The developers of the popular social service at the end of February 2013 changed the functionality of managing public pages and brought them as close as possible to managing groups.

Absolutely all communities have established a unified system of authority for leaders, which includes the following three levels: “administrator”, “moderator” and “editor”. A little below, the rights and capabilities of each of them will be discussed in detail.

Please read the instructions below very carefully before deciding to enroll other users as leaders of your community.

Competence of the “Moderator”.
The “moderator” is endowed with the least rights of all levels of leadership. His direct responsibilities include overseeing the observance of order. All "moderator" rights can be grouped into the following three groups:

1. The right to delete comments and entries in discussions.

The “moderator” has the right to:
- Delete absolutely all comments of a certain user for the last week.
- Remove topics in discussions that were created by users.

The “moderator” has no rights to:
- Remove comments on behalf of the community.
- Removing topics in discussions that were created by leaders.

2. The right to delete photos, videos, audio recordings, content.

The “moderator” has no rights to:
- Removing photos, videos, audio recordings that were added by other managers.

3. The right to blacklist and invite new members to the community

The “moderator” has the right to:
- Invite and approve new members.
- Add to the "black" list and remove members from the community.
- Remove participants from the "black" list.
The “moderator” has no rights to:
- Adding to the "black" list and removing from the community more than a hundred members per day.

Powers of the "Editor":

In addition to all of the above “moderator” rights, the “editor” rights also include the authority to manage content, design the community, and work with the community wall.

1. The right to external design of the community:

- Fully manage the community avatar, as well as edit the community status.
- View and modify community “wiki pages” that are protected by privacy settings.
- Pin community posts.

2. Right to publish and manage content:

- Upload, edit and delete photos and community photo albums.
- Fully control all community audio and video recordings.
- Work with documents.
- Manage topics in discussions and the ability to edit comments from participants.

3. Right to the wall:
- Create, edit and delete posts on behalf of the community.
- Work with the news that is offered.

In addition to all this, the “editor” has the rights to view community statistics and change its privacy settings.

The prerogative of the “Administrator”.
The “administrator” is the highest level of governance in the community. He already has absolutely all the powers of a “moderator” and “editor” at his disposal. Try to be extremely careful when assigning “administrators” to other users.

The “Administrator” has rights to:

- Assign and remove community leaders.
- Edit absolutely all information about the community, including the short address and name of the community.
- Customize RSS feed formats and sync Twitter clients.
- Work with different applications: add applications to the community, or, conversely, specify the community as the official group of the application.

By appointing a user as a "manager" you also have the right to choose whether or not to display the "manager" in the contact block.

Some more changes in the management of public pages:

1. Now it is possible to remove members of public pages from the list of subscribers. Previously, this could only be done by adding a user to the black list.
2. Introduced an instant search for subscribers, which can only work in those communities that have more than one thousand members.

Well, that seems to be all for now.)))

Group management includes the ability to assign group administrators, remove from the post of administrator, remove members, view statistics, and the like.

The group is managed directly from the page of your group in VKontakte. To do this, go to the "My Groups" section, select "Management" from above and find the desired group.

Go to the section "Community Management" - in the menu on the right under the main photo.

From above, select the "Participants" tab.

In the list of participants, you can use the search to find the desired or required. You will have the opportunity to appoint a member as an administrator, or to exclude him from the group.

Whoever you appoint as an administrator, you can never be excluded from the group, blocked or the like. The creator of the group will have more rights than any administrator, even if they leave the group.

When appointing someone as a leader, you choose what rights the group member will have.

"Moderator" can delete unnecessary messages, add to and remove users from the blacklist. The "editor" can change everything related to text and photographs. "Administrator" has almost the same rights as the creator, can give administrator rights to other users.

The lower column is intended so that the administrator can be seen in the contact list of the group, or vice versa. If you do not check this box, then the administrator will not be visible.

In the "Managers" subsection, you can change the rights of the leader (except for the creator of the group), remove from the position of the leader or completely remove from the group.

To add a group to the blacklist, you first need to find out the user's address. To do this, go to his page and copy the address from the address bar (copy Ctrl + C).

The full address is not needed, the id is enough, that is, what comes after "".

Return to the "community management", go to the "Blacklist" tab and paste the copied address (paste Ctrl + V). It remains to click "Add to blacklist".

A window appears to clarify the choice of user lock. The blocking period is selected - for an hour, for a day, for a week, for a month, for a year or forever. In the second field, the reason is selected - spam (advertising messages), insulting participants, off-topic messages or obscene expressions. Additionally, you can write a comment in addition to the deletion.

Here you can also remove a user from the blacklist, or change the reason for their appearance in the group's blacklist.

Next to users, information about adding to the blacklist is indicated, which is useful if there are many group administrators.

On the main page, in the menu on the right, there is a column for changing the type of community. You can change the group to a public page and vice versa.

Creation and management of the VKontakte group

Your own Vkontakte group is an opportunity to realize your talents, find new friends with the same interests, and, most importantly, earn income. Many companies and individuals that provide a wide range of services (cosmetology, nail services, hairdressing, tailoring) use groups on the social network to promote themselves. You need to figure out how to properly create such a community, and learn how to rationally manage it.

Creation of the "VKontakte" group

  • It all starts with registering on the network and creating a personal profile, while a mobile phone number must be linked to the page, which increases the degree of account protection;
  • Next, go to the "My Groups" section, where you select the "Create Community" button.

You will see the task of choosing the type of group:

  • Group - a community, which can be both closed and open, created for active communication between friends;
  • Public page - is an open official community that is suitable for promoting both individuals and companies;
  • An event is a community created for the implementation of certain events - concerts, performances of musical groups, memorable events in clubs, etc.

After choosing the type of group, you need to go to the button "Create community".

Going to the page describing the community, you will need to specify the topic, select its type "Open / Closed", determine the possibility of participation of group users in discussions, posting materials in audio, video format on the wall of the group. After making the settings, you should save the data and your group is ready.

Management of the VKontakte group

Group management means assigning and removing administrators, adding and removing users, viewing statistics. But first of all, you should start by uploading a group avatar that will attract the desired audience.

  • First, you need to select a personal one from the list in “My groups”, go to the “Management” tab;

  • Next, in the window that opens, select "Community Management", the line of which is located first under the group's avatar.

  • By selecting the "Members" tab, you can define the role of one or more users from the list that appears (the moderator filters messages and users, the editor changes the text, photos, the administrator determines the rights of other users) or change it. In this case, the page creator will always have more rights than any of the users.

  • You can move a user to the black list by copying his address. In the "Community Management", by going to the "Blacklist" tab, add the copied id.

In the window that appears, select the time, blocking time, reason, comment. It also allows you to remove a user from the list or change the reason for being in it.

How do you need to manage a group in VK and keep order?

Good day to all, my dear friends and visitors to my blog How are your communities doing there? Yes Yes. Are you filling up with subscribers? I hope so, because today you and I will learn how to manage a group in VK, keep track of its order, in general, how to become mayor and sheriff at the same time.

All controls are contained in the eponymous item in your community. You just need to enter your group and select "Community Management".


In this block, you simply change information about your group, i.e. you can change the name, address, subject, type of displayed content. I already talked about this in one of the previous articles. By the way, I will change the address of the group, since such an opportunity presented itself.


Here we will act as real sheriffs, namely, to follow the participants. First, be sure to watch the participants for dogs. Remember I said in my previous article that when you add people from the Olike service, some of them will turn into dogs. You are welcome. So they began to appear.

Remove these dogs from the community. This is garbage, and the garbage must be taken out of the house. Also here. Keep your community clean. You can also remove other unwanted people if they are guilty and you do not need them.

But here we are as sheriff, so we can not only expel, but also appoint assistants. As a group grows, it can be difficult to manage alone, so you can hire an assistant or group administrator. To do this, click opposite the person you need (you can find him by search) "Appoint as a manager".

This will open a new window where you will have to select the type of manager to be appointed:

  • Moderator - removes content that the community considers unnecessary.
  • Editor - can not only delete and edit materials, but also write and publish materials himself. In addition, he can edit and change the main photo of the group.
  • Administrator - Well, this species can do anything, even appoint new leaders.

When you click on "Display in content block", you will be able to see the link to the page of this person in the "Contacts" block.

Black list

Here you can send offended boys and girls to the blacklist. Moreover, you can send them here for a certain time, for example, for an hour, or forever. To do this, you just need to go to the page of the user you want to punish and copy the address of his page. After that, paste this address into a special line and click "Add to blacklist".

A new window will open for you, where you will have to set the blocking period (for example, a week) and the reason for being blacklisted (for example, an insult). Well, at the same time, explain to the person why he was banned in the comments, for example, “What are you doing, you scoundrel? Ofigel or what? " Well, I'm just kidding) The comment should be left adequate.

By the way, if you don't want to see this villain in the group at all, you can leave him on the list forever. Many people think it is easier to delete, but in the case of normal deletion, it can always come back. So add to the list too.


Look, there is still my crocodile hang, which I installed from the Olike service, when I needed to fill the group with the first subscribers.

Well, that's like everything I wanted to tell you about group management. Everything seems to be absolutely simple. What do you think?

So you can already safely administer your group in VK. You already know all the basics. But if you want to do it on a professional level, to administer other people's communities on a paid basis, then it is best to go through a professional 2-month training, where you will be taught how to properly administer groups, how to find employers, how to present yourself, etc.

Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope you liked the article, so do not forget to subscribe to blog article updates and share with your friends on social networks. And be sure to check out the other blog posts. You will surely find something interesting for yourself. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

New powers to manage Vkontakte communities

The developers of the popular social service at the end of February 2013 changed the functionality of managing public pages and brought them as close as possible to managing groups.

Absolutely all communities have established a unified system of authority for leaders, which includes the following three levels: “administrator”, “moderator” and “editor”. A little below, the rights and capabilities of each of them will be discussed in detail.

Please read the instructions below very carefully before deciding to enroll other users as leaders of your community.

Competence of the “Moderator”. The “moderator” is endowed with the least rights of all levels of leadership. His direct responsibilities include overseeing the observance of order. All "moderator" rights can be grouped into the following three groups:

1. The right to delete comments and entries in discussions.

The “moderator” has the right to: - Delete absolutely all comments of a certain user for the last week.

- Remove topics in discussions that were created by users.

The “moderator” has no rights to: - Delete comments on behalf of the community.

- Removing topics in discussions that were created by leaders.

2. The right to delete photos, videos, audio recordings, content.

The “moderator” does not have the rights to: - Delete photos, videos, audio recordings that have been added by other managers.

3. The right to blacklist and invite new members to the community

“Moderator” has the right to: - Invite and approve new members. - Add to the "black" list and remove members from the community. - Remove participants from the "black" list. The “moderator” has no rights to:

- Adding to the "black" list and removing from the community more than a hundred members per day.

Powers of the "Editor":

In addition to all of the above “moderator” rights, the “editor” rights also include the authority to manage content, design the community, and work with the community wall.

1. The right to external design of the community: - Full rights to manage the avatar of the community, as well as edit the status of the community. - View and modify community “wiki pages” that are protected by privacy settings.

- Pin community posts.

2. The right to publish and manage content: - Upload, edit and delete photos and photo albums of the community. - Fully control all community audio and video recordings. - Work with documents.

- Manage topics in discussions and the ability to edit comments from participants.

3. The right to the wall: - Create, edit and delete posts on behalf of the community.

- Work with the news that is offered.

In addition to all this, the “editor” has the rights to view community statistics and change its privacy settings.

The prerogative of the “Administrator”. The “administrator” is the highest level of governance in the community. He already has absolutely all the powers of "moderator" and "editor" at his disposal. Try to be extremely careful when assigning “administrators” to other users.

The “Administrator” has rights to:

- Assign and remove community leaders. - Edit absolutely all information about the community, including the short address and name of the community. - Customize RSS feed formats and sync Twitter clients.

- Work with different applications: add applications to the community, or, conversely, specify the community as the official group of the application.

By appointing a user as a "manager" you also have the right to choose whether or not to display the "manager" in the contact block.

Some more changes in the management of public pages:

1. Now it is possible to remove members of public pages from the list of subscribers. Previously, this could only be done by adding a user to the black list. 2. Introduced an instant search for subscribers, which can only work in those communities that have more than one thousand members.

Well, that seems to be all for now.)))

We are glad to welcome you again, friends, on the pages of the blog site and be useful to you in the development of the Internet space. Rimma Belyakina is in touch with you.

In the last article, I had the pleasure of telling you. Today you will learn about useful services, programs and applications for administrators of VK groups, created to help them.

Without special applications, VK community admins and SMM specialists would have had a hard time because of the routine, they would have to do all the work literally by hand. It is good that today dozens of powerful tools have been created and are actively used, designed to significantly facilitate the work of administrators.

What are the applications and what are they for

Not everyone, however, knows what applications are, how they work, and what they are for. Let's first understand the terminology.

For the sake of modernity, an application is also called an applet (from the English application), which, in fact, is translated as “application”. Over time, application has become an abbreviated app, and let is a diminutive appended to denote a small component in a large software, that is, such a small application program is obtained. And it is needed to perform certain user tasks or solve some problems.

This functionality allows you to improve interaction with subscribers, significantly saves time for administering groups and at the same time serves as a platform for promoting services.

Top ten

Many creative services can compete for the ranking of the most common group administration assistants. At the moment, there are a lot of them and it is easy to get lost in the choice. In addition, different services perform different tasks.

In my opinion, these are the best ones that deserve attention in the first place.

Group management

1. Moderator
An excellent assistant, one might say "magic wand" of any administrator. Allows you to keep abreast of all events in the group, to establish prompt feedback with subscribers, to control the receipt of all comments, messages and proposed posts, to fight spam. Allows you to see who joined or left the group. A kind of community analyzer.

2. VK Admin
A powerful tool for managing communities from a mobile device. In the official group of the application, you can download versions for Android and iOS.

Functional features of the application:

  • publishing posts,
  • moderation,
  • appointment and removal of managers,
  • communication with clientele,
  • tracking statistics,
  • editing products,
  • community clearance and other operations.

3. SmmBox
It will help if there is no time to search and select content. The search is carried out by keywords or categories, and the deferred posting function in no time will cope with filling several communities at the same time for several days or weeks in advance.

There is an official video that will not leave your questions unanswered.

4. SMMplanner
Auto-posting service, automates the work of the community administrator in creating a schedule of posts in the well-known social media. networks. A simple and convenient service that makes it possible to plan content for a long time ahead. Works with pictures, links, videos.

5. CleverPub
Advanced SMM service for managing VKontakte groups. It performs many functions at the same time, including auto-posting, is easy to use, and provides access to various kinds of analytics.


6. SocialHammer
Quite a popular service for the promotion and promotion of VKontakte and Instagram accounts. Automatic service working on a 24/7 system.

The services offered by SocialHammer include:

  • friend invitations,
  • group invitations,
  • reposting from communities,
  • answering machine,
  • like
  • search for the target audience.

For more information about the service, see this video.

7. Sociate
An effective and convenient service for advertising on social networks. Administrators - for work, SMMs - to promote the community through advertising.

8. Epicstars
Online platform for advertising on social media. Automates the advertising process. By adding a page or account to the base, the platform will help you choose a site with a target audience and provide you with promotion statistics.


9. SocialStats (02/08/20 crash)
The most powerful universal analytics tool for communities and personal pages.

He is able to do a lot of things:

  • analysis of photo albums,
  • video statistics,
  • rating of interesting communities among members of your groups and friends,
  • wall post statistics and much more.

A visual introduction to SocialStats in this video.

10. AllSocial
Service of statistics of groups and publics. Analyzes and ratings communities, provides data on the number of subscribers, selects a platform for advertising through a search engine and various filters.

Other useful administration services

It is also worth paying attention to some other valid applications, since they are in a position to compete for the right to serve a faithful service in the administration and promotion of groups.

  • Adstamer (08.02.20 crash) is an advertising exchange with great benefits for group admins and advertisers.
  • Bosslike - free cheating of likes, followers in the quantity you need. Promote a group with Bosslike and enjoy popularity.
  • Do you have an internet project and are you interested in promoting it? Seo sprint will offer you many ways to promote it by attracting potential customers.
  • Starcomment is an application that allows you to monitor comments, reviews and new posts both in your own and in other people's communities. Good service too. More about it.
  • Want to know what your customers are saying about you? Babkee knows everything!
  • SocRocket will notify you of new posts, messages or comments to your e-mail or Telegram with cosmic speed.

If you have your own community, then they need to be managed (see). Publish new materials (see), moderate comments (see), invite and add new members (see).

You can perform all these manipulations yourself. But if the group is gaining popularity, you need helpers (see). You can assign them from among the participants. Now I will show you how to add an administrator to a Vkontakte group.

  • Moderator. We manage the community blacklist (see), as well as approve or remove custom content (see).
  • Editor. Responsible for publishing materials in the community (see)
  • Administrator. Almost full level of authority. Up to the appointment of administrators (see)

Depending on what functions the person will perform, you assign him the appropriate role (see).

How to assign an admin in a VKontakte group

Go to the desired community, open the menu and click.

Go to the "Participants" tab, then select "Leaders". Here you need to press the button "Add a manager".

A list of community members will open. Here you need to find a person to whom you will give a certain level of rights. Next to his page, click "Appoint as a leader".

A window will open in which you need to select the level of rights. Check the appropriate box. If necessary, check the box next to "Display in contact block"(cm. ). Then press "Appoint as a leader".

Today we will analyze how to create a group in VK and how to set it up in steps according to the needs of your business, so that the community brings maximum benefit. It will take 10-15 minutes for everything, just follow the instructions.

Creating a group in VKontakte is a very profitable investment of time and effort for several objective reasons:

  • The network audience itself is large and almost reached 100 million monthly active users according to 2017 data.
  • VK attracts people of different ages and views, which, unlike Odnoklassniki, where the lion's share of users are women of the older generation, allows you to promote any direction of business.
  • Many Vkontakte users literally live inside the community - they are looking for information and make purchases without going to external sites. The consequence of this is the uniqueness of the target audience (it has little overlap with traffic from the search engines Yandex and Google).
  • The technical functionality of the groups themselves allows you to conduct not only information projects, but also directly create showcases with goods and make sales through a special module, without investing in the development of an online store on a personal website.

The Vkontakte group (community) can be not only an addition to your main site, but also an independent tool for promoting your business or making direct money.

What types of communities are there in VK and what to choose?

Before starting to create a group, it is worth exploring the possibilities offered by the Contact for this. There are 3 options, each with their own merits and demerits.

The choice of a group option is available in the process of its creation; it is allowed to change the type of an existing project, but not more often than once a month. If you immediately misjudge your desires, then there will be nothing fatal in this, but it is better to plan everything correctly right away.

Option number 1. Group

This is the most democratic form of community, suitable for projects that involve the active participation of members in her life. Only a group allows all members to write on the wall, add photo albums and videos (if you allow them).

For a group, you can define access rules, it can be:

  • open - all comers join,
  • closed - each application requires the approval of the administration,
  • private - access only by personal invitation.

In groups, you can see the entire list of participants.

Main advantage: you can invite up to 40 friends daily by sending invitations.

This option is ideal at the start when you need to recruit a primary audience.

Option number 2. Public page

This format is not conducive to communication and discussion. Participants cannot post topics on the community wall and can only offer news to the moderators, which will be posted on behalf of the community upon approval.