Microsoft Office Word is a software tool for writing and processing text. This program very common in everyday office work. Often, employees who have to work with text are required to have minimal Office skills. There is nothing complicated in printing text, but certain knowledge is required to process it and correctly format it.

Microsoft Word Basics

You can create texts using Word different types: abstracts, term papers, documents and more. It is possible to customize the text by changing appearance, adding pictures, tables and other necessary elements.

Typing text into a document

By opening the program from the desktop or menu "Start", we will be greeted by a blank white sheet of A4 paper. The sheet format can be changed to any other standard, more on that a little later.

You can scroll through pages using a special slider to the right of the A4 sheet, or with the wheel of a computer mouse.

To start printing text, using the left mouse button, position the cursor at the beginning of the intended text at the top of the page.

If you accidentally did something wrong or deleted a piece of text, you can return the action back. To do this, use the key combination "Ctrl+Z".

Saving the finished document

To save your works written on a blank sheet of electronic “paper” into a full-fledged file for further use or processing, there are several options:

Program Microsoft Word By default, sets the option to automatically save the document. You can disable this option using the following path: "File""Options""Save". In this menu, you can select both the ability to disable autosave and the time interval after which this function will save the changed file automatically. Very useful feature for people who forget to save their documents manually.

When working with documents that are important to you, do not disable the automatic saving function to avoid data loss. The cause of a program crash can be anything: accidental closing of the program, computer crash due to weather conditions, etc.

Working with the font

Visual perception of the text is very important for the reader. Sometimes, due to incorrect formatting, the person reading the text loses any desire to finish reading it, no matter how interesting it may be. To make the typed stream of letters and symbols look presentable, there are tools built into the program.

The more complex the text design looks, the less desire users of the document will have to read it. It is customary to use a font when choosing the appearance of text "Times New Roman" Size 14. Size 16 is used for headings.

If you still decide to use a different font at your discretion, Word offers its users a ready-made list of fonts pre-installed with operating system. If the amount provided to you is not enough, you can install additional fonts downloaded or purchased on the Internet.

A font has two main parameters: the font type and its size. In addition to them, there are also other, additional parameters for a more original text design. To apply any of the parameters, you first need to select a specific fragment of the document for processing. To do this, left-click on the beginning of the fragment and drag to its end. To select all documents at once, press the key combination "Ctrl + A".

    1. To change a type, just click on its name on the panel and select from the list new font. When you hover over the option you want, you'll be able to preview what the text will look like before making your final choice. You can scroll through the list using the mouse wheel or by clicking the slider that appears on the right in the open window.

    1. To change the font size, click on the number to the right of the font name and in the same way you can select the size of letters and symbols.

Additionally, you can change the font size without selecting a digital parameter, but only by clicking on the two buttons responsible for this. The left button increases the size of the letters by one step, and the right one, accordingly, decreases it.

Aligning document content

There are four functions for aligning content in a document to a sheet:

  • Align Left (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + L");
  • Center alignment (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+E");
  • Align right (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + R");
  • Justify (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+E").

If everything is clear with the first three functions, then what is the essence of width alignment? Everything is extremely simple. This parameter is required when accepting documents in some organizations, since after its use the text regularly fills the sheet on both sides. To understand this, let's look at its action using an example:

    1. Left alignment:

    1. Width alignment:

The example shows that in the second version the text with right side placed more neatly, closer to the edge. This is exactly what the format of official material should be when it comes to alignment.

Changing the text style

Almost any editor has the ability to change the text style, and this function, of course, did not bypass the legendary Word. These options also have keyboard shortcuts for quickly designing materials.

The Word editor provides three main functions for changing the style. Access to them is available in top panel controls, in the same window as the font selection.

    • Bold (keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+B");

    • Italic (key combination "Ctrl + I");

    • Underlined (key combination "Ctrl + U").

These parameters can be combined with each other. This is what the text will look like with the three style options mentioned above applied to it:

Insert an image into a Word document

    1. To insert an element into a document, you must first open the submenu "Insert" in the top panel of the program.

    1. The Word gallery already has a certain set of images for inserting into a document. To view these files, click the button "Picture".

In the window that appears, look for the desired image among the files on your computer.

As you can see, doing basic work in the Word office program is not difficult, the main thing is to get used to the interface and get used to the functions in order to understand their purpose.

And most importantly, the lessons for novice users are described in as much detail as possible, which makes them accessible and understandable for those who are learning from scratch. I write every lesson or article with pictures and explanations for them. If you have any questions, be sure to write them in the comments at the end of the article. The MS Word program is very common and in demand, but it is not the only one of its kind. Having studied it, you will be able to easily use its analogues by analogy.

Good luck and all the best.

A little skill and knowledge and a ready-made ad with sheets of paper to tear off. We make a table and arrange the text vertically.

One of additional features text editor MS Word is saving files in various types including saving in PDF format

Part 2: How to Use SmartArt for Diagramming, Editing and Leveling

When working in MS Word, it is important to know how to speed up the text layout process (format it to give it the desired appearance). In order to speed up work in Word and make it faster, we need to remember some keyboard shortcuts so as not to have to drag the mouse to the toolbar once again

Previously, I wrote a lesson on how to type an advertisement in a table yourself, now for those who are lazy and need to download it urgently, I’ve made it a separate lesson.

Another easy one useful trick, which can be used not only in Word but also in other Microsoft Office applications. This is a quick zoom in and out of the page.

If, as a result of illiterate editing, we end up with text with extra spaces between words and paragraph marks, then they can be very quickly removed using the “find and replace” command.

Another lesson schedule template for schoolchildren in the table. Simple, nothing extra, no pictures. Nice color scheme.

A few simple options (quickly) for business cards. In 3 styles: text only, color, with picture, with picture and color

Sometimes there is a slight need to simultaneously view and edit two parts of one MS Word document. Read how to do this in this lesson.

Schematic layout of line spacing and paragraph indentation in the text. How to change. Which parameter is responsible for what.

In addition to the spacing between paragraphs, which we looked at in the next lesson, there are spaces between lines (line spacing). We'll look at how to change them in this lesson.

One of the text parameters in MS Word is the spacing between paragraphs. Often when copying from the Internet it is either too small or too large. Learning to change the distance between paragraphs.

One of the correct ways to format text in MS Word is to use a page break to ensure that the text always starts at new page without pressing the Enter key several times

I will tell you how to use SmartArt to create diagrams using a specific example in a video clip. If you read and listen carefully, there is nothing complicated about it

I want to devote today’s article entirely to working in the Microsoft Word editor. It will be especially useful for novice users to familiarize themselves with it. At first glance, the working methods described here may turn out to be simple and do not require study, but they form the basis without which further study of the editor is impossible. We will look at the example of Microsoft Word 2010.

How to change the font in Word?

The font changes on the tab Home in the group Font.

Here you can change, in fact, the font itself, its size, color, make it bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough.

Aligning text in Word

To align text left, center, right, or justified, click the corresponding buttons on the tab Home in the group Paragraph, having previously selected the text that needs to be formatted.

How to insert a table into a Word document?

You can insert a table from the menu Insert/Table by clicking on the drop-down list and selecting the number of rows and columns.

You can also use ready-made formatted table templates by calling the menu item Express tables.

How to change line spacing and indentation in Word?

You can change the spacing between lines on the tab Page layout, group Paragraph.

To do this, you need to place the cursor on the line To or After which you want to change the interval and set the desired value. Indentations are made from the right or left edge in the same way.

Inserting a picture into a Word document

To insert a picture into a document, select the tab Insert, group Illustrations and press Drawing.

A window will appear where you need to find the file on your hard drive that we are going to insert into the document. Click on it, press the button Open and rejoice at the drawing in the document.

If you want to learn how to put footnotes in a document, then read here.

How to master Word on your own?

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Today we will talk about the basic rules of working with a Microsoft Word document. To become a skilled copywriter, first, you need to master at least the very basics of a word document.

All copywriters, even beginners, should be able to use this program.

In addition to skillful and competent presentation, it is also important to learn how to properly format the material. Then the text will be easy to read and look beautiful. How to learn Word on your own? Understand the most basic operations in the program, and then you will get the hang of it very quickly.

How to create a Microsoft Word document?

There is the easiest way to quickly create Word document. To do this, we will need to click anywhere on the desktop right click mice.

A small action bar will appear. The penultimate of them will be the word “create”. We point at this word and see new panel, in which it is located Microsoft document Word (with icon). Click on it and create the desired document.

Everything is very simple and clear. Now you can start working.

Formatting text

Before or after writing, the text needs formatting. That is, it needs to be given a good and easy to read look. How to master Word on your own?

To master Word on your own, you will need to learn several basic tools.

  1. text alignment (width, center, left or right);
  2. font size (number);
  3. font name. Typically Times New Roman is used;
  4. style (bold, italic, underlined);
  5. if there are lists, you can use bulleted or numbered ones;
  6. indentations (bottom, top and sides). You need to select the text and move it using the linear panels that are located on top and on the side of all the text;

Perhaps these are the basic rules or requirements that every copywriter should be able to use when writing and designing their work.

How to change the keyboard layout?

If you look at the bottom right edge of your monitor, you will see a row of icons there. One of them shows the printing language – RU or EN (Russian or English).

We right-click on it and see the next window called “Parameters”. We left-click on it.

A panel called “Text Input Languages ​​and Services” appears. On it we find another panel “Keyboard Options”. Click on it.

If the markup is Alt on the left + Shift, this means that when you press these letters on the keyboard, the language will change.

To return it back, you need to press these keys again.

If you want to change Alt + Shift to Ctrl + Shift, then in the “Additional keyboard options” panel we will click on the button called “Change keyboard shortcuts”.

Near it there will be another panel with the words “Switch input languages”. Under it, left-click next to the word Ctrl. The task is completed.

Thus, we changed the keyboard layout. All we have to do is confirm and save this action by clicking on the word “ok”.

As you can see, learning Word on your own is not at all difficult.

How to count the number of characters in a text?

After finishing work, you should always make sure that you have typed a sufficient number of characters. To do this, we select all the printed text, find the word “service” in the panel (at the top) and click on it with the left mouse button.

There we see the word statistics, which we also left-click on. A small window appears where you can find the number of characters typed with or without spaces, as well as the number of lines, pages, words and paragraphs.

This feature is very simple and easy to use. It helps you instantly count characters and immediately displays their number on the monitor.

Well, congratulations! So you were able to learn Word on your own for free.

Alena (tellat), copywriter at

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How to make a rewrite quickly and efficiently?

How to master Excel as a copywriter?

How to master the touch typing method? With the keyboard on "you"!

Set ownership office applications, especially word and excel, today is a necessary, and in some cases mandatory, skill in many professions and areas of life. Our word and excel training program for beginners is intended primarily for those who need to master these programs comprehensively and thoroughly, with detailed description all the necessary tools and settings. Word and Excel courses are the minimum, having mastered which, you will be able to work independently in almost any industry, performing basic office tasks for the circulation of documents and various types reporting. Many people believe that learning Word and Excel for dummies is something insufficient to quickly advance in education and in the profession, but under this somewhat humorous name lies a well-developed program for learning Word and Excel, which allows you to master the subject easily and effectively, and most importantly, the Excel training program for beginners step by step allows you to clarify the direction you are mastering at each stage.

Microsoft Excel Features and Capabilities

MS Excel is a universal and multifunctional spreadsheet editor whose functions are not limited to creating and editing spreadsheets. By using this application you can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of the solution wide range professional tasks - from creating databases, their analysis and grouping using filters to complex calculations with various coefficients, visualization and forecasting.

Excel skills are indispensable for specialists working in the following fields:

  • Financial and economic analytics;
  • Accounting;
  • Marketing and sociological research;
  • Scientific activity;
  • Banking sector and work with loans;
  • IT sphere, SEO optimization and promotion;
  • Working with databases in various fields.

In the above areas, you will need advanced Excel skills, but for managers and other office workers, basic application skills are sufficient in most cases. table editor. Firstly, this will be a big advantage when finding a job, and secondly, it will really help you cope with your work easier and faster.

Demand for Word and Excel specialists

Despite the fact that you can now learn to work in Excel from scratch in almost any training center By computer technologies, there are not enough specialists who know these programs at the proper level. Most people taking ms courses office excel, and those who think that they can more or less work in these programs, in fact do not reach the very initial level. But having a correct understanding of our skills allows us not only to choose the right training course, but also to be able to apply for a certain job. The demand for Word and Excel specialists is one side of the coin, the other side is their professionalism and skill. Therefore, Excel for Dummies training is necessary for everyone, at least in order to understand what level of proficiency in Word and Excel programs we are at, and whether we are doing the right thing by learning Excel from scratch or whether we need ms excel training at a higher level. And even if you have entry level knowledge of Excel and Word programs, but the study was carried out independently, then in the courses you will be able to systematize your knowledge and find a lot of new things in seemingly understandable things. Well, if you undergo training at more complex levels of proficiency office programs, then it is better to immediately resort to the services of specialized centers - you will save not only time and money, but also your nerves.

You will need knowledge of the following MS Excel tools:

  • Data storage - creating tables, databases, lists, sheets and books;
  • Data processing methods - searching, filtering, formatting and grouping by parameters;
  • Methods of calculations, analysis and forecasting based on available data;
  • Visualization of data in graphs and charts;
  • Logical, text, mathematical and statistical functions;
  • Formulas for fast computational operations with large data sets;
  • Macros, pivot tables and other tools.

Where to start learning, with Word or Excel

Traditionally, learning begins with Word; the program allows you to fundamentally master the keyboard and basic skills in working with text and information of various types. After mastering the Word program, Excel program is easier to master, if only because you have confident typing skills on the keyboard. Working in Excel, training for dummies, implies computer proficiency not only at a basic level, but also at the level of confident use. If Word is a program that is necessary for almost everyone, as a tool for creating, editing, sending and receiving any document, then Excel is a specialized program that may not be necessary for everyone, but mastery of this tool, even at an elementary level, will open you up to a lot of possibilities. Therefore, in addition to Word, it is highly recommended to take Excel for Dummies training. This combination - word and excel, is very popular as a popular skill for any specialist.

How to quickly master Word and Excel

For experienced computer users, using the main components of the software package at a superficial level is not difficult. Opening a file, reading or typing text, saving a document are actions that absolutely every person who works with a computer faces. Having mastered any application included in Microsoft Office, you will be able to understand the logic of the interface and menus, and basic operations will become intuitive in the future.

The situation is completely different if you are a novice PC user or you need Office tools for professional purposes. In the first case, the lack of skills in using office applications, in particular the Word text editor, is a serious obstacle to the further development of all possibilities personal computer. Therefore, learning Office for beginners should be carried out on a systematic basis with a detailed mastery of basic functions, menus and toolbars.

Mastering MS Office for professional use is even more difficult - most ordinary users do not know about 95% of the capabilities of the Word text editor and Excel spreadsheet editor, unless their work requires it.

Self-study requires a lot of time, self-discipline and the ability to concentrate, so the optimal solution would be to take specialized courses dedicated to learning Word and Excel from scratch. They will help you with this Computer literacy courses (Windows, Word, Excel) And Excel courses (Excel) - basic level, which take place at the State Center for Postgraduate Education. If you want to become a professional in using a spreadsheet editor, here is your service: