Getting access to a cell phone to listen to is actually not that difficult. However, there are ways to prevent invasion of your privacy.

Each of us has a cell phone. When was the last time you left home without a mobile phone? It was probably by accident. It's no secret that we use phones very often, we actually depend on them and their capabilities.

We're not trying to scare you, but do you know how easy it is to access them from the outside? If someone wants to listen to your conversations, read SMS-messages and follow you on GPS - he will do it.

There are many reasons why a person wants to eavesdrop on someone else's telephone conversation. This could be a nosy boss, a jealous spouse, a burglar, or a telephone bully.

It's illegal to spy on someone's phone without the owner's permission, but it happens. This does not necessarily happen to you, but if you suspect that someone is reading your SMS correspondence, then here are a few useful tips on how to figure out the villain.

Battery temperature

One of the probable indicators of the presence of wiretapping is the battery. Feel your phone when you are not using it - if it is warm or even hot, it means that it is still in use. Keep in mind that heat comes primarily from overuse. The battery can be hot only if the phone has been used for a while.

The phone runs out of battery very quickly

Charge your mobile phone more often than usual - get another sign of potential threat. If you haven't used your gadget more than usual, it is possible that your phone is being used by someone without your knowledge. When a cell phone is tapped, it loses battery power much faster. A listening cell phone constantly records conversations in the room, even if it looks like it is lying idle.

You can use the BatteryLife LX or Battery LED iPhone apps to track the rate at which your battery is draining.

Note: Mobile phones tend to lose their maximum battery level over time. If your phone is over a year old, the battery capacity will steadily decrease depending on the intensity of use.

Delay on shutdown

When you turn off your phone and watch long delay, backlight lit for a long time, or just the phone refusing to turn off, then it is quite possible that you are on the hook. Always be aware of unusual phone behavior. Although, the described problems may be caused by hardware or software malfunctions of the phone.

Strange activity

When your phone is working, does it happen that the backlight suddenly turns on, some applications are installed by themselves, or does it turn off spontaneously? Strange behavior can be a signal that someone is remotely controlling this device. By the way, this can also happen due to data transmission interference.

Background noise

When you are talking, the wiretapped phone can interfere. Something like echoes, electric shocks, clicks - these sounds can be caused by the environment, interference with the connection ... or by someone listening to you. If you hear a pulsating noise from your phone when you are not using it, this can be a serious problem.


If you use your phone in close proximity to other electronic devices (such as a TV) and it interferes with them, then this may be due to the presence of foreign devices in the mobile phone case. In most cases, interference is normal, but if it happens when you are not using the phone, then it may well mean that you are "under the hood."

Become a disinformer

If you suspect that your telephone conversation is being tapped or recorded by someone you know, you can try to misinform the spy to confirm this suspicion. Tell someone you trust your "secret" personal information by phone. If you find out later that outsiders have found out, then this may be the answer "yes."

Get help

If you have reason to believe that your cell phone is being tapped, seek help. The police are also an option, as they have equipment that can check the phone, but this is the only way to go if you are sure that you are being tapped. For example, if the information that you once discussed with a reliable business partner, and in no other way could have known about it, "leaked" in an amazing way.


Still, you shouldn't be paranoid.

To one degree or another, literally everyone noted the above signs.

The chances of being hooked by someone are very small. Most of the problems described above can be attributed to poor connectivity, old battery, firmware "glitches" - but there are some signs that you should pay attention to anyway. If you are a good Samaritan, then you have every chance that your phone is clean.

If you want to be safe, then you should lock your phone with a password and keep it with you at all times.

Do not expect that by simply turning off the phone with the button, you can protect yourself from eavesdropping. At the same time, the microphone does not turn off, and the location of the device is tracked.

If you are not using it, remove the battery from the compartment to be sure that you are not being tapped. Moreover, if you just need to make yourself invisible for billing, you need to remove the battery without disconnecting the phone before using the button.

8 secret codes for your cell phone

1) *#06# ... Allows you to find out the unique IMEI number any smartphone, including the iPhone.

2) *#21# ... Allows you to get information about the enabled call forwarding - calls, messages and other data. Very handy when you want to check if someone is spying on you.

3) *#62# ... With this command, you can find out to which number incoming calls are forwarded if the iPhone is turned off or out of network coverage.

4) ##002# ... Disables any call forwarding. Thus, only you will accept them.

5) *#30# ... Provides information about identifying the number of the incoming subscriber

6) *#33# ... Shows information about blocking outgoing supported services such as calls, SMS and other data.

7) *#43# ... Displays information about call waiting.

8) *3001#12345#* ... The so-called "James Bond" menu: here you can find information about the SIM card, and the signal strength of the cellular network, even there was a place for indicators of cellular signal reception. All data, by the way, is promptly updated.

Russia has created a system to intercept mobile calls in offices

InfoWatch has developed a system that will allow employers to intercept employees' mobile phone calls in the office. With its help, it is proposed to fight against leakage of confidential information.

The InfoWatch company of Natalya Kasperskaya has developed a solution that will allow employers to intercept and analyze the content of employees' conversations on their mobile phones. The newspaper "Kommersant" writes about this with reference to several sources in Russian IT companies and an employee of the federal cellular operator.

Zecurion CEO Alexei Raevsky, who also heard about the development of this system, explained to the publication that this is a kind of

"Femtocell (equipment for signal amplification cellular), which must be installed at the customer's site and connected to the network mobile operator, but the voice traffic passing through it will be intercepted, translated into text using speech recognition systems and then analyzed by keywords for the transfer of confidential information ".

The development of a prototype of this system was confirmed by Kaspersky itself. According to her, the manufacturer of the device is a third-party organization, she refused to disclose the partner.

“It is planned that the hardware device installed in the company will be integrated with the core of the cellular operator's network to become a trusted base station of the cellular operator. Then this base station will intercept voice traffic from mobile phones that are within its coverage area. "

She said.

- added Kaspersky. She assured that in this case calls from other SIM cards belonging to employees or clients and partners coming to the company's office “will be discarded by the device and redirected to standard base stations mobile operators ".

Hello! You are on my personal blog on mobile security! This article contains a lot of interesting material related to tapping the phone of a wife, work colleagues, a jealous husband and anyone else, but most importantly - with advice on protecting confidential information. At the end you will find an exclusive video on setting up the program, which I will tell you about below.

Initially, I was interested in how such a wiretapping of his wife was carried out. There are many jealous husbands around who want to make sure their spouse is faithful. Software developers also follow them. It is enough to drive into any search engine the phrase "wiretapping the wife" - and before you there will be a huge number of various links! But are there really working programs among them? I came to the conclusion that no! I came across a scam for luring money, Trojans, viruses, and just non-working software.

Is it possible to listen to my wife more in simple ways? I came across an interesting service that allows you to regularly create backups various information. To do this, you just need to install an Android application on your mobile phone that collects and archives data. Then it is sent to a special server, from where the archive is viewed by any device with Internet access. And most importantly, only the person who initially configured the service will have access to the archives! I tested it - everything works great !.

Therefore, a husband who decides to listen to his wife does not have to look for any specialized software. I came to the conclusion that installing such a utility utility will not cause any reaction from the anti-virus software. And the shortcut is also convenient to hide. You can be 100% sure that it is difficult to find such a program. But it doesn't matter what kind of service we are talking about! All apps for Reserve copy information work in much the same way. The only difference is in functionality. The service described above supports all popular social networks, SMS / MMS messages, as well as a variety of messengers.

The only way to avoid installing such a program on your mobile phone is not to leave your phone unattended! As for the service itself, right after the article you will find my video, where I will talk about setting up and installing. Just don't install such programs on other people's phones! The owner of a mobile phone would definitely not like this, even if it is your wife.

Application Features: Reading SMS correspondence, MMS, Vkontakte (official application and Kate Mobile), Odnoklassniki, Facebook, My [email protected],, Twitter, Hangouts, Google+, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Hangouts (former Google Talk), Agent @ mail. ru, ICQ, IM + and IM + Pro, AIM, Jabber, MSN, MySpace, Yahoo! and Ya.Online (Yandex Chat), Email correspondence Gmail and [email protected], view visited sites in Chrome browsers, Opera, Firefox. Get access to the list of calls and the location of the phone. This is a small part of all the possibilities. The whole

Video installation guide for any phone:

Video guide for installing on a phone with ROOT rights:

Installation and configuration instructions:

  1. We start Personal Area by this link: "Create a personal account" (just register there).
  2. We go to this link: "Enter your personal account on the site" and enter the Email and password that you specified before registration.
  3. We press the button: "Add phone"
  4. We fill in all the fields that are asked to enter. We fill in correctly as it is written there, otherwise it will not work.
  5. Click the "Save" button.
  6. We read the instructions that appeared after clicking the "Save" button
  7. We install the application on the phone (the one from which you need to get information), and configure it according to the instructions that you will have to read in step 6.
  8. The application is installed. All right. The developers write that you need to wait at least an hour for the data to start flowing into your personal account that you entered in step 1. In our case, the data came in 4 hours. The conceived succeeded! I wish you success.

Hacking a subscriber is not as difficult as it seems. This can be done by hackers or special services, therefore, given that the threat is real, we want to tell you how to check the phone for wiretapping on your own without the help of specialized service centers.

What are the types of wiretapping?

Official- is used by special services that have gained access to wiretapping by a court decision or by other means.

Signal interception- carried out thanks to devices intercepting the communication line and broadcasting conversations to attackers.

Through applications- performed by installation malware, which listens to all calls, records them, transfers or stores them on a USB flash drive.

"Bug"- "spy" equipment for listening, through which a signal is transmitted to the receiver of criminals.

Attention! Recording of conversations through special devices is almost never used in Russia, as it is very expensive. Most often they resort to using spyware or bugs.

Signs of wiretapping of a mobile phone

There are five main points to help you know if your conversations are being eavesdropped.

The appearance of noise around audio equipment and during communication

If you notice any extraneous sounds or interference during communication with interlocutors, you should think about the fact that it is possible that you are being followed. Also, a sure sign of this is the presence of noise in the speakers when the gadget is lying somewhere nearby.

Increased delay before and after connecting to another subscriber

Another important signal is an excessively long waiting time after dialing a number. If, for example, you called a person from your iPhone or Android and the connection takes too long, you may be hooked. We also check how much time it takes to disconnect after a call, this is also a significant indicator.

Increased idle heat

This usually indicates the presence of a virus, but sometimes it demonstrates that the device is infected with wiretapping. Monitor the temperature of the lid of the device, check the list installed programs to figure out the culprit for overheating.

Frequent reboots

Pay attention to whether the smartphone reboots by itself. Yes, there are many factors that can cause this, but one of them is listening software that causes software failures.

Low internet speed and traffic loss

Has it ever happened to you that it seemed that before downloading files from the network was very fast, but now everything is swinging too slowly? Or did you manage to use up the traffic in a month, but now it "leaks" in a couple of weeks? If so, take a closer look at other strange phenomena, as this may indicate that spyware has settled on the phone.

Strange messages

Those who have listening software often receive incomprehensible SMS from unknown numbers. The texts contain nothing but mysterious symbols.

Attention! These symptoms do not give a 100% guarantee that you are being eavesdropped. A lot of network failures or software glitches cause similar problems. They can only give you the idea that your privacy is at stake.

How to check a smartphone for wiretapping?

Having noticed one of the above points, proceed to check your mobile phone for tracking.

Using codes

Pay attention to these combinations to help you fix the redirection and understand if you are being tapped. They must be entered in the dialer, and then watch the answer.

Here is a list of commands:

  • "* 33 *" is the easiest testing method. Enter the combination "* 33 *", and then check the reaction of the mobile phone to the input of other characters. If after the second asterisk the smartphone stops printing any numbers or icons, then the device is being listened to. This is not the most reliable method, professionals still argue about its effectiveness, so it is better to play it safe and perform additional checks.
  • "* # 21 #"- by entering this line, you will find out to which numbers the forwarding is going. This practice of tracking is often used by jealous partners, as well as by parents who want to protect and control the child.
  • "* # 62 #"- another combination of numbers to determine where the forwarding is directed.
  • "## 002 #"- a universal request that blocks any form of relaying from your mobile phone.

They are safe for the device, be careful only with the latter.

Check programs

They are frequently used, and the most trusted applications are SpyWarn, Darshak and EAGLE Security. You can download the latest utility to your mobile from Play Market, and the rest will have to be downloaded from the official sites. They identify real stations from fake ones, and thus calculate the surveillance.

Communication with the operator

Perhaps the most best method- this is to contact the telecom operator and ask to check for wiretapping. Have cellular companies there are the necessary devices for these purposes. They analyze the state of the line and give a reliable result, in contrast to the combinations, which are rarely, but are mistaken.

How to get rid of wiretapping of a mobile phone?

Naturally, the most obvious option is to take your phone to service center and analyze installed programs, as well as exploits responsible for "leaking" data. After the workers confirm the wiretap, reveal how it functions, they can destroy it or block it.

You can also try to uninstall the listener application yourself. To do this, install one of the popular antiviruses, for example, from Kaspersky Lab. This utility is concerned about privacy, so it will be able to catch malware and erase it, securing the cell phone.

Steps to remove suspicious software from the list of applications will not be superfluous. Also go to the statistics of battery use, perhaps there is a program that over-exploits the battery and is constantly in the background. Check it out through a Google search, and if there are complaints about it, delete it immediately.

In general, when you need to secure the exchange of information, then use the Telegram messenger (there is a version for iPhone and Android), its secret chats have not yet been hacked. So you don't have to worry about the safety of your data. Do not forget that you cannot open pop-up banners and incoming messages from unknown numbers. And never follow links from unknown sources. This is fraught with the entry of a virus or wiretapping into the system.

We listen to a "non-telephone" conversation using the phone

If necessary, in order to listen to a conversation on the phone, it is not at all necessary to put a "bug" in a person's pocket or connect a listening device. Just the victim's mobile phone is enough.

At the right time, your phone will independently and imperceptibly dial a certain number, and an interested intruder will be able to listen to your conversation until he hangs up.

And if the mobile phone is next to you, then you can be sure that the conversation will not only be heard, but also recorded. And the distance from you to the place of wiretapping does not matter.

By the way, in the phone, in outgoing calls, there will be no traces of the "left" call, and you will not be able to find out that you have been overheard. Is it hard to believe? Alas, this is so. Although not all cell phones can be used as wiretapping by scammers.

There is a segment of consumers who prefer business-class smartphones. This type of device is distinguished by its wide capabilities and attractive design, but at the same time, such a smartphone is also distinguished by many vulnerabilities. Taking advantage of these vulnerabilities, an interested person can make a wiretap under his control from your smartphone, and you will not even know about it.

And even if the attacker is on the other side of the globe, he will be able to initiate a call to listen to your cell phone... And it is not at all necessary to steal the victim's phone in order to install a bug - some brands of phones allow you to call them remotely, without pressing any buttons on the device and even (!) Without knowing the number.

How attackers work

This vulnerability affects some brands of phones with Bluetooth transmitters, which allow them to control the phone using a headset. It was the "bloopers" in the authorization algorithm of such headsets that made the possibility of remote wiretapping real. The main disadvantage of the headset is that there is no need for mandatory authorization for it.

And all because manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of the headset by avoiding the hardware implementation of the authentication algorithm. The developers of mobile phones, being aware of the absence of such algorithms, eliminated the algorithm for checking equipment connected to the phone, while, as an additional advantage, the phone was compatible with many headsets.

But not all phone models can be tapped in this way. And the fact that there is no authorization algorithm for the headset cannot be considered a curiosity, because the headset connected to the phone is used only for conversation without using the microphone and the speaker of the phone. By itself, the headset is "not capable" of either making a call or downloading any data from the phone. In other words, unauthorized connection of the "left" headset to the phone makes it impossible to organize listening.

As a rule, the mobile phone itself initiates the search for the headset, because the headset lacks functionality that allows you to search for devices (in order to reduce the cost). That is, the headset cannot find the phone and, moreover, cannot determine the Bluetooth channel through which it is necessary to contact the phone.

For each functionality The corresponding port (channel) of the device is allocated to the Bluetooth transmitter. The standard transmitter has a variety of ports. This enables the transmitter to simultaneously perform multiple tasks or, more technically speaking, support different profiles.

Functions related to profiles:

  • information interaction with the point of access to the global network;
  • reception / transmission of electronic business cards;
  • emulation of a serial port for data exchange with a PC, etc.

One of these functions is interaction with a Bluetoooth headset. The mobile phone, after detecting the Bluetooth headset, provides it with the port number through which the headset is connected. But for "vulnerable" mobile phones, the profile number of the wireless headset is publicly available. It turns out that we know the channel number, authorization is not required - what prevents us from listening to someone else's conversation? The situation is further complicated by the fact that the headset has quite substantial rights.

The confidentiality of telephone conversations is part of the Constitution that protects the rights of every person. If this part is violated, then the offender will face criminal liability. How to find out if a husband's or wife's mobile phone is tapped for free? What if someone invades your privacy? How to remove wiretapping from an iPhone or Android mobile phone? There are a number of signs to understand that can indicate the presence of wiretapping. Let's take a look at the basics.

Is your phone tapped?

Many are interested in this question, especially those who have any concerns. There are hundreds of professions where the activity is related to the transfer of such information, which is confidential. How to find out whether your or someone else's phone was tapped, that your device is in the palm of a third party?

Important! There is a very simple way to check for wiretapping. Try to give someone false information with provocations. If these words are repeated behind your back or in wider circles, then you need to become more attentive and start analyzing the situation.

There are many signs of “spying” by intelligence agencies from a distance. Let's talk about each of them.

Extraneous noise or echo during a conversation

If during a call you are used to hearing some extraneous sounds, then it's time to be alert, check and listen. Various gurgles, clicks, incomprehensible hum, grinding or popping are all signs that there is a possibility of listening to the device.

Important! For detection, you will need a sound sensor with low frequency settings. If the arrow of such a sensor goes off scale, then you have a reason for alarm.

The functionality of the mobile device is impaired

Try to pay attention to the correctness of your smartphone. If your cell phone is constantly rebooting, discharging or heating up very quickly, then you can try the following actions:

  1. One hundred percent way to get rid of wiretapping is Hard Reset.
  2. Reboot the device and hold down the Power and Volume keys at the time of turning on.
  3. Before you will open context menu operating system, in which you need to select the Reset item.
  4. After selecting this item, all data will be deleted, and the phone will return to factory settings.

Important! If you yourself want to track your loved one or a child, but so that they do not suspect anything, so that there are no bugs and glitches after installing the spy application, then first figure out which application is better for tracking on the phone.

How to disable wiretapping of a mobile phone with other signs? First, let's try to deal with them.

A few more signs of wiretapping

There are several other signs that your phone calls are not being listened to by two people. And it doesn't even matter which one operating system your device is working. Here's a list:

  • The connection between two subscribers takes a very long time.
  • Turning off the device is delayed for several minutes.
  • The smartphone installs third-party software by itself or reboots.

In this case, an antivirus program will help to get rid of:

  1. Go to Google play Market and download antivirus utility... For example, Dr. Web or McAfee. Or choose another software from our separate review about choosing an antivirus program for your phone.
  2. Launch the software and start analyzing the OS.
  3. After analysis, the utility will display a list with all viruses and faults, you just have to click "Cleanup".

What other ways can you find out about the safety of confidentiality?

There are isolated cases when certain users received incomprehensible SMS messages with strange sets of symbols, letters and codes. This is due to the fact that hacker programs use the principle of implementation and can, without your knowledge, exploit any device services for their own purposes. Check your internet and connection bills - you may have been overpaying for a long time.

How to remove wiretapping from a mobile phone? You can try other methods, which are outlined below.

Special applications

You can equip your mobile device with a special software, which is able to determine the presence of wiretapping:

  • The most popular program for this area is SpyWarn. You can download this application from the official website of the utility manufacturer.
  • Also on the vastness of Google Play, you can find two more good applications for this business - Darshak and EAGLE Security. These utilities are able to distinguish between real stations and false ones, which is very helpful in disabling such functions as wiretapping.

Why not contact your mobile operator?

If you are already firmly convinced that your device is being tapped, then what should you do? The most effective method is to contact your operator. mobile communications... The team of specialists has the appropriate gadgets and tools to identify “espionage”. They will analyze the line, and the results of the procedure will be provided to you after a while. If they are positive, then seek help from the master.

  • Just don't use your cell phone for sharing too much important information... Do not use it for commercial or personal negotiations. No information - nothing to listen to.
  • You can also purchase a "cryptotelephone". Such gadgets have everything you need to encrypt all information. The only thing is that buying such a device will cost a lot.
  • You can supply special encryptors. Such equipment is fixed to the body mobile device and is engaged in encryption of all calls.


As you can see, it is real to find out the presence of "left ears" and eliminate their access to your confidential information. How exactly to act now is up to you!