If you have a tablet with Android OS, then most likely it will have a built-in Wi-Fi module. I have never seen a tablet without Wi-Fi, even the cheapest Chinese models are equipped with this type of wireless connection.

The instructions will be presented in two parts, first, the modem / router is configured, then the tablet is connected to a Wi-Fi access point. If you have been using this technology for a long time, but do not only know how to set up Wi-Fi on your tablet, you can skip the first part and go straight to the second.

Part 1. Enabling Wi-Fi on a modem or router

I assume that you have no idea at all what this "Wi-Fi" is, how to turn it on and how to use it. If I'm right, then you did the right thing to start reading the article from here, from the first part. I repeat, if you have everything set up for a long time, you use Wi-Fi on a laptop, then read part 2.

Before using home Wi-Fi on your tablet, you need to enable it on your modem. I hope your modem can create Wi-Fi networks. To make sure of this, read the instructions for the modem or look at its characteristics on the website. Look for words like "802.11" or "Wi-Fi" there. The easiest way to find out is to find a light indicator on the modem with the inscription "WLAN". If it is, then there is Wi-Fi.

If you do not know what to write here, try to find out this data from the one who set up the Internet for you or from the one who sold this modem to you. Alternatively, you can contact your internet service provider.

Further steps depend on the model of your modem. You need to find a menu item with a name like "WLAN" or "Wireless Lan". Search on the left in the menu. Check the box next to "Active Wireless LAN" or "Enable". Set the network security type to "WPA2-PSK". Give your name Wi-Fi networks in the "SSID" field and enter whatever password you want for your network in the "Pre-Shared Key" field. Click the "Apply" or "Submit" button to save the settings.

But that's not all. We go to the DHCP settings (this thing somehow distributes IP addresses to everyone who connects to the network). Depending on the model of the modem, these settings can be in a variety of places. The screenshot shows the possible location of such settings. Although in my modem from Zyxel they are hidden under the Network -> LAN -> DHCP Setup path. Enable DHCP, if disabled, by switching the checkbox to Enable. If DHCP is enabled, read the next paragraph. If there are no checkmarks, but there is a list, select the Server item opposite the DHCP item. After turning on, restart the modem (this can be done as in the modem settings interface, in which you are now actually located, or simply by pressing the button on the modem.

Part 2. Connecting the tablet via Wi-Fi

It remains only to connect the tablet to the newly created network. The actions will depend on the version of Android on your tablet. If you have version 4 or higher, the first Wi-Fi item is right in the settings. We include. If you have Android version 3, you also need to go to the wireless settings item. And there already turn on Wi-Fi.

After the device thinks, it will show you a list with found networks. Choose the network that you created in the 1st part (this network will be named as you named it in the “SSID” field), or which you already have and to which you have been connecting your laptop for a long time. Next, you will be asked to enter a password for her. Again, enter the password that you specified in the “Pre-Shared Key” field. After all the actions, the tablet should connect to the network, which you will recognize by the antenna icon that appears next to the clock.

Part 3. Endless IP address acquisition ...

The most common problem that users have when connecting the tablet via Wi-Fi is the constant “Obtaining an IP address” message. Its connection does not go further. There are several solutions to this problem:

- Rename the Wi-Fi network to English. As suggested in the comments, sometimes tablets do not connect to networks with Russian letters in their names.

- Enable DHCP server. How to enable it, read above, in the 1st part of this article at the very end.

- Change the type of encryption of the Wi-Fi network. You can change the type of protection in the Wi-Fi security settings (this is in the same place where you set the password and network name). Try to set some other value in the highlighted items. Fear not, you won't mess up the modem with your experiments. Restart the modem for the changes to take effect.

- Manually register IP addresses and DNS servers in the connection settings on the tablet. When connected to a Wi-Fi network, in the window where you are asked to enter the password, open the advanced settings menu. And there you will select IP Settings -> Custom. In the IP address field, enter your address, it looks like 192.168.1. *** (for example - In the Gateway field, enter or (check with your right-hand driver). And it remains to enter DNS, which are different for everyone, but which you can also find out from your Internet provider.

Users of modern smartphones know that it is possible to fully use all the functions of the device only if connected to high-speed internet... Despite the development of mobile 3G and 4G Internet technologies, many people prefer to use a Wi-Fi connection to access the network whenever possible. At the same time, situations often arise when the phone does not see Wi-Fi. Why this is happening and what to do to fix the problem, we will analyze in this article. But first, let's briefly dwell on an extremely interesting smartphone model with which you will definitely never have problems accessing the Internet. It.

Briefly about smartphones Wileyfox

We decided to pay attention to this promising young brand for a number of reasons. The company entered the mobile gadgets market in October 2015. Thanks to the significant advantages that each model from the Wileyfox line of smartphones possesses, the company managed to win not only the trust of users in a short time, but also to attract the interest of experts. These are functions and features such as:

  • Working with two SIM cards;
  • Support for 4G LTE mobile data networks;
  • Stylish original design and high-quality materials used in the manufacture of the case;
  • Powerful hardware and high quality component parts and elements;
  • Loyal pricing policy.

The new brand was noticed and received support, both in the market and in the expert environment. The most important achievements of the company:

  • Forbes magazine experts in December 2015 named the Wileyfox Swift model the smartphone of the year;
  • The brand won first place at the British Mobile News Awards-2016 in the manufacturer of the year nomination;
  • The authoritative Internet publication Hi-Tech Mail.ru, in October 2016, summing up the results, awards the Wileyfox Spark + model the first place in the nomination "Best smartphone up to 10,000 rubles."

The device attracts attention with its original design and powerful stuffing. The stylish modern model received a fingerprint scanner and an NFC module. Traditionally for modern smartphones, onboard Wileyfox Swift 2 there are Glonass, GPS and Assisted GPS navigation modules. High speed and performance are provided by a powerful 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor with an operating frequency of 1.4 GHz.

The model is equipped with 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. It is possible to install a microSDXC card up to 64 GB. The device received a 16-megapixel main camera and an 8-megapixel front camera module.

Most often, the problem of connecting a smartphone to a wireless Wi-Fi Internet appears if the distribution equipment is not a router, but a laptop. It is worth noting that, in fact, it does not matter which device is "distributing" access. This does not change the connection principle. The network is exactly the same as from the most ordinary router.

The only differences are that the router has a wider range of settings and parameters. Most often, the phone does not see the Wi-Fi network created on the laptop due to the fact that it was not organized correctly. So, for creating Wi-Fi network on the laptop there is the possibility of connecting the type "computer-computer". Your smartphone simply will not be able to recognize this type of network, since it is designed only to work with computers and laptops.

But if the network is organized by a router, but first you need to look at its parameters, since they are configured in the router. The fact is that the Android operating system on which your smartphone runs was created with the expectation that the user practically does not have to configure anything. And if your phone doesn't see Wi-Fi router, then most likely there is a problem in the router or laptop that distributes the Internet.

There can be only four reasons why the phone does not see Wi-Fi:

  • An error occurred when entering the network password (security key);
  • Incorrect router (router) settings;
  • Failure of the router (software freeze);
  • Android OS error.

The latter reason is extremely rare, but it should not be completely discounted. Now let's dwell on each of these reasons in more detail.

Often the phone cannot connect to the wireless Wi-Fi network because you enter the wrong security key. To make sure that all characters are entered correctly, put a tick in the Show password box when entering it. Check carefully the correctness of entering each character, taking into account the case and the key input language. You are probably entering the wrong password simply because you forgot it. In this case, you need to connect to the router.

This can be done only through a stationary computer or laptop. To enter the security settings of the router, you need to enter the IP address of your router in the address bar on your computer. This information is contained in the user manual for the router and on its chassis. But even if you don't know the address, the situation is not hopeless.

Just start the command line and run the IPCONFIG command, after executing which, you will receive all the information about the connections. In the window, find the line "Default gateway" - this is where the address you need to connect to the router is displayed. When you go to it in the address bar of the browser, you will need to log in. By default, the login and password are set to "admin".

After you connect to the router's management interface, you need to find the security settings menu. Depending on the router model, this menu can be in different places, but most often it is located in the advanced settings. In the line "Encryption key" you will find the password for entering the wireless network. It is he who should be entered when connecting a smartphone to Wi-Fi.

Router settings

The inability to connect a mobile gadget to a wireless network can also be explained by errors in the settings of the router. The problem may lie in the fact that modern routers work using DHCP technology, which means that connection information is sent to the smartphone automatically. This is what everyone counts on Android devices- they are waiting for an IP address to connect. But if the address is not sent, the connection becomes impossible.

The problem may be that this function is disabled on the router. To check this and enable it, you also need to go into the router settings. The option we need is in the "LAN" section. In this section, you need to enable DHCP by setting the "Allow" option. After that, you need to restart the router, and try to connect to the network using your phone.

The phone may not see or not connect to the network for the reason that the router is "frozen". Despite this failure, your laptop or computer can continue to work and connect to the Internet without any problems. A router malfunction can simply cause DHCP to hang. As a result, it turns out that the devices previously connected to the router are working normally, but the new one cannot connect. Similar problems can appear with other router options.

To exclude this possibility and fix the problem, just restart the router. To do this, you do not need to go into its settings, and you do not even need a laptop or computer. Just turn off the power of the router and turn it back on after a few minutes. After that, try to connect to the network from your smartphone again. It is worth noting that such problems are typical not only for budget routers. It's just that on expensive models, such errors occur less often.

Android OS crash

If, after you have checked all the probable causes of the router's malfunction, but you cannot connect to the network, the last option remains, why the phone does not see Wi-Fi - a malfunction of the operating system of the smartphone itself. Mobile gadgets have wireless adapters which can give errors or hang. In the case of the phone, no user settings are provided. Just try restarting your smartphone.


If, after doing all the above operations, you still could not connect to the network with your phone, the problem probably goes deeper. Try connecting to a different wireless network. If you are also pursued by failure, you need to seek help in repairing your phone model.

Why does the Android phone not see the WiFi network from the laptop? This question often worries users. It is worth noting that, it turns out the same network as with a conventional router. Therefore, the principle of its operation and settings is practically the same.

The only difference is that the router has more extensive and flexible parameters. In addition, you should know that you can organize an access point on a laptop in different ways. One of them is the organization of the "Computer-to-computer" connection. In this case, your phone or tablet simply will not detect the network, since it is designed exclusively for computers.

There can be many reasons for this. If you organized a network using a router, then first of all you will need to enter the parameters, since all settings are made exclusively in the router. How a Wi-Fi router works. If the network was created on a laptop, then you should go to the operating system settings. As you can see, you don't need to configure anything in the tablet or smartphone itself.

The fact is that the Android operating system is made in such a way that all the settings have already been entered and users simply have nothing to configure. Everything is extremely simple. Therefore, we will look for the cause of the error directly in the access point itself (in a router or laptop). So, let's take a closer look at both options.

Why Android Can't See WiFi Network: Video

Configuring the router

Very often Android does not see WiFi network because of the router. So let's go into the router menu and make any necessary adjustments. To do this, connect to an access point on a laptop or desktop PC. Open your favorite browser and write the router's IP in the address bar. How to find it out. As a rule, on the device itself there is a sticker with all the data. But if she's not there, necessary information can be found in the user manual. If there is no instruction, then we do the following.

Press two keys Windows + R at the same time. In the window that appears, write CMD and click "OK". Thus, we ran command line... Here you can see about the network the computer is connected to. To do this, write ipconfig and press "Enter". After that, you will see the connection details. Here you need to find the line "Default gateway". It is this address that we need to register in the browser. As a rule, most routers have such an IP - (but there are also such ones, It all depends on the model.

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

So, after we have registered the desired address, press "Enter". After that, we need to enter a username and password. Here we write admin, admin, respectively. If you changed these values, then enter your data.

That's it, we got into the parameters of the router. The interface may differ depending on the model and brand of the device. We will analyze further steps using the example of the D-LinkDir-615 router. But it is worth noting that all access points work according to the same principle, therefore, their configuration is practically the same. The difference lies only in the design of the menu and the title of some sections.

First of all, you should click on the "Advanced settings" button at the bottom of the screen. After that, additional sections will appear. We are interested in the item called "WiFi". Here we go into the basic settings.

First, check if the wireless connection is on. There should be a check mark in the "Enable wireless connection" line. If it is not there, then we set, save the parameters and check if Android finds our network.

If the problem is not solved, then we move on. Now you should check the channel. Try changing it. It is recommended to set it to “Auto” here. A little below you need to select the network mode. It is recommended to select 802.11 BGNmixed from the list. This is a mixed mode in which devices that support different WiFi standards can connect to the network.

Now find the line "Hide access point". This feature hides your network. Because of this, devices simply cannot detect it. In this case, the connection to the router must be created manually. If there is a check mark here, then uncheck it, save the settings, restart the router and try to reconnect your smartphone or tablet to the network. This completes the router configuration.

Related Articles

Why Android Won't Connect to Wi-Fi: Video

Configuring a virtual hotspot on a laptop for network discovery

A very common question is why Android does not see the WiFi wireless network created on a laptop.

The point is that it is not enough just to create a virtual access point. After that, you should open access to it and enable detection.

This is done simply. First, we need to log into the network control center. To open the tool we need, find the network icon in the tray (in the lower right corner of the desktop). Click on it with the right mouse button and select the required item in the menu that appears.

A menu will open in which you should enter the item "Change advanced sharing settings". Here you just need to turn on network discovery and enable file and printer sharing. In addition, at the very bottom of the menu, you must disable access to the network with password protection.

If you use the Virtual Router Plus application to create a wireless network on a laptop, then in more detail about setting it up

The problem when a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) cannot find a wi fi network and, accordingly, connect to it is not uncommon. Android devices are no exception. If android does not see wi-fi, what are they doing? b? Let's consider why such a problem may arise. Does the mobile device see your network specifically, and does not see the rest of the networks (neighbors, cafes, etc.) or does not see any network?

  • Check the router through which the Internet connection is provided (it may be frozen and needs to be rebooted, or simply not turned on) It is possible that your Android mobile device tries to connect and the connection process stops at the stage of obtaining an IP address. In this case, the problem can be solved by restarting the router.
  • Android does not see your wi fi network, but it does catch other networks. In this situation, reconfiguring the access point (router) can help you. You need to go to the settings of the wi fi access point. Find the section "Wireless Network Settings", then select the item "Enable Auto Channel Selection".If there is a check mark next to this item, you must remove it. After that, the field will become active. "Wireless Channel" with drop-down lists where you can select the default options.
  • If android still can't see wi fi, what to do then? Try resetting your settings mobile device(smartphone, tablet) to the factory ones. If this option did not work, then it is worth contacting a service workshop. It is possible that your device has a damaged antenna or built-in module that provides wi fi operation.

If you went to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. This can be a home network, somewhere on a visit, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply does not find it, does not see it, and, accordingly, it is impossible to connect to such a network. It is not uncommon for a mobile device to fail to find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any network, but other devices see them and work perfectly with them.

In this article I will try to collect all the most popular causes and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, first it is advisable to find out what the problem is: in a mobile phone, or a Wi-Fi router. If there is a problem with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to the router itself. If this is someone else's network, then it is unlikely that you will be able to do something.

Basically, it doesn't make a lot of difference on which device you have the problem. It is clear that this is most likely an Android or iOS phone. Well, maybe also Windows Mobile. Since this problem can hardly be solved in the settings of the mobile device itself, it does not matter what device you have. Likewise with a router.

Note! We will consider the problem when the phone does not see at all the Wi-Fi network we need, or not a single network. And not when there is a problem with the connection, or access to the Internet after connecting.

I have already written separate articles on Android and iOS devices:

The phone does not see the Wi-Fi router: possible reasons

1 Disable / enable Wi-Fi, restart your phone and router. To get started, just go to your phone's settings and turn off Wi-Fi. I think everyone knows how to do it.

Then turn it back on.

Restart your phone:

  • In Android, just press and hold the power button, then select "Restart". Depending on the manufacturer and Android version, the actions may be slightly different.
  • On iPhone, you need to hold and hold the Home button and the Power button. The phone will restart.

Reboot the router. If you have access to it. It is enough to turn off the power for a minute and turn on the router again. You can perform multiple reboots in a row. You can read in more detail.

2 We determine what is the reason.

Check all three points:

  • If your phone does not see any Wi-Fi networks, but they do exist and other devices find them, then it is clear that the problem is specifically in your smartphone. All I can advise is to reboot it and remove the cover from it. If he is. If this does not help, then you can try performing a full factory reset. If this does not help, then you will have to carry the device to a service center.
  • When a device does not find one network, the first step is to check if other devices can see it. If they do not see it, then most likely the problem is on the side of the router. First, reload it. If this does not help, then see the article:.
  • If other devices find a Wi-Fi network, but your phone does not, but at the same time sees other networks, then most likely the problem is in the router settings. Changing the wireless channel and region usually helps. Below I will discuss this in more detail.

3 Changing the router settings.

You need to go to the settings of your router, go to the section with the Wi-Fi settings, and try to set the static channel of the wireless network and another region. You can also set the channel width to 20 MHz. Better to take turns.

On TP-Link routers, it looks like this:

More details in the article:. You can experiment with channel and region. For example, put the US region. If you have set a static channel in the settings, then set "Auto".

Other problems with detecting Wi-Fi networks

I also noticed that people often write that the phone does not see Wi-Fi laptop... I understand that the problem occurs when distributing the Internet from a laptop or PC. In this case, my advice is to first make sure that the laptop is broadcasting a wireless network. For example, look from other devices. You may have started the access point incorrectly. This is where the article comes in handy. Bring your phone closer to your computer.

The next case when Wi-Fi problems appear after phone repair. For example, after replacing the battery, screen, glass, case, etc. In such cases, I advise you to immediately take the phone to the workshop where it was repaired. Since the master most likely did not connect the antenna, or the Wi-Fi module itself.

Well, there is no need to exclude hardware failure. Everything breaks down, and the module that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi is no exception.

As usual, you can leave your question in the comments, or share useful information on this topic. I am always glad to answer your questions and grateful for the additions to the article.

Nowadays, more and more often, to access the Internet, they use not a computer or laptop, but mobile gadgets, such as a tablet or smartphone. And there is an explanation for this - most of the Internet is used to visit sites, versions of which are designed specifically for small screens (social networks VKontakte, Facebook, classmates, Instagram), and you can't put a laptop in your pocket. It's good when a smartphone goes online via a 3G or GPRS connection, then it does not need additional equipment, but if through a wired provider (for example, ADSL or a local area network with shared Internet access), then the mobile phone first needs to connect to the router, and sometimes the router does not sees the phone or another error is issued, the solutions of which will be discussed later.

By the way, mobile devices have several modes of access to the Internet, some of which are for distributing it to other connected devices (access point mode).

Smartphone hotspot mode

There is also a 3G modem mode, in which the smartphone is connected to a computer using a USB cable, and thus the computer gains access to the network via a 3G connection.

But this article will discuss the mode of connecting a smartphone to a wireless Wi-Fi router, and the related problems in rare cases.

Connecting a phone to a router

In order to successfully combine a phone with a router into a computer network, the first step is to make sure that the router is turned on, the Wi-Fi module is active, and the WPS function is turned on (if any).

Found Wi-Fi networks

If the network is protected by a password, a window will open in which you must enter that password.

The password is entered only once, the phone remembers it and does not require entering it on subsequent connections.

If there are no errors, the "Connected" status will appear under the network name. That's it, the phone is connected to the wireless network of the router.

If the connection fails

But everything is not always so easy and simple, and for a number of reasons it is impossible to connect to the network.

Let's consider the most common cases:

    1. “Hide SSID” is checked in the router settings.

Hide Wi-Fi network

If a ban is set, then the router does not broadcast the network name, and to connect to it, you need to manually register the network name in the smartphone;

    2. Standards do not match. For example, a router operates in the IEEE 802.11g 2.4 GHz standard, and a smartphone operates in the IEEE 802.11n 5 GHz standard. In this case, they will not be able to work in pairs, the standards must either coincide or be compatible;
    3. In the settings of the router, there may be a limitation on the connection of the number of subscribers, and your smartphone simply turns out to be superfluous.

Limiting the number of subscribers

    4. And, as practice shows, a fairly common reason is simply a freeze of the router. Turn it off and on again, it might help, but it won't get any worse. In this case, try updating the router firmware to a more stable one.

Third party software

We examined how to connect a phone to a router without help, only using the phone's own operating system. But there are programs aimed at helping in this matter. Let's give an example of one of these.

Appearance of the program

The program is called WeFi, you can download it on the official website of the program for free: http://www.wefi.com/download/

I am very pleased with the multiplatform nature of the program. We select the operating system of our smartphone and download the program to the computer, and then to the phone.

Operating system selection

For example, let's select the Android version. After installation on the smartphone, we launch the application and see the initial window.

The initial window of the program

A big plus of this program is its funny animation. The little man at the bottom of the screen is frankly happy when it turns out to connect to a Wi-Fi network without any problems.

But, nevertheless, the purpose of the program is somewhat different, namely, to facilitate connection, and WeFi does an excellent job with this task.

Program connection

One of the main features of the program is automatic connection to the network with the highest signal level. Of course, it can be configured for a specific network, but nevertheless the program is designed specifically for automation. The only thing is that you will have to enter the network password once, but you can't do without it.

Also a very useful feature, like the continuation of Wi-Fi activity after the smartphone goes into sleep mode.

Program setting

The only small disadvantage of the program is the absence of a blacklist, in some cases it may be needed (for example, in public places with paid, but not blocked access).

Most of us prefer a smartphone push-button telephone not for reasons of prestige, but simply because it allows you to use the Internet. The most convenient and cheapest way to access the Internet using Wi-Fi is at your home, in a cafe, at work or in an educational institution.

But sometimes the usual way of connection fails, because the phone does not see the Wi-Fi network. As a rule, this problem can be easily corrected on its own, without calling the appropriate specialist. Let's start by checking the simplest possible causes.

Is the router working?

From time to time any router "falls into a coma" for unknown reasons, ie. freezes, ceasing to distribute Wi-Fi. Of course, at this time, the Internet connection disappears, and the phone stops seeing the Wi-Fi network, although before that everything worked fine. This failure can be fixed very easily: you just need to reboot the router, i.e. press the off button, wait a few seconds and then turn it on again.

In some models, the power button is not provided - it's okay, just pull out the power cord from the connector and then plug it back in. Most often, after this simple manipulation, access to Wi-Fi is restored.

The router does not recognize the phone

In order for the router to provide the phone with Wi-Fi access, the device must be recognized by the Wi-Fi network. To do this, it is enough to enter the access password once, after which the identification occurs automatically. But sometimes there is an error in the process of authenticating the phone by the network. To fix it:

  • restart your phone - turn it off and on again;
  • if it doesn't help, then go to the Wi-Fi settings, delete the "naughty" connection, and then recreate it on your phone.

Too many connected devices

This situation most often occurs in the workplace: the number of devices that want to connect to the access point, i.e. router exceeds their limit specified in the settings. Those who connect Wi-Fi later than the main number of users cannot do this, since all connections are already taken. It is necessary either to remove unnecessary connections, or go to the settings of the router and increase their possible number.

At home, this situation can arise if the router is not password protected, or if your password has become known to too many neighbors. Open the router page on a desktop or laptop computer, manually disable unauthorized users, then change the password and the problem will be resolved.

Your router's network name is duplicated by another device

Many users, in order not to complicate their life, give their home network a too simple and common name (SSID): "tplink", "network", etc. In this case, the probability is too high that one of the neighbors, without further ado, will assign the same name to their router. When the phone connects to the network in this case, it is likely that an authentication error will constantly occur.

It is very easy to check this: turn off the router and check the list of available networks: it may contain a duplicate of your network. To exclude the repetition of this trouble, you will have to come up with another SSID by changing it in the router settings, then restart the device and create a new connection for the phone.

If all else fails

If all the methods described above have been tried, but none of them helped, you will have to reset the router settings to the factory state by pressing the button "Reset"... After that, you will have to re-configure the device from a stationary computer or laptop, using the web interface for this.

This method will not help either - then you will have to call a specialist at home or take the router to a service center.

If you went to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. This can be a home network, somewhere on a visit, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply does not find it, does not see it, and, accordingly, it is impossible to connect to such a network. It is not uncommon for a mobile device to fail to find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any network, but other devices see them and work perfectly with them.

In this article I will try to collect all the most popular causes and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, first it is advisable to find out what the problem is: in mobile phone, or a Wi-Fi router. If there is a problem with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to the router itself. If this is someone else's network, then it is unlikely that you will be able to do something.

Basically, it doesn't make a lot of difference on which device you have the problem. It is clear that this is most likely an Android or iOS phone. Well, maybe more Windows Mobile... Since this problem can hardly be solved in the settings of the mobile device itself, it does not matter what device you have. Likewise with a router.

I have already written separate articles on Android and iOS devices:

The phone does not see the Wi-Fi router: possible reasons

1 Disable / enable Wi-Fi, restart your phone and router. To get started, just go to your phone's settings and turn off Wi-Fi. I think everyone knows how to do it.

Then turn it back on.

Restart your phone:

  • In Android, just press and hold the power button, then select "Restart". Depending on the manufacturer and Android version, the steps may differ slightly.
  • On iPhone, you need to hold and hold the Home button and the Power button. The phone will restart.

Reboot the router. If you have access to it. It is enough to turn off the power for a minute and turn on the router again. You can perform multiple reboots in a row. You can read in more detail.

2 We determine what is the reason.

Check all three points:

  • If your phone does not see any Wi-Fi networks, but they do exist and other devices find them, then it is clear that the problem is specifically in your smartphone. All I can advise is to reboot it and remove the cover from it. If he is. If this does not help, then you can try to execute full reset settings. If this does not help, then you will have to carry the device to a service center.
  • When a device does not find one network, the first step is to check if other devices can see it. If they do not see it, then most likely the problem is on the side of the router. First, reload it. If this does not help, then see the article:.
  • If other devices find a Wi-Fi network, but your phone does not, but at the same time sees other networks, then most likely the problem is in the router settings. Changing the wireless channel and region usually helps. Below I will discuss this in more detail.
3 Changing the router settings.

You need to go to the settings of your router, go to the section with the Wi-Fi settings, and try to set the static channel of the wireless network and another region. You can also set the channel width to 20 MHz. Better to take turns.

On TP-Link routers, it looks like this:

More details in the article:. You can experiment with channel and region. For example, put the US region. If you have set a static channel in the settings, then set "Auto".

Other problems with detecting Wi-Fi networks

I also noticed that people often write that the phone does not see the Wi-Fi of the laptop. I understand that the problem occurs when distributing the Internet from a laptop or PC. In this case, my advice is to first make sure that the laptop is broadcasting a wireless network. For example, look from other devices. You may have started the access point incorrectly. This is where the article comes in handy. Bring your phone closer to your computer.

The next case when Wi-Fi problems appear after phone repair. For example, after replacing the battery, screen, glass, case, etc. In such cases, I advise you to immediately take the phone to the workshop where it was repaired. Since the master most likely did not connect the antenna, or the Wi-Fi module itself.

Well, there is no need to exclude hardware failure. Everything breaks down, and the module that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi is no exception.

As usual, you can leave your question in the comments, or share useful information on this topic. I am always glad to answer your questions and grateful for the additions to the article.

And so, what to do if this ill-fated inscription appeared? There are several reasons for such an unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Sometimes the phone does not connect to wifi and writes wpa2 protection is saved. This can happen when trying to connect to a public network or to a home network. To a greater extent, this applies to Android devices. It can be done equally by tablets and smartphones.
And so, what to do if this ill-fated inscription appeared? There are several reasons for such an unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Let's start by rebooting the router
1. Choose the correct region. To do this, go to the "Wireless" tab and in the "Region" line select the name of your country and save.
2. Check the password for the wireless network. Try connecting again before changing your password. To do this, click on your network and delete it. Then click on the network again, enter the password, make sure it is correct and try to connect.
3. We check the mode of operation of the Wi-Fi network in the settings of the router. This may be the main cause of the problem. Your tablet or smartphone may simply not support the operating mode of this router. Check if the device will work with other parameters, remembering to restart the router after each change and disconnect and connect Wi-Fi on your smartphone or tablet.
4. Check the security type and encryption type, change the router password in the settings. The following must be set: WPA / WPA2 - Personal, WPA-PSK version, AES encryption. PSK password must be eight digits long. Then we save the new settings, reboot the router and disconnect and reconnect the phone. Do not forget to do the same on other devices using the same wireless network.
5. Change the working Wi-Fi channel. Of course, this rarely happens, but you should try experimenting with the channels to be sure one hundred percent.
6. Change the width of the connection channel. To do this, you need to go to the router settings. In the “wireless network” tab, change the value opposite the “channel width” line, save the changes and reboot the device.
In conclusion, answering the question why the Android phone does not connect to wifi writes is saved protected, it is worth noting this can be both technical problems and a number of errors associated with forgetfulness or carelessness of users. There is an opinion that the reason lies in the Android OS itself, or rather in small flaws that cause various unpleasant moments. But if it happens that a problem with the Wi-Fi connection has arisen, you can successfully deal with it using these tips.

Sometimes there is such a problem as the inability to connect Android to a wireless WI-FI hotspot. How to solve this problem? Find out in this article!

And so you came to visit or are in a cafe, or perhaps you bought a new router, set it up so that it distributes the Internet via WI-FI, and an Android smartphone or tablet does not want to connect to the network or even does not see it! Do not worry there is a way out!

Possible problems and solutions

1. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it - make sure you enter correct password!

2. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it - perhaps Android does not support protection type installed in the router, change the type of protection (read the router settings below)

3. If Android does not see the network - make sure WI - FI network is functioning, reboot the router (on / off)

4. If Android does not see the network - perhaps Android, does not support WI-FI standard

5. If Android sees the network but cannot connect to it, restart Android and the router

6. If Android sees the network but cannot connect to it, install a special application on the device from the Google Play store - Wi-Fi Fixer. After installation, restart Android and if the Wi-Fi Fixer application does not start, start it yourself, then try to connect to the access point (you do not need to enter any settings in the application)

7. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, although the password is entered correctly - perhaps Android does not support WI-FI standard on which the router is running (read the router settings below)

8. If you have custom firmware installed on your Android tablet or smartphone, then maybe it's in it, reinstall it on the official

9. Advice to the previous one, if the official firmware is installed, then it is worth changing to a custom one (for example CyanogenMod), since it is possible that the WI-FI driver has already been updated there

12. Do you have a Dlink router?

Configuring the router

First of all, you need to get into the settings of the router.

Go to router settings

For this, it is better to use a computer, as well as a FireFox or Internet Explorer browser. We open one of them. Next, you need to find out the entry address, which you can find out knowing the network gateway.

This address must be entered in the address bar and go. Next, you will be asked to enter your username and password, which, as often happens, is on the bottom of the router case.

WI-FI setting

1. First of all, if Android does not connect, you should switch the WI-FI channel to auto

2.Change the standard of the WI-FI transmission mode to mix or only G

3. It is also worth checking the number of allowed connections of devices to the wireless network

4. Try to change the network protection method, change the encryption type from open to WPA

5. Another point worth paying attention to is the enabled DHCP server, which allows you to provide internal IP addresses on the network. If the DHCP server is turned off, then there may be problems with connecting to WI-FI and not only with Android devices!

6. Make sure that no MAC filter is installed in the settings!

The MAC address is the personal (individual) serial number of the network device.

Depending on the router, there can be whitelists from MAC addresses, or black ones.

Blacklisted- devices that are prohibited from entering the network, but other devices may.

White list- only those devices that are in this list and no other devices can connect.

To find out your personal Android MAC address, you need to go to

Settings -> About smartphone (Tablet) -> General information

Try disabling the MAC filter to fix the connection problem.