administration excludes this possibility. His name is reliably hidden, it remains only to be lost in conjecture. However, it happens that a secret present is sent with bad intentions. The recipient is offended or insulted. Such a nuisance must be reported to the Site Support Service. There are no secrets for her specialists. And insults are a violation of the rules of a social network.

By the way, Odnoklassniki believe that the user can send a gift not to someone else, but to himself. Why not please yourself? And if you want the present to be rich, you have to think about how to earn OK in Odnoklassniki. We can suggest acceptable options.

On Odnoklassniki, gifts are divided not only by the degree of openness (public, private and secret), but also by other characteristics. The cooler the picture, the longer it will adorn your friend's profile, whether it is static or moving - this depends on the price of the product in OK. For example, a free gift will remain on the recipient's page for only 2 days. And a regular gift that will last 7 days costs 35 OK, a large one - already up to 50. They offer to pay 60 OK for animation. A separate tariff applies for musical accompaniment - another 10 OK to the main cost. If you are ready to pay, read how to send a musical postcard to Odnoklassniki. The procedure is simple:

    Go to the gift showcase in any of the ways described above;

    Select a gift before sending, use the "Add a song" function.

As you understand, it is easy to voice a virtual presentation. There would be 10 OK in your account. But so far, the Odnoklassniki website does not provide gifts in video format. But you can still do it. True, such a present is sent only in messages, so only the addressee himself can see it. Even friends will not notice this sign of attention. Let's look at the options on how to send a video postcard to Odnoklassniki.

You can do this: download the video that you want to make a gift to your computer, then drag it to Odnoklassniki. How to add a video without much effort, you can find out from us. Then write a message with congratulations to your friend or any user, and attach a video to it. There is a paperclip icon for this action. He will open a menu where you should select the line "Video" and take it from the site.

There is another option in which you do not have to download the plot to your computer.

    Log into your personal profile, open the "Messages" section and select a dialogue with the one to whom you want to send the video postcard;

    In another tab, open YouTube, find a suitable video, select and copy the link from the address bar;

In addition, in the section "Messages" appeared new function, which allows you to send your friends audio and video materials you recorded yourself. So if you have equipment for shooting and sound recording at hand, create copyright greetings. Talk, sing, dance and send your videos as an exclusive gift. We described in detail how to do this in the article "How to send and read messages on Odnoklassniki".

And also in Odnoklassniki there was a "Gift Designer". Each user can be creative and make a personal gift by choosing a photo, inscription, decoration. However, even a gift made by yourself, according to the rules of the site, will not be free.

And to increase popularity, as well as to maintain relevance in the social network Odnoklassniki, there is a function of sending postcards to your friends, colleagues, classmates, classmates and relatives.

The reason for sending postcards can be both major holidays, that is, Birthday, New Year, victory in competitions, Wedding, and so on, and not so, this category includes the wish of a great day, good luck, more smiles and the like.

But not everyone knows.

In this regard, this article will explain in detail and clearly all the capabilities of Odnoklassniki in this direction.

So, first of all, you need to log into your account, and then select the "Gifts" tab.

You can try your luck with free postcards. You can find such postcards in the "Relevant" tab. So feel free to go over and choose from free ones. There are not many of them, but you can always find something suitable.

Having chosen the postcard that you liked the most or approached the occasion better, click on it, and a list of users who have the opportunity to send it comes out.

You can enter in the search line the name of the user to whom this card will be addressed, or choose immediately (if you do not have many friends)

The developers give a chance to write some nice words in addition to the postcard. The message is 200 characters long.

It is also possible to send a postcard so that no one else can see it. This can be done with a single click on the "Private" icon.

And if you know the music that is perfect for this postcard, then confidently select the necessary music by clicking on the "Add Song" tab

At the end of all the above actions, click on "Present".

When choosing free postcards, you must have noticed paid postcards as well.

Of course, the choice is greater and the search options are wider.

So now we will talk about how to send a postcard to classmates, which costs several OKs.

Let's get started.

The first point coincides with the previous instruction, we go to our page.

Only now we select the "Games" tab

After that, in the search line, type the word "Postcards" and click on the page you like. For example, we chose the very first one.

We choose a postcard from the categories presented or from the popular ones (if there are suitable ones). Let's say we need birthday cards.

After choosing a postcard, click on it. In paid postcards, there are some additions to the design of the postcard before sending. That is, in addition to "choosing a melody" (1), "sending in secret" (2) and the ability to write a few pleasant words (4), the ability to listen to your chosen melody and view an animated postcard (5) is added.

After selecting a postcard and completing it, click send. Further actions are identical with sending free postcards.

There is also another way to send paid postcards.

With start page go to the "Postcards" tab

You can choose a topic in the search line or find a suitable postcard in the ones presented below. After that we click on the required postcard and send it using the "Present" button.

Congratulations! Now you know, how to send a postcard to classmates different ways.

Thanks for attention! Good luck!

Hello, friends! Not always we can personally congratulate a person on some holiday. In such situations, the phone and social networks help out: they called and said a couple of pleasant words, or sent a beautiful postcard with wishes.

The opportunity to send a postcard is also available in Odnoklassniki. This can be done both for a fee (for OK) and for free. If you pay, then a fragment of the picture will be displayed on your friend's avatar, and many users will be able to see it. Well, if you don't want to pay, then you can send the picture in a message, or upload it to your profile and add a congratulatory comment to it so that all your friends can see it in the discussions, or you can simply mark the person in the image. Let's take a look at several ways in order of how to send a postcard to Odnoklassniki for free or by buying it for OK, and you yourself will decide which one is best for you.

In the message

Let's start by sending postcards in messages. This function has appeared recently (at the time of this writing) and to use it, you just need to open a dialog with the desired user and select a picture. The list includes both paid and free ones. Only the recipient can see it.

So, in the top menu, click on the "Messages" button. Then select the desired user in the list on the left and click on it - a window for correspondence will open. In the text entry field, click on the smiling face - "Smilies and stickers".

Then select the first tab with a suitable name. The first picture will be free - 0 OK, all the rest from 1 Oka and above. If you are ready to pay, then use the search bar and find an image on a suitable topic: Birthday, New Year, March 8. Click on the selected one to send a postcard to a friend.

When a friend opens the chat, they will see a postcard, as shown in the screenshot below. By clicking on Play, he can watch the animation.

From the section Gifts

Another option you can use is to find the card in the Gifts section and send it. If you pay, then a fragment of it will be shown on the avatar of the person you congratulate. If you need to send free postcards, then find the ones you need in the list, save them to your computer, and then send a message to the right person (in this case, only the recipient will see them).

On the main page of the profile, in the menu under the avatar, click on the "Gifts" item.

Select "Postcards" from the list on the left.

Find the one that you like and that fits the meaning. There are also musical cards on the list, they are not cheap, but they also look beautiful. By placing italics on an image, its price will appear below it. When you decide, click on the selected one.

In the window that opens, select the friend to whom you want to send a greeting card.

Then see what its price is, and how many Shackles you have. If you want, you can send it privately (the recipient will know who it is from) or secretly (no one will know who the card is from). Click on the Play icon to watch it. If everything fits, click "Submit".

Now I’ll tell you what to do if you don’t want to pay. Find your favorite postcard in the list and click on it. Then right-click on the image and select "Save as ...".

On the left, select the folder on your computer where it will be saved. In the example, I specified "Desktop". You can rename the picture. You do not need to touch the "file type". Click "Save".

After saving the postcard, you need to send it. To do this, go to messages, select the chat with the right person on the left, click on the paper clip and click on the "Video" item in the list.

Then you need to click the "Send video from computer" button.

On the left, open the same folder where you saved the image. Then find it in the middle and select it with a mouse click. Click "Open".

Wait until the attached video is fully loaded. In the field for entering a message, you can write something, and then send a postcard - an orange button with a white airplane.

Although none of the users, except the recipient, will see the postcard you sent, the friend will be happy. It looks beautiful, you can write some congratulation text on your own. By clicking on the play button, you can view it.

Search for postcards in the Group

Beautiful postcards: musical, animated or video fragments can be found in the corresponding groups. Such images can either be sent for a fee so that it is displayed on the user's main photo, or for free - by saving them to the Gifa album, and then sending them in a personal message.

This method is very similar to the one described in the previous paragraph, only there we looked for pictures in the corresponding section of "Gifts", and here we will look for a suitable group.

On your page, under the main photo, click the "Groups" menu item.

If it suits you, you can “Join” it, so as not to waste time on searches in the future. If not, go back to the previous point and choose another. Since all postcards are sorted by "Photo Albums", click on this item.

To display them all, click "Show more". Next, select an album with a suitable theme and click on it.

Find an interesting postcard and click on the button with a gift - "Present a picture" on it.

Click on the right person.

Place italics over the picture and select the area that will be displayed on the friend's avatar by moving the markers - the top right will show how it will look. Pay attention to the price. You can send the picture privately. At the end, click "Present".

After the recipient accepts the postcard, it will be visible to everyone on his main profile photo.

To send postcards for free, hover over the cursor you like and click on the plus sign in the left corner - "Add to Gifa's album".

Now you need to open this album. In the menu under the avatar on your page, select "Photo".

Click on the album with the name we need.

Find the added image in it and click on it with the mouse.

When it opens in view mode, you can add a description to it, and then click Get Link.

The field you clicked on will turn blue and a link to the picture will appear. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Copy" from the menu.

Open a dialogue with the one you want to congratulate, put italics in the field for entering a message, then right-click on this field and select "Paste".

After the picture is loaded and its thumbnail is shown, select the link, right-click on it and click "Delete".

Your friend will receive it in this form - the wish above and the picture itself.

By clicking on the image, it will open in full screen.

Sending an Image Saved to a Computer

Well, the last way that we will consider is searching greeting card on the Internet, saving it to your computer, then adding it to your profile. In this case, you can mark the person you want to congratulate on it, and create a note with an image that all friends will see. This method is free and the user will receive a notification that you marked him in the photo. You can send any postcard, congratulating a person on any holiday: Easter, New Year, birthday, angel's day and others.

So, search the internet for a suitable image. For example, I opened Yandex.Pictures, wrote the theme of the holiday (happy birthday) in the search bar and chose the one that I liked. Here is the link: 20 (copy and paste it into the browser address bar).

Wait for it to load. Next, we will make a note with her, write a congratulation in it and mark a friend on the image. Type your note text in the top box. Click on the pencil, which is in the picture at the bottom left, and select "Mark friends" from the list.

Click with the mouse in the place where the mark should be, and select a friend from the block that appears. Then click Finish.

By the way, this method is suitable if you want to congratulate several friends at once. For example, there will be a Happy New Year greeting card. Mark several users on it, and they will receive your congratulations.

The person you indicated on the postcard will receive a notification that you have tagged him and will be able to see the photo. If he also comments on it, for example, says thank you, then the card will also appear in the discussions.

What happened as a result: you marked the user in the picture, he learns about it through notifications, and it is automatically added to his page in the "Photos with me" album; it is seen by all your friends in their feed, and if the recipient comments on it, then, having appeared in the discussions, all his friends can also see it.

It is quite simple to congratulate a user on Odnoklassniki who is on your friends list. Choose one of the described methods, and you can send him a postcard for any occasion.

If you have your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network, then you definitely have no time to get bored: after all, millions of other users are around you every day, who are looking for old and new friends here, as well as simply interesting interlocutors. In addition, the administration of the site is constantly working, coming up with and implementing new ways to diversify your leisure time and beautify communication with loved ones. But, many of us do not know about some of the functions or simply do not really understand how to use them, so today we will tell you in detail how to send a postcard to Odnoklassniki for free to any of our friends or acquaintances.

What are postcards for Odnoklassniki?

This is the name of one of the types of gifts that can be sent through this site to your friend or any other user. Usually, they are thematic, but, of course, you can find a picture dedicated to a birthday, a name day, or just a beautiful declaration of love.

For the most part, such postcards are paid, and they can be purchased for the special currency of the site - Oki, but you can also search for free options. The administration of the social network carefully monitors that for all the holidays users can find the appropriate pictures and be sure to replenish this collection with more and more images.

How to give a postcard to a friend for free in Odnoklassniki?

If you decide to congratulate your loved one on a significant event for both of you using a postcard, then follow our instructions.

You can also send a postcard to someone who is not yet your friend. To do this, you need to do the following:

Sending a personal message

But, here's the question, what to do if none of the offered pictures interested you or all of them turned out to be paid? In this case, you can send a picture found on any other site and loaded into the memory of your phone or computer to your friend or acquaintance with help. messages. This can be done as follows:

If standard pictures do not roll

Before sending a postcard to Odnoklassniki for free, you need to go to the Yandex or Google search engine:

Now you know how to send free postcard in Odnoklassniki and do not spend additional funds.

If you have extra money, then you can always use special applications on the social network and send musical and animation images to all your friends. These apps have both simple greeting drawings and catchy musical gifts.

That's all! It is quite simple and affordable even for those who are just starting their journey among social networks... And now you know exactly how to congratulate a friend, a loved one or your grandfather with a postcard on the next holiday in Odnoklassniki. Remember that our attention is very valuable for loved ones and show it with or without reason! And if you still have questions on this topic, then do not forget to write about them in the comments to this article, and you will definitely get an answer.

send a card