Macros can be used to automate some processes, use several skills at the same time.

Basic rules for creating a macro

  • The character can memorize 48 macros.
  • Macro names can be 12 characters long.
  • The macro can contain 12 lines.
  • One macro line can contain 80 characters (including the command).
  • If during the execution of the macro you do any action (move the character, use the item / skill / chat, open the interface window), the execution of the macro will be interrupted.
  • You cannot add the execution of another macro to a macro.

Macro composition

  • In a macro, special prefixes can be used to determine the type of message:
Text color Prefix Description
Main chat No prefix The message is visible to other players in a small radius.
Scream !
Clan Chat @ The message is visible only to clan members. Not available if the character is not a clan member.
Alliance Chat $ The message is visible only to members of the alliance. Not available if the character's clan is not in an alliance.
Chat Groups # The message is visible only to group members. Not available if the character is not in a party.
Trade chat + The message is visible to other players in a fairly large radius.
Hero's Voice % The message is visible to all characters on the server. Only hero characters can use these messages.
Whisper " A personal message to another character, in order to write a personal message, you must write "Character_name message... Only the sender and the addressee will see the message.
Command Channel ` The message appears when the commander of the command channel sends a message, a regular CC member will not be able to send such a message.
World chat & The message is visible to all characters on the server. For PA owners, 10 messages are available per day after reaching level 85. For the rest, 5 messages are available per day after reaching level 95. The message counter is reset at 7.00 am.
  • Any chat commands can be used in a macro.
  • Macro commands can be entered in English or Russian.
  • The following constants can be used in a macro to define the target of the macro
    • Macro target constants IMPOSSIBLE use if written next to other characters. For example, the following macros will not work "% target Hello! or % target, how are you?
  • In a macro, you can use the names of skills to use them using the command / useskill
    • / useskill [Skill Name](as in the game with spaces and capital letters).
    • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging skills into a macro, open both the skills window and the macro creation window at the same time and drag the skill into the macro window to the desired line.
  • In a macro, you can use items and skills located on the hotkey bar using the command / useshortcut
    • / useshortcut [Panel #] [Cell #], eg, / useshortcut 6 5(use the item / skill in the 5th slot on the 6th panel).
    • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging hotkey panel slots into a macro, open the macro creation window and drag an item / skill into the macro window to the desired line.
  • The macro can be run again.
    • After adding a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, reuse can be started with a right-click.
    • Starting a reuse of a macro is interrupted if other actions are started.
    • You cannot reuse macros that only consist of chat messages. When you activate the ban on the use of chat, the time counter is displayed in the system message.
  • The macro can be copied and pasted using the buttons Copy all and Paste.
  • Using the button Templates you can call up a list of templates of frequently used commands and add them to your macros by double-clicking on them or simply dragging them with the mouse.
  • The execution of a macro command can be made forced by adding a postfix force to the command (analogue of pressing ctrl on the keyboard)
    • For example: / useskillforce, / useshortcutforce, / attackforce
  • You can add a condition to the command execution - do not move by adding a postfix stand(analogous to pressing shift on the keyboard)
    • For example: / useskillstand, / useshortcutstand, / attackstand
  • You can postpone the next macro command by using the command / delay [sec.]
  • When using skills (items) that have a recharge time, an animation appears on the macro icon showing the time until reuse. 60 seconds before the end of the recharge of the skill used in the macro, a timer appears on the macro icon, counting down the remaining seconds. If several skills (items) are used in a macro, then by default the skill (item) with the longest recharge time is selected for display. However, using the% c command, it is possible to display the cooldown of the desired skill. If the% c command is used multiple times in a macro, only the first use of the command will be indicated.
    • For example: / useskill Dark Blast% c

Creating a macro

  1. Open the macro creation interface from the menu or by using the Alt + R keyboard shortcut.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Write the name of the macro (it will appear when you hover over the macro icon).
  4. Select the macro icon.
  5. The "Templates" button will open a list of templates that you can add to your macros if needed.
  6. If you want, you can describe in more detail the action of the macro. Macro descriptions must not exceed 32 characters.
  7. Fill in the content of the macro according to the rules described above.
    • Button + (Add) will add a blank line to the selected location, everything entered earlier will be shifted down. Shifting the 12th row down will delete it.
    • Button x(Delete row) will delete the selected row.
    • The up and down buttons move the line in the selected direction. If there is information in adjacent lines, the lines will be castled.
    • The "delete all" button will completely clear the contents of the macro.
  8. The Copy All and Paste buttons allow you to copy and paste the contents of the macro.
  9. Click the "Save" button to save all changes. The "Cancel" button will close the macro without changes.

Editing a macro

Deleting a Macro

Macros- related pages
The basics: Game setup and character creation Races Classes Interface Skills Macros Group Quests Fighting monsters Lands Hunting Zones Raid Bosses PK System Death Penalty
Clans: Clan Alliance Castles Fortresses Clan Houses Clan Missions
Competitions: Olympiad Festival of Chaos
The game:

Macros in lineage 2 allow you to compose short sets of actions that a character will perform in automatic mode... Each macro can also consist of a set of commands, skills, various messages in the chat, and you can also set a time delay between actions.

One of the examples, a fairly common macro for dances or songs. When it starts, the character performs all the programmed songs or dances and, at the end, leaves the group, or remains in it and withstands certain time before reusing dances. All these actions take place automatically, you only need to activate the macro.

A second example of a popular macro is trade messages. It is configured in such a way that it sends messages to the desired chat, for example, a trading one, at intervals. For example, once every 4 minutes, with this setting, the character will automatically offer his goods for an hour.

A very popular way to use macros is to create kits for quickly changing equipment, armor sets, talismans, and the like.

It is important to understand that macros in lineage 2 are not standalone programs like "bots", it is completely legal. But the list of its capabilities is much lower than that of the above program.

Creating a macro

The process of creating a macro consists of a few simple steps:

Step 1

Open the panel for creating macros with the keys Alt + R or select the tab in the menu<Макро>and we see the next window.

Step 2

In the opened window<Макро>we choose the button Add to create the macro itself, in the window that opens, fill in the name of the macro Name and its description Acronym(not necessary).

We can choose a macro icon for better definition, using different icons from the proposed ones:.

Step 3

Now the creation of the macro itself. Consider the simplest macro for a skill attack power strike or any other using the nipple. From the skills we have in our arsenal, we find the power strike skill, then simply drag it into the macro creation window and place it on the desired line, in our case the second one. Since we will use nipples, we put them on the first line; this can be done by dragging them from the hot button bar. As a result, we get the following combination:

Thus, you can alternate the combination of nipple and skills as long as there are enough free macro cells. You can add another skill or action, for example, change the target by dragging the corresponding button from the character's control panel. Thus, you can create a simple macro for auto hunting.

Then press the button save and save the resulting macro. If, during operation, errors are found, it can be easily corrected. The resulting macro can be placed in the hotkey bar.

Commands for creating a macro in lineage 2

To write a macro, you can use the commands that are written in lines. Examples of commands in Lineage 2:

To use any skill, put "/" then write the full name of the skill, for example / skill power strike.

  • / skill "skill name"
  • / useskillforce “skill name” - using the skill while holding down the Ctrl key
  • / fixed skill “skill name” - using the skill while holding down the Shift key

To use any skill or item, the following command is written from the hotkey panel:

  • / shortcut "panel number, key number"

eg / shortcut 1 4, this command will use the magic nipples from the panel below.

To use any actions, stand, sit, dance, applaud, invite to a group or leave a group and the like, write the full name of the action, for example

  • / sitstand- sit
  • / target “target name” - highlight the target if it is in sight
  • / target% self- highlight yourself

Other commands:

  • % self - you yourself
    % pet is your pet
    % party1 ~% party8 - respectively, group members in the group control panel
    % target - the one who is in this moment highlighted

Chat messages
! My name is% self - will tell you the name of your character in the chat

Other messages are written using the same characters as in the game chat. All special commands must be separated by a space.
Very helpful command "/ Delay X»Creates a delay of X - seconds.

This concludes a short course on creating macros in Lineage 2. Below are some examples of more complex sets.

A few examples of macros:

Buff PP (the character gets up, chooses the specified target, casts spells and sits down).

  • / stand
  • / target “target name”
    / useskill Invigor
    / useskill Mental Shield
    / useskill Shield
    / useskill Regeneration
    / useskill Bless the Body
    / useskill Bless the Soul
    / useskill Concentration
    / useskill Acumen
    / useskill Wind Walk
    / sit

Loot pickup macro (picks up items around it at startup):

  • / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup
    / pickup

Macro for periodically disinfecting a target (heals the specified object every 10 sec):

  • / stand
  • / target “target name”
    / useskill Heal
    / sit
    / delay 10
    / stand
  • / target “target name”
    / useskill Heal
    / sit
    / delay 10
    / stand
  • / target “target name”
    / useskill Heal
    / sit

The program "Windows" and I, its presenter Dmitry Linyagiev, are on the air.

So, as you probably already understand, let's talk about windows and macros for them. I don’t think I’ll discover America or tell you something new, but for beginners, I think a little tips on how to make it easier to play with multiple characters will come in handy. It's no secret that most players have window buffers, many not even one. For example, I play 3 windows with a bundle of spoiler + EE + PP. Therefore, I'll tell you about the macros used by my example.

On the spoiler, I have only one macro, it is very simple and contains only a few terms: Further, I will give all the macros schematically.

So the macro itself:
1. / invite PP
2. / delay 2
3. / invite EE

As you can see, nothing is complicated, I just gather a group (I make a delay just in case, if I suddenly do not have time to switch).

Macro 1 on PP

  1. / target% self
  2. / useskill Insight
  3. / useskill Spirit of the Berserker
  4. / useskill Easy gait
  5. / useskill Bless the Spirit
  6. / target EE
  7. / useskill Insight
  8. / useskill Spirit of the Berserker
  9. / useskill Easy gait
  10. / useskill Bless the Spirit

Macro 2 on PP

  1. / target spoiler
  2. / useskill Acceleration
  3. ... ... and so on, in order, all the necessary buffs ...

Here, many start the first plug with buffs, since there are only 12 fields in the macro, and the PP has a lot of buffs. There are only 2 solutions.

Option 1 - include only the most necessary buffs in the macro, the rest are either added manually, or simply not buffed. This is not particularly critical for quality.

Option 2 - for those who, like me, have 2 or more buffers. Everything is simple here. In the macro for PP, we include all PP buffs, except for those that all buffers have (such as Easy Walk, Shield, Mental Shield, etc.) We will add these buffs already in my case with HER.

With the buffs of the PP sorted out, we add it with HER

Macro 1 on EE

  1. / target spoiler
  2. / useskill Shield
  3. / useskill Might
  4. / useskill Stun Resistance

In general, that's all, we are zabafany and you can go swing. But we will also swing in 3 windows, so how to make the windows distract us to a minimum? It's simple. I'll show it again with my example.

As you remember, I have 2 windows with buffers. With PP I heal, with HER I fill the spoiler with manna. In total, you need 1 macro for each window.

PP macro

  1. / target spoiler
  2. / useskill Treatment
  3. / delay 1
  4. / useskill Treatment
  5. / delay 1
  6. / useskill Treatment
  7. / attack
  8. / attack

Thus, when I drain the HP to about half, I just need to press 1 button and the PP will heal me to death :). I insert the delay just so that the skill rolls back guaranteed, and 2 attacks at the end fix the PPShka behind the spoiler.

We do the same with EE, only instead of heal we insert Recharge.

Macro on HER

  1. / target spoiler
  2. / useskill Makeup
  3. / delay 1
  4. / useskill Makeup
  5. / delay 1
  6. / useskill Makeup
  7. / attack
  8. / attack

Thus, all you have to do is just run this macro at the right time. To facilitate this, you can bind the heal and manna recharging macros in the windows to the same button (for example, to the number 1), in which case you do not have to remember where you have which macro is located, in all windows it will be enough to press the same button.

Modern mice / keyboards allow automating these processes of switching windows and clicking on a macro, but I think that with the introduction of an update, where cyclic macros will work, this will no longer be necessary. So, for example, the above macros can be easily configured to autonomous work windows by adding only 1 line at the end to the heal and manna recharging macros, for example this:

/ delay 30(or any other delay, depending on how often you need to heal / recharge)

As you can see, everything is simple and easy, and with the introduction of cyclic macros, quality with windows will be even easier.

As you all know, NCsoft terribly dislikes bots and, in general, any automation of the process in the game. But the Koreans did one indulgence, and these are macros.

What are macros? Go to the menu and select the inscription "Macros" or just press Alt + R. A window will appear in which all your macros will be stored. There can be 24 of them in total, any of them can be deleted (icon with a basket) or changed (icon with a hammer).

A macro is a sequence of commands that are executed one after the other, as soon as one command is executed, the next one immediately starts executing.
There are, of course, limitations that prevent you from using macros like on bots:
1. Only 11 commands can be driven into a macro.
2. It is impossible to call another from one macro, not at all, that is, when one works, the other must be started from the panel with the handles.

Strings in macros can be written manually, you can drag skills into these lines with the mouse directly from the skills panel, you can drag something from the keyboard shortcut bar. For example, in the screenshot you can see that I dragged the bottle of healing into the macro, but just keep in mind that with this method, this macro will call everything that is in place 1-5 on the panel, that is, if instead of the bottle you place in this place on the panel crafting icon, when you run the macro, crafting will be called. This is convenient for this: we write all the boiling buffs into the macro (you can directly from the skills panel, and the last we write Var Chant, but not from the skills, but from the keyboard shortcuts. Now, before the buff, depending on what needs to be buffed, Var Chant or Eart Chant, drag the desired skill into this cell on the panel and then turn on the macro for the buff.

It is convenient to write skills directly into a macro when working with augmentation. After all, when you remove the augmented cannon, the skill disappears from the skill panel, but it remains in the macro. And in order not to suffer on Olympus, where every second counts, we write a macro skill with augmentation, then it will be enough to pick up the necessary gun, and without opening the skill panel, immediately use augmentation. Here in the screenshot below you can see that I have an active mite in the basalt, and an active vampiric in the arch, and now, as soon as the buff to the mite is over, I quickly press the arch on the panel, buff the vampiric and change the arch to basalt again.

And since we started with the Olympiad, let's continue about it.

Change of sets at the Olympiad. Somewhere in the area of ​​the seventh panel, I usually place different sets and sets of weapons on the panels in order to quickly change them through a macro. Here are examples of macros for dressing the DK set and Basalt with a shield (only you should note that the client does not check what you are wearing at the moment, and if, as in the screenshot I have an arch and a shield in my hands, then after starting the macro the arch will change to basalt, and the shield will be removed, since I already had it in my hand). But it's all easy, get used to it.

In any case, before going to the Olympus, you need to practice a little in putting on / taking off the sets.
The fight can also be somewhat automated, for example, if you always start it the same way, you can put all this in a macro.
Here I am standing on the Olympus, the fight begins, I have a lance in my hands, and I start like this (for example, in fact, each fight takes place individually for me):
1. I set the golem on the enemy.
2. I remove part of the CPU with skill.
3. Earthquake.
4. Change the lance to basalt and shield (2 slots in the macro).
5. Armor crash.
6. Stan.
7. Attack.
Eight commands that you can immediately register, further according to the circumstances.

If Olympus lags you, you can also try to cram the actions into a macro, since when you click on it, all commands will be transmitted to the server, and it may turn out that the client has put in, and the enchantment will stun, crash, and attack.

There is one more necessary command that must be used, this is the / delay command.
This command indicates that before using the next command in the macro, you need to wait a certain number of seconds, that is, if you write / delay 1, then the next command will be executed in 1 second. Why is this needed? Well, for example, when you use the same skill, it has a cooldown time, and if you do not register a delay, then the skill will not work the second time, since it simply did not roll back. Therefore, you note the rollback time and prescribe it in the delay.

The field for activity is large, I will give a few more examples:

Spoil and manor in one bottle + drop selection.
If you are in a calm location, where no one will be aggressive, you can automate the process for our spoilers, since all actions can be written into a macro.
First, we plant a seed (the mob does not aggro), then we spoil and beat the mob (the first macro).
We take out the manor, then we take out the spoil and then we select the drop (second macro).
The second macro is in this order, because if you first pull out the spoil, the mob will immediately disappear.

Naturally, all the shots (on the control panel) must have all the seeds, harvester, spoil and sweep skills on them.

Well, now there are a few more examples of using macros.

Normal buff.
We stuff all the buffs into the macro, buff if necessary.

Mana fill:

done - this is to show that the fill is over and you can run on. / attack in order for the manaver to run after you.

To collect your buffers in a party, write on them all separate macros like / invite nick.
Conveniently, if you swing outside the party, and every two minutes you add a DB, SBC and a cat to yourself - they took it to the party, they buffed, and you left the party again. So that after the dances / songs they all run after you, write / attack to everyone with the last line.

Generating keys:

The use of macros helped a lot in the "Deception or Transformation" event, where you have to open quest chests with quest keys, since chests have a terrible rollback, and without macros it was generally unrealistic to open a lot of them.

Macros are needed to automate some processes, use several skills at the same time.

Basic rules for creating a macro

  • The character can memorize 48 macros.
  • Macro names can be 12 characters long.
  • The macro can contain 12 lines.
  • One macro line can contain 40 characters (including the command).
  • If during the execution of the macro you do any action (move the character, use the item / skill, open the interface window), the execution of the macro will be interrupted.
  • You cannot add the execution of another macro to a macro.

Macro composition

  • In a macro, special prefixes can be used to determine the type of message:
Text color Prefix Description
Main chat No prefix The message is visible to other players in a small radius.
Scream !
Clan Chat @ The message is visible only to clan members. Not available if the character is not a clan member.
Alliance Chat $ The message is visible only to members of the alliance. Not available if the character's clan is not in an alliance.
Chat Groups # The message is visible only to group members. Not available if the character is not in a party.
Trade chat + The message is visible to other players in a fairly large radius.
Hero's Voice % The message is visible to all characters on the server. Only hero characters can use these messages.
Whisper " Private message to another character To write a private message, write: "Character_name message... Only the sender and the addressee will see the message.
Command Channel ` The message appears when the commander of the command channel sends a message, a regular CC member will not be able to send such a message.
Battlefield Channel ^ The message is visible to all characters participating in the Battle of the Earths on the side of one castle.
World chat & The message is visible to all characters on the server. For PA owners, 10 messages are available per day after reaching level 85. For the rest, 5 messages are available per day after reaching level 95. The message counter is reset at 7.00 am.
  • Any chat commands can be used in a macro.
  • Macro commands can be entered in English or Russian.
  • The following constants can be used in a macro to define the target of the macro
    • Macro target constants IMPOSSIBLE use if written next to other characters. For example, the following macros will not work "% target Hello! or % target, how are you?
  • In a macro, you can use the names of skills to use them using the command / useskill
    • / useskill [Skill Name](as in the game with spaces and capital letters).
    • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging skills into a macro, open both the skills window and the macro creation window at the same time and drag the skill into the macro window to the desired line.
  • In a macro, you can use items and skills located on the hotkey bar using the command / useshortcut
    • / useshortcut [Panel #] [Cell #], for example, / useshortcut 6 5(use the item / skill in the 5th slot on the 6th panel).
    • For the convenience of players, a mechanism has been made for dragging the hotkey panel slots into the macro. Open the macro window and drag the item / skill into the macro window to the required line.
  • The macro can be run again.
    • After adding a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, reuse can be started with a right-click.
    • Starting a reuse of a macro is interrupted if other actions are started.
    • You cannot reuse macros that only consist of chat messages. When you activate the ban on the use of chat, the time counter is displayed in the system message.
  • The macro can be copied and pasted using the buttons Copy all and Paste.
  • Using the button Templates you can call up a list of templates of frequently used commands and add them to your macros by double-clicking on them or simply dragging them with the mouse.
  • Macro command execution can be forced by adding postfix force to the command (analogue of pressing ctrl on the keyboard)
    • For example: / useskillforce, / useshortcutforce, / attackforce
  • You can add a condition to the command execution - do not move by adding a postfix stand(analogous to pressing shift on the keyboard)
    • For example: / useskillstand, / useshortcutstand, / attackstand
  • You can defer the next macro command by using the command / delay [sec.]
  • When using skills (items) that have a recharge time, an animation appears on the macro icon showing the time until reuse. 60 seconds before the end of the recharge of the skill used in the macro, a timer appears on the macro icon, counting down the remaining seconds. If several skills (items) are used in a macro, then by default the skill (item) with the longest recharge time is selected for display. However, using the% c command, it is possible to display the cooldown of the desired skill. If the% c command is used multiple times in a macro, only the first use of the command will be indicated.
    • For example: / useskill Hammer Crush% c

Creating a macro

  1. Open the macro creation interface from the menu or by using the Alt + R keyboard shortcut.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Write the name of the macro (it will appear when you hover over the macro icon).
  4. Select the macro icon.
  5. The "Templates" button will open a list of templates that you can add to your macros if needed.
  6. If you want, you can describe in more detail the action of the macro. Macro descriptions must not exceed 32 characters.
  7. Fill in the content of the macro according to the rules described above.
    • Button + (Add) will add an empty line to the selected location, everything entered earlier will be shifted down. Shifting the 12th row down will delete it.
    • Button x(Delete row) will delete the selected row.
    • The up and down buttons move the line in the selected direction. If there is information in adjacent lines, the lines will be castled.
    • The Delete All button will completely clear the contents of the macro.
  8. The Copy All and Paste buttons allow you to copy and paste the contents of the macro.
  9. Click the "Save" button to save all changes. The "Cancel" button will close the macro without changes.

Editing a macro

Deleting a Macro

Macros- related pages
The basics: Game setup and character creation Races Classes Interface Skills Macros