Sooner or later, every phone owner is faced with the problem of transferring data from one device to another. It can be any combination. Most often this is true for copying data from a phone to a computer or tablet, but there are many other devices with which you can "pair" your device. Sometimes it turns out that you need to establish contact between two phones. Let's talk about this.

In order to transfer data from one device to another, you need synchronization. The difference from standard protocols is the presence of an external server for data storage. It all depends on what kind of phone you have and which one you need to transfer information to. In this article, we'll take a look at how to sync Android and Apple phones.

Sync Android Phonebooks

Consider this problem on the example of synchronizing phone books of an old and a new phone. In order to sync them on this platform, you need to create an account with Google. Everything is very simple here, if you have a Gmail email - it means that you are already registered and can proceed to the next step. Registration in services such as:

  • YouTube;
  • Blogger;
  • Documentation;
  • Picasa.

If you have an account on the listed sites, just go to the mail. All of these resources were developed by Google, as, indeed, the Android platform itself, so they have excellent synchronization schemes using accounts.

Next, let's work a little with the old phone. First of all, your phone book is information that is stored in memory in a certain form. In order to download this data first to Gmail, and then to new phone you need to format the contacts so that the resource can perceive them. CSV and VCard are two suitable formats for this situation.

It is necessary to go to the phone book of the old device and select all contacts there. Next, you need to copy them to the memory card. During this process, they will automatically change the format. After that, you can find them on the memory card by going to the "General" folder, and then "Contacts". The final step in this step is to import this information into your Gmail mail. You need to copy contacts one by one.

Now that the phone book is in our Google account, we need to transfer it to a new device on the Android platform. Moreover, with the help of synchronization, you can set up automatic data transfer. For example, if you have deleted or added a contact in the mail, then the phone will receive this data and will do the same.

Taking a new phone, we act like this:

  • Go to Settings.
  • We are looking for the Accounts item, click - a menu appears.
  • In the pop-up window, the question "Add an existing account or create a new one?" Appears at the top, and the answer options below. We select "Existing".
  • We enter the data of the Gmail mail on which the contacts are saved and enter.
  • Then we synchronize and get the finished phone book on the new phone.

After completing all these steps, you can quickly extract the information you need on a new device, be it a phone, tablet or other device. It is very convenient in any situation and will save you if you lose your device.

Sync Android Snapshots

Photo sync was mentioned in passing in the review on how to clean the memory of an Android phone. All photos from Google Photos can be uploaded, if connected, to the networked Google Drive, visible to everyone who only has access to it (set by the account owner). To do this, you need to enter the Google Drive application on your phone, select the top left menu, enter the settings and set the Auto-add option.

The reverse process is supported by Google Photos. You need to go to the application, expand the menu in the upper left corner of the screen, select Startup and sync ( Please note that the instruction only works for older assemblies. In new Google versions There is no such photo of the item. The authors rolled back the updates of this application to factory settings (version, and then the option appeared.

More detailed options are exposed as follows:

Here you can configure roaming parameters, give preference to free WiFi, and specify the size of photos. Most of your documents can be synced through Google Drive. Opposite those of them that have not yet been uploaded to the server, there will be a crossed out cloud.

Peer-to-Peer sync

Many companies offer free and commercial versions of synchronizers. For example, Resilio offers a client for data transfer using Peer-to-Peer technology, which is widely used in torrent clients. A server with a dedicated hard disk is created, where the synchronized subscribers upload information. You can download the application for a computer on the official website of the company.

The mobile phone accesses the information by scanning a QR code, which will then need to be opened.

We used BitTorrent Sync with Google Play as a client. Although the software is quite young, it still managed to collect a lot of positive feedback.

It is possible to work with Google Drive. For file transfer, a request is sent to the account mail, which must be confirmed by clicking on the link, or ignored.

Instead of paid sync

Google gives 15 GB of space for free, and you need to constantly monitor that there is free place... Instead, it is sometimes easier to transfer files over wireless protocols without involving mobile networks.


This interface did not take root in personal computers. Meanwhile in automatic mode it allows you to interface with each other not only smartphones, but also regular phones devoid of operating systems. This is the best and quick way transmit a small amount of information. That allows you to upload beautiful photos and high-quality music to a simple technique. It is important for developers that the interface specification is available for free download ( This means that everyone who wants (and knows how to program) can start writing applications for connecting devices right now. This is an important fact, because many standards (including ANSI) are sold at a very decent price, and it is not possible to find them in the public domain.

The name was chosen in honor of the ancient Viking king Harald Bluetooth. Known not only for conquest and attempts to unite the land, but also for the installation of runestones to describe its territory, the construction of fortresses. In the same way that stones without the inscriptions of a king are a rock, so are telephones deprived of software BlueTooth cannot properly communicate with each other. Harald I at one time managed to unite the kingdoms of Denmark and part of Norway. The developers from Stockholm, of course, read the ancient sagas and hoped that their interface could do what BlueTooth did for its subjects in the 10th century AD.

Like the WiFi interface, it operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and therefore expansion board modules are often combined. Both protocols can be used. This is very convenient, because both technologies are very popular, although, as is obvious, WiFi is gradually replacing its brother. In the fight against signal fading, the channel is constantly looking for more suitable frequencies, which provides a certain flexibility and adaptability of the interface.

Unlike WiFi, the speed of the protocol is not very high, barely exceeding 1 Mbps. But this is enough for transferring small files between phones. For example, a high-quality 4K photo can weigh about 5 MB. That is, the transfer will take from 10 seconds. Most phone cameras have much lower resolution, therefore, information is transmitted almost instantly. BlueTooth 5, released in pursuit of WiFi, is much more powerful, with a bitrate reaching 50 Mbps at a distance of up to 230 meters. To synchronize two phones, you need to do the following:

Data transfer is carried out through the menu of these folders, the second option will be to go into the directories and act from there. Some phones will need to additionally accept the OPP data profile for a successful transaction. This happens automatically, but requires user approval.

Using WiFi

For Android, there is the possibility of direct data transfer via WiFi Direct. All phones that have enabled the option will see each other. The menu is located in the WiFi network settings.

But sometimes it's more convenient to communicate through friendly apps. For example, on Alcatel Onetocuh, the WiFi Transfer application is installed. We could not find it in Play Market but it is definitely present on many phones. The interface can be confusing when you turn it on for the first time.

For a Windows user, it seems logical to flip through the images using the dotted pointers at the bottom of the screen. But nothing happens! Only the Android user will guess what to drag to the left, then the following screen will appear.

Finally, on the third screen, an offer to start work appears ... In particular, the system requires that there are no anonymous users in it. The presentation is served by the user's own nickname and avatar to choose from nine preset ones. Those interested can upload any photo.

After that, it remains only to create your own group or join an existing one to start transferring information.

As you can see from the screenshots, you can transfer music, videos, drawings, etc. Another common program is We talked about it in the section on how to transfer a photo from a phone to a computer (not supporting WiFi Direct).

Apple sync

An iOS device can be wired sync using special program iTunes. It is done using a native USB cable, which comes with the phone itself, and a computer.

All devices of this brand are synchronized with iTunes. Every time you update your device, add or delete new data, images or music, you will need to sync it with your computer so that all information is copied there. Already from a stationary machine in the reverse way, you can transfer information to any Apple device... Let's take a closer look at this.

  • you need the latest version of iTunes to sync. Open the program and make sure all updates are installed.
  • at USB help cable, connect your phone to your computer through the appropriate connector.
  • find the list of connected devices on the program control panel and select the one you need to work
  • after open this menu, on the left you will have a list of tabs that you can transfer to your computer
  • in order to synchronize devices, you need to click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the window.

A similar connection with a computer is possible in the reverse order. You can also connect and sync without a cable. This can be done via wireless Internet, which, with a good speed, is much more convenient.

Having carried out these simple steps, you will greatly facilitate your life when buying a new phone or any other device from the listed companies. If you are still tormented by the complexity of the question "how to synchronize your phone with your phone?" leave it. Just a few minutes of wasted time will save you hours of useless torment over technology in the future.

2 assessments, average: 4,00 out of 5)

With the advent of smartphones, such a function as synchronization appeared on phones. In particular, synchronization is one of the basic functions of any Android smartphone. Now we will talk about what synchronization is on an Android phone, why you need it and how to set it up.

What does it mean to sync Android to your phone

Synchronization is the exchange of data between a device and a server on the Internet. At the same time, the data that appeared on the smartphone is uploaded to the server, and what appeared on the server is downloaded from the server to the smartphone. Thus, the difference between the data on the device and on the server is eliminated. All available data is combined and synchronized.

In this way, a variety of data is synchronized on an Android phone. The most obvious example is contact synchronization. If this feature is enabled, the contacts on your Google account will automatically sync with the contacts on your phone. For example, when you add a new contact to your phone, it is automatically downloaded to Google Contacts, and when you add a contact to Google Contacts, it is automatically downloaded to your phone. If the phone has access to the Internet, then this synchronization occurs constantly.

Everything else is synchronized in a similar way. This is how the following are synchronized on Android phone by default:

  • Logins, passwords, bookmarks and other data from Google browser Chrome;
  • Mail from the Gmail service;
  • Information from social network Google Plus;
  • Movies, music, books and applications from the Google Play service;
  • Game saves;
  • Photos from the Google Photos app;
  • Files, folders and documents in the Google Disk service;
  • Notes from the Google Keep app;
  • Data from applications Calendar, Contacts and others;

This is the data that syncs with Google services, but third-party apps can also sync data with their servers on the network. For example, if you install Viber, WhatsApp or another, then your contacts will be synchronized in these applications as well.

Why do I need to sync data on my phone

You may be wondering why you need to synchronize all this data, why upload it somewhere on the Internet. In fact, syncing data on your phone solves several problems at once that you probably encountered.


Data sync provides you with a backup of your data that is stored on a server on the Internet. This allows you to quickly restore everything in the event of a breakdown or loss of the phone. Also, this backup allows you to quickly transfer all data in case of purchasing a new device.

Internet access

In most cases, the data that has been synced can be accessed through the website. For example, if you've synced your contact list on Android, you can view it using a browser at

Working with multiple phones

If you use multiple Android phones, syncing will allow you to have the same data across all devices. For example, the same list of contacts, the same notes, entries, reminders, etc.

How to set up sync on Android

IN operating system Android has a lot of settings related to data synchronization. To access these settings, you need to open the "Settings" application and go to the "Users and accounts" section.

In the next step, information about the selected account will appear. Here you need to go to the "Account Synchronization" section.

As a result, you will see a list of all applications, data from which are synchronized with Google services. Here you can enable or disable sync for each application separately.

You can also manually start the synchronization process.

To do this, click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and activate the "Synchronize" option.

A lot of people who recently bought a smartphone for themselves and have no experience with it are wondering what synchronization is in a phone. If you use precise definitions, synchronization is the process of connecting two different objects to each other. The purpose of synchronization is for information on one device to correspond in its properties to information on another.

Of course, the concept of sync is very broad, so it is important to immediately define what sync is in a phone and what it exactly means. Almost always, syncing in a phone means combining a list of contacts and storing them in the "cloud" (secure online storage of information), which will only be accessible to your devices.

What is phone sync and how does it work?

To explain what synchronization is in the phone and what are the principles of its operation, let's take a situation in which you have two individual smartphone... On both ...

Details Created on 18.04.2012 18:15

Having purchased an Android tablet, you probably wondered how to throw your favorite music, videos and photos onto it. Unlike the iPad, which gets it all through the iTunes app, Android tablets don't have a desktop app or an automated system for transferring data from hard disk your computer to the device.

Of course, you can download movies and music from the Internet, but what about transferring your family video files and photos to your tablet? Or perhaps you have an address book on your computer that you would like to sync with your tablet computer.

Some tablet computers come with desktop applications that allow data to be synchronized with a personal computer, but most models require third-party software to intervene. Let's take a look at three ways to solve the problem of computer-tablet interaction.

"iTunes for Android"

Although it doesn't exist ...

Synchronization (from the Greek synchronos - simultaneous) in computer science means one of two things: synchronization of processes, or data synchronization.

Synchronization of processes - bringing two or more processes to such a course, when certain stages of different processes are performed in a certain order, or simultaneously.
Synchronization is necessary in any cases when parallel processes need to interact. For its organization, means of interprocess communication are used. Among the most commonly used tools are signals and messages, semaphores and mutexes, pipes, shared memory.

Data Synchronization is the elimination of differences between two copies of data. It is assumed that previously these copies were the same, and then one of them, or both, were independently modified.
How data is synchronized depends on additional assumptions made. The main problem here is that independently made changes ...

Today, many are asking the question - why do we need file synchronization? Every person working at a computer has important files. These can be Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, or family photos.

Each of you can decide the issue of the safety of this data in your own way. I suggest you take a look at how to secure these files using data synchronization.

A friend of mine recently had a broken laptop. He hit it by accident and it stopped turning on. It turned out to have flown HDD, and all important information was on it. He did not backup files, as he often forgot, sometimes he was lazy or it was simply difficult to keep track of all the documents. Then he had a lot of problems with information recovery. Now, knowing about synchronization, he is not afraid of anything.

Now you perfectly understand that in the matter of data storage, relying only on your computer, disks and flash drives is very unreliable and unsafe. You can also take into account the human ...

Synchronization is a rather capacious concept and is used in a wide variety of fields, from computer science to physics. This phenomenon can be encountered by users of smartphones, computers, game lovers are also faced with this concept.

In the age of universal informatization and computerization, special methods are indispensable to streamline the endless flow of information. In addition, all modern electronic devices and programs for them are closely connected via the Internet, and therefore it is necessary to ensure their joint workability. Moreover, synchronization as an informational phenomenon is of fundamental importance for manufacturers of applications and technical devices, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it greatly facilitates the work with user target information.

What is sync

Synchronization is a system of algorithms that ensure the parametric unity of different objects in time and space ...

Synchronization history

Synchronization was first demonstrated at a software exhibition in the Swiss capital, Bern, in 1985. A link was established between two programs that execute a large number of mathematical operations and constantly exchanging data with each other. It was already clear then that synchronization would find its application in science and technology.

In the 90s of the last century, synchronization was used by the US military to coordinate supersonic Stealth fighters. The coordinates of the fighter were transmitted to the satellite, and back it received information about all synchronized aircraft.

In 1998, ten years after the "invention", synchronization began to be used in the developments of the world famous Motorola company.

Synchronizing contacts

Since the introduction of compact mobile phones, the lives of business people around the world have undergone radical changes. Being "always in touch" is no longer a luxury, but ...

The meaning of synchronization is simple: firstly, a backup copy of all contacts has never been superfluous. Losing a smartphone or SIM card has happened to many and painful restoration of connections in all conceivable and inconceivable ways as a result of the loss. Secondly, if you have purchased another Android gadget, then many hours of driving in all contacts again can easily be reduced by a few minutes of synchronization with a new device. Thirdly, it is simply practical to collect all contacts from Facebook, Outlook, Google+, Skype and the phone book in one place.

Do I need a Google account?

Yes. Without it, nothing will work. Without a Google account, you will not be able to activate a newly purchased smartphone. It won't take more than a few minutes to create an account in Google or Googlemail (Gmail).
If you are already using Gmail / Google services, then it is enough to enter your contact information (email and password) when you first set up your smartphone or tablet. The convenience of synchronization also lies in the fact that ...

Users with a busy work schedule need to plan their tasks, and in the 21st century, most of them refuse to use a diary and organizer. After all, contacts in conjunction with the calendar should always be at hand, and in the same state on all devices. Let's look at applications and online services for optimal data synchronization between a computer and mobile devices: be it a smartphone, tablet, or a familiar mobile phone on a popular OS.

I mentioned diaries and organizers for a reason. For example, most of my colleagues painstakingly write down their current affairs and upcoming events in these "miracles of printing". If you are in the office, look around or walk through the offices and you will see that this type of reminder is popular. In turn, users of tablets and smartphones can afford to relax, because they will receive reminders on time and in advance, as well as at any time learn all the information about the contact. Many...

Show photo

Android and sync

Android - the brainchild of the notorious Google corporation - confidently holds a "place in the sun" among the operating systems for mobile devices existing today. Its high popularity is due not least to the convenience of using all kinds of Google services- starting from search and ending with account synchronization. The latter feature makes life much easier in many situations and is actively used by almost all users of smartphones based on this OS.

What is sync on android? Probably, this question is one of the first to be asked by the newly-minted Android OS users, since it is for the needs of synchronization that a separate item is highlighted in the Google account settings menu, and this word immediately catches the eye. The answer to it is extremely simple: synchronization is the collection of all information in a single place, your Google account.

In a sense, synchronization is a backup of data –...

At the moment, no one is surprised by the latest trends in the design of mobile devices. At the same time, the most important aspect when working with most modern applications is understanding what auto-sync is on android. Let's try to figure out what it is, and also tell you about a convenient widget specially designed for this platform.

What is auto-sync on Android?

If our information is stored in different places, it can be difficult to track it down. For example, we can store some data on a server, others on a mobile device or PC.

How can we determine that we have before us the final version of this or that file? And how to make sure that on our desktop computer and the phone had everything we needed without having to manually copy it on a regular basis? The smartest way to achieve this is through automatic syncing. What is it?

Computer terminology suggests that ...

You need to set up your smartphone so that once and for all! Setting up Android sync helps you keep your phone book, calendar, notes, and more always up to date!
If you decide to visit this page, then perhaps you are new to the world of Andoid and do not know many of the basics in this operating system, by visiting the resource you made the right choice!

Briefly about the article why

need Android sync setup

Synchronization(from the Greek συνχρόνος - simultaneous) - the process of reducing one or more parameters of different objects to the same value (thanks to wikipedia). Synchronization is necessary so that all your devices have the necessary data and in case of loss or blocking of Android, they can quickly restore them.

Having spent time once, in the future you will save it by setting up synchronization, you can instantly set up the device so that all your contacts and settings are on your Android at once.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Create an account google entry
  • Quickly transfer contacts from old phone to new one
  • How not to be left without a phone book
  • Synchronize data

Create a Google account

For those who do not know why we need to create a Google account, I explain Google created Android, so this OS is closely related to the search giant!

If you have ever registered on such Internet resources as:

This means that you have Account Google and you don't need to do anything, but it's best to double-check and make sure you have it. If there is, leaf through the article below, No, read on!

1. Go to the site to create a Google account. Are you registered? Excellent!

2. After registration, go to Gmail -> Contacts

3. Naturally, you will now have an empty phone book, but that's just for now!

Transferring data data from an old device

On the this moment there are several standards for the transfer and storage of contact data (business card), except for dictating ... This is the CSV standard and the VCard standard, both of them serve to instantly transmit all contact information information - landline phone, mobile phone, who is the wife or husband, address, birthday , skype, icq and more.

You guessed it, you need to convert your entire phone book to one of the standards.

Transfer contacts to memory card (Nokia)

Go to the phone book:

If you already have Android

but the phone book is not in Gmail

Go to the phone book and do the following:

Then delete all contacts from Android.

After that, we feed the Gmail contacts file (most likely the name will have 00001.vcf).

Now we feed all these contacts to Gmail

timely receipt of relevant information is a prerequisite for making informed decisions. Naturally, being in the office in front of a computer screen, getting the necessary information is not a problem. But everything becomes much more complicated if you have not one computer, but at least two; if you went on a business trip or business requires your intervention even on vacation; if you regularly have to download updated versions of files from the company's server; if you are working on one project with a group of employees and are forced to regularly view the latest versions of documents from a common folder for this project stored on a remote server, etc.

In all these cases, we are talking about the same thing - data synchronization. This term refers to the synchronization of related folders with files and subfolders located both on the same and on different computers. During synchronization, specialized programs scan files with the same names in related folders and compare them according to several criteria: file date - usually this is the main criterion, as well as size and checksums - these are additional criteria that are not supported by all synchronization programs. The latest copies of the files found in this way are sent to a related folder to update the old copies. The same thing happens with newly appeared files that were not originally in the related folder. The result of synchronization is the complete identity of related folders - in other words, after synchronization, all files and subfolders in them will be the same.

Synchronization Basics

Usually synchronization is performed between related folders located on different computers. Computers can be connected to each other directly via a local area network, infrared port or the Internet. This is the fastest and most convenient option, since data synchronization is performed in one stage - as a rule, it is enough to press one button in the program window.

If there is no direct connection, the data can be synchronized using an Intermediate Storage Device (ISD), which is used to transfer information between two computers during the synchronization procedure. This device can be a floppy disk removable hard disk, folder on FTP-server, USB Flash drive, etc. In this case, data is synchronized in several stages: first, files from one computer are packed and sent to an intermediary device, and then they are received on another computer, due to which synchronization is carried out. This is what unidirectional sync looks like. If it is necessary to carry out bi-directional synchronization, then the above operations are repeated, but in the opposite order.

If it is necessary, for example, to synchronize large amounts of data, some of the files can be ignored - in this case, for each local folder, a file filtering condition is defined, specified as a file mask in general view... During synchronization, you can ignore not only files, but also subfolders - both all and some selected ones.

The synchronization process, given the periodic nature of this operation, is more convenient to automate using the built-in scheduler, usually supported by the corresponding programs. You can, for example, perform regular file synchronization at a specified time, on certain days of the week, when Windows starts up, when updates appear in synchronized folders, etc.

Typical tasks that can be solved using synchronization

data synchronization is a task that quite often faces both ordinary users and system administrators, project managers, managers and other company employees.

Synchronization of data on two or more workplaces

Many users today have to work not on one, but on two or even more computers. It is clear that when moving from one computer to another, you don’t want to think every time about which files and folders have been changed and copy them from one computer to another. It is much easier to create appropriate sync tasks for the main folders and run them automatically, for example, when you turn on your computer.

For mobile users, the task of synchronizing laptop data with a work computer is relevant, for example, before, after and during a business trip. Stationary users absolutely need data synchronization between work and home computers. Both of them will be useful at any time to synchronize the data of their computer with the company's server, etc.

Centralized information update

Today, almost all companies use computers. They are usually connected to a local area network, although it is possible that there are remote computers connected via the Internet. In any case, quite often there is a need for a centralized update of information on all computers (or on computers of a particular department, etc.). So, from time to time, new versions of some documents have to be copied to each of the computers. Usually this operation is carried out either by sending them to all employees by e-mail or by manually copying files to shared folders on each computer. However, there is a better way - you can create appropriate synchronization tasks that will update data on all computers, for example, from a company server. The advantages of this approach are obvious: the intervention of the employee responsible for this operation will not be required, since everything will happen automatically, and situations when some employee does not receive the necessary information will be completely excluded. The same technique can be used for centralized software updates on all computers, in particular for updating anti-virus databases, etc.

Updating the site and maintaining the relevance of the site mirrors

Regular updates, such as the company's Web site, are a clear indication that it is maintained and evolving, and that the information is always up to date. Despite the huge amount of very different software designed for posting and updating data on the site (usually an FTP client or file manager is used for this purpose), synchronizing the Web server with working folders on the local computer is the fastest way to update, since the synchronization program itself detects the changed files and copies only them to the site.

In addition, the update operation in this case occurs completely unnoticed by site visitors and, if configured correctly, excludes the possibility of losing files. The fact is that usually with this type of synchronization, files are transferred with false names and are renamed after the synchronization is complete, so visitors who have entered the site at the time of the update will not notice any interruptions in their work. For greater reliability, files are blocked during synchronization, which avoids possible data loss when the file is changed by another company employee who has access to edit the site.

In addition, such synchronization is usually carried out automatically, which saves the performers from time-consuming, lengthy and similar work.

Backing up data

Data backup implies periodic, as a rule, daily backups the information you need which are usually stored on some kind of removable media and are regularly overwritten. Various specialized software is available for data backup; most programs for data synchronization also provide redundancy.

However, one-way synchronization can also be used to create backups, in which updated files are copied in only one direction. This is very convenient because it automatically avoids duplicating unchanged files, while a normal backup creates a compressed copy of all (both changed and unchanged) folders and files. As a result, backup in the form of unidirectional synchronization requires much less time, which is especially important in cases where data is backed up not only to an external medium - to another hard disk, CD or DVD, etc., but also to a remote server. via FTP. Duplication to an external medium and to a remote server increases the reliability of data storage by an order of magnitude, since even in critical cases, when a working hard disk and an external storage medium fail at the same time, the data can still be restored thanks to the availability of a backup copy on the Internet.

Data comparison

Comparing different file modifications is very common. Some users are forced to compare regular Word documents, for example, presumably different versions contracts for the presence of changes in them, others - price lists or other Excel documents in order to find out if any amendments were made there. Many people have to look for changes in images prepared for a specific project, made by other employees working on the project, etc. If there are a lot of such documents, then manually comparing the dates of the corresponding files is a long process, and synchronization programs will scan hundreds of files in a matter of seconds and report which of them have changes.

Comparison of files is sometimes necessary in various emergency situations. For example, if, at the time of copying a large amount of data, the electricity suddenly went out or the user simply had to interrupt this process due to some circumstances, then by comparing the source folder and the destination folder using the synchronization program, you can quickly copy the missing data.

Synchronization of personal information

Synchronization personal information: address books, mail databases, favorites, ICQ databases, etc. - no less relevant. All this, and first of all mail databases, have to be regularly transferred, for example, from a work computer to a home computer or from a stationary computer to a laptop (personal information must be synchronized with various mobile devices, primarily with a mobile phone, but this is a topic for a separate article). Manually copying and transferring files of several hundred megabytes is not a pleasant task. In addition, the overwhelming majority of information does not change, so copying it from one computer to another is completely pointless. Programs for data synchronization can help. Of course, the main purpose of this class of programs is the synchronization of folders and files, but some of them also support the synchronization of personal information. If the program clearly does not have such an opportunity, then in most cases it will still be easy to configure it to carry out this operation by specifying the appropriate data folders, and then the synchronization will be done accurately and accurately. But it should be borne in mind that not all programs accept files obtained in this way favorably, and it is possible that after synchronization, the corresponding file, for example, a mail database, will have to be connected by import. But it's still an order of magnitude faster and easier.

Data Synchronization Software

Developer: Cordes development

Distribution size: 3.9 MB

Distribution method: shareware (30-day limited demo version -

Price: USD 39

Work under control: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Server

Backer is a professional package for synchronizing and backing up data widely known in the world, but not yet widely distributed in Russia. The program has a non-standard interface and does not support Russian, which complicates the process of mastering it. At the same time, it includes a series of built-in wizards, thanks to which it can be recommended to non-professional users as well. As for professionals, they will undoubtedly be attracted by the broad capabilities of Backer, combined with a variety of automation techniques, reliable information protection and almost complete absence of restrictions on the amount of processed data (the program can work with files up to 4 GB in size).

Backer supports two sync options. First, it allows you to synchronize files and folders on the same computer or between your computer and any external intermediary device (another hard drive, CD or DVD, USB, etc.). Secondly, the program provides synchronization between two different computers: a laptop and a work computer, a work and home computer, a work computer and a remote server, two computers in a local network, etc. The computers being synchronized can be connected to each other via a local network, infrared port or The Internet. If none of the above options is suitable, then synchronization can be carried out in two stages: first, back up data from the first computer to an external media, and then restore them from the external media to the second computer. For these purposes, Backer has built-in not only bi-directional synchronization, but also unidirectional synchronization in both directions - from the source and to the source.

Thus, the program is of interest to a wide variety of user groups. It will help mobile users in synchronizing folders and files of a laptop with a work computer before, after and even during a business trip via FTP; stationary - will ensure that there is always up-to-date, automatically synchronized information on your home and work computers, will help you at any time to receive updated data from the company's server and set up automatic updating of the company's website via FTP. Both will benefit from the ability to back up important files by storing them on external media as a backup and restoring in case of data loss on the hard drive. By the way, you can also back up data via FTP - this is another option for creating a backup copy of data in case of some completely unforeseen situations, up to a fire in the office with the complete destruction of both hard drives and external data carriers. Of particular interest is the ability to compare two folders with all the files and subfolders included in them without synchronization, regardless of their location - this can be useful, for example, when viewing folders for changes in them in the case of joint work on one project.

The program maintains detailed statistics of all synchronizations performed, displaying them on the screen and saving them in a log file, which can be viewed at any time.

Other features of Backer include support for the currently most reliable AES Rijndael encryption system with 128-, 192- and 256-bit keys and additional Zip data compression; filtering synchronized files by mask, the number of which can be replenished; synchronization of mail folders Outlook Express and Outlook, news and favorites bookmarks.

The Scheduler allows you to automatically start a particular synchronization task on a schedule, for example, when Windows starts or closes, at specific hours and days of the week. Backer can work in parallel with other programs and not interfere with current work, however, when synchronizing large amounts of data, it is better to choose night hours for this, when the computer is not used for other purposes. In this case, the program will be easy to configure so that after completing the task, it will close all windows, exit Windows and turn off the computer. In addition, scheduled synchronization tasks are saved in profiles and can be loaded with Windows, and frequently used profiles can be placed in a special Top 12 list, which allows you to start the synchronization process by pressing one of the buttons: F1, F2… F12. In addition to the function keys, Backer supports a huge variety of keyboard shortcuts, which help to significantly speed up the work with the program.

Developer: 2BrightSparks Pte Ltd

Distribution size: SyncBackSE 3.2.7 - 3.27 MB, SyncBack 3.2.3 - 1.9 MB

Distribution method: SyncBackSE -, SyncBack - freeware (

Price: SyncBackSE - $ 15, SyncBack - free

Work under control: Windows 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003

The well-known package for synchronizing and backing up data SyncBack is presented today in two editions: in the free SyncBack program aimed at home users, and in an extended version - the paid professional version of SyncBackSE. It should be noted that SyncBackSE has the lowest price among the internationally recognized professional products of this class.

The free version of SyncBack can be a good alternative for paid products for home users, since it supports work on local and remote computers and via an FTP server, and also allows synchronization in two stages with intermediate data backup to another hard or network drive, to a CD or DVD, CompactFlash or ZIP. It is quite suitable, for example, for synchronizing a work computer and a laptop or a work and home computer. SyncBack can automatically launch when Windows startup, work on a schedule, run as a background application and not interfere with the work of other programs, launch any other applications before and / or after synchronization. SyncBack supports export and import of profiles and filtering of files and folders, and also has two modes of operation: Easy - designed for beginners and Expert - suitable for more advanced users.

The extended version of SyncBackSE, in addition to the above, has many more interesting features. For example, Fast Backup mode allows you to reduce the time spent on backing up files to various external devices and FTP servers by more than 15 times, and file comparison is implemented not only in the classic version, that is, by date and size, but also taking into account checksums that allows you to detect even the smallest changes.

SyncBackSE supports new FTP standards (which increases compatibility with FTP servers) and provides:

  • automatic detection of the exact time zone of the FTP server;
  • XCRC support for additional control during data transfer;
  • support for network security protocols SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLS, which allows you to synchronize files in an encrypted form;
  • implementation of MODE Z-compression, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of file transfer (although this mode is not supported by all FTP servers).

SyncBackSE implements more convenient creation of profiles and faster viewing, support for compression filters, it is possible to use one-time passwords. In addition, the program (only under Windows XP and Windows 2003) implements synchronization of files used by running applications. For example, when open Microsoft program Most Outlook sync programs will not be able to copy or synchronize the data file, outlook.pst, and SyncBackSE will not be an obstacle to launching the application.

Developer: SmartSync Software

Distribution size: 1.91 MB

Distribution method: shareware (30 days demo -

Price: 35 USD

Work under control: Windows 95/98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003

SmartSync Pro is one of the world's most popular folder and file backup and synchronization software. It is quite versatile, as it allows you to synchronize not only files and folders, but also favorites, address book, ICQ databases, Outlook files and Outlook Express messages.

Synchronization or backup can be performed both manually and on a schedule that allows you to start the process on time, at logon and logoff, for any changes in the synchronized folders. In addition, SmartSync Pro remembers all synchronization and backup tasks in the form of profiles, which makes it possible to simplify and speed up recurring processes as much as possible, even in the case of manual synchronization - with a profile, one click of the mouse is enough to complete the task. Access to profiles can be password protected... Profiles are cataloged in the form of a tree, which is clear and convenient; in addition, they can be imported and exported, which allows them to be saved and restored in the event of a system change and / or switching to another computer.

The program provides data synchronization both between folders on the same computer and between folders on a network or remote PC; there is support for bi-directional synchronization. When synchronizing data with a remote computer, SmartSync Pro provides three options:

  • creation of compressed backups on any removable media (floppy disks, CD, DVD, USB Flash drive, ZIP, etc.) with subsequent recovery of information from them on a remote computer;
  • sending a compressed backup by e-mail with the ability to split it into parts and then restore it on a remote computer;
  • sending data to a remote computer via an FTP server.

When synchronizing large amounts of information, in some cases it is more reasonable to limit the files being synchronized by mask - the list of initial masks in the program is small, but they can be edited and supplemented in accordance with the tasks being solved. And if we are talking about backup, then the backup can include or, conversely, exclude files with various attributes: archive, system, hidden and read-only.

The program supports the Russian language, has a fairly simple interface and allows you to work with the wizard, which makes it accessible to beginners. In addition, SmartSync Pro supports hotkeys, can be launched when the operating system is loaded and minimized to tray, automatically takes time zones into account when synchronizing, and is also very fast.

Developer: Rose City Software

Distribution size: 2.17 MB

Distribution method: shareware (30 days demo -

Price: US $ 29.95

Work under control: Windows 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 Server

Synchromagic is considered one of the most famous programs for quickly synchronizing and copying files and folders between remote computers and computers. local network... However, it can hardly be called professional - today it is more suitable for home users in terms of its capabilities.

Synchromagic is effective for synchronizing data between work and home computers, as well as between a desktop computer and a laptop. Synchronization via FTP is possible, which is convenient, for example, for automatic update Web site. Windows XP additionally supports synchronization mode with intermediate data storage on CD-R / RW. In addition, Synchromagic provides a very convenient way to compare directories without synchronizing them.

Synchronization can be either unidirectional or bidirectional and configured to update target directories (target) with the removal of those files that are not in the source folder. When configuring a synchronization task, Synchromagic allows excluding specific subfolders and files by mask, as well as files exceeding the specified size.

All tasks are created manually or using a wizard, saved in the program in the form of tasks lists, and in the future, to perform any of them or even all at the same time, it will be enough to press a single button. The built-in scheduler allows you to synchronize at a specific time and on specific days of the week, as well as launch a specific program or file before and / or after synchronization. Synchromagic informs the user in detail about the progress and results of synchronization by displaying a corresponding report on the screen and saving it in a log file. At first, the program simply reports the results of comparing the synchronized folders in the preview window and asks for confirmation to complete the synchronization. On the one hand, this slows down the work process and does not allow it to be fully automated, and on the other hand, it protects against unpleasant consequences if files are deleted with incorrect synchronization settings. In addition, if desired, the user can be notified of the end of synchronization by e-mail and / or a sound signal.

Developer: ReGet Software

Distribution size: 1.3 MB

Distribution method: shareware (30 days demo -

Price: RUB 300

Work under control: Windows 9x / Me / 2000 / XP

WebSynchronizer is a convenient and versatile tool for synchronizing and Reserve copy data, which allows you to synchronize folders on one computer or in a local network, folders on a local computer with a Web server, or two remote servers. The program can be used to synchronize the Web server with working folders on the local computer; to keep one or more mirrors of websites or ftp servers up-to-date (if the server content is updated frequently, WebSynchronizer can be configured to automatically synchronize regularly); to create backup copies of data (for this purpose, the Read Only mode is used, in which updated files are copied in only one direction); to synchronize data on several workplaces (in particular, on work and home computers and a laptop). In the latter case, synchronization can be carried out not only when two computers are directly connected, but also using intermediate data carriers, for example, a USB Flash drive or an FTP server.

The program has an intuitive Russian-language interface, easy to learn and accessible even to an unprepared user. There are many settings here, but in most cases the default settings are optimal for work, so at first it is not necessary to deal with all this. The program keeps a detailed log of each data stream and a general log of the synchronization process with their display on the screen, as a result of which the user always knows what the program is doing.

Among the main advantages of WebSynchronizer is the high speed of synchronization (it is much higher than, for example, when copying files with a regular FTP client or file manager), which is achieved through the simultaneous use of several two-way streams. WebSynchronizer automatically determines the time zone on the remote server, which is relevant if the remote server is in a different time zone, and synchronizes with the time difference.

WebSynchronizer is able to resume an interrupted synchronization from the point of the break and ensures the reliability and safety of synchronization. The latter is achieved through:

  • support for multi-user mode - files are locked during synchronization, which allows you to avoid data loss when these files are changed by another user;
  • transferring files with changed names and renaming them only after the transfer is completed - this protects files from damage if the connection to the server is broken;
  • continue if an error occurs on one of the established sync connections through other connections.

The built-in WebSynchronizer scheduler allows you to automate some repetitive tasks, such as regularly synchronizing files at the appointed time or shutting down the computer after all tasks are completed.

Developer: VU-Software

Distribution size: 3.2 MB

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: is free

Work under control: Windows 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP

VuBrief is designed for transferring and synchronizing files between directories within the same computer or local network, for synchronizing files between remote computers or between a local folder and an FTP-folder, and for backing up files. This allows you to use the program to solve the following tasks:

  • for simple and quick synchronization of files between computers, which provides, for example, the transfer of documents from work to home computer and vice versa; built-in task scheduler helps to carry out this procedure daily and automatically;
  • periodically publishing files on the Internet to a specified FTP folder, which is convenient for updating HTML files and other documents on the Internet;
  • backup archiving for the purpose of saving copies of files on a daily basis, which can be automated using the task scheduler;
  • direct synchronization of files between folders within the same computer; the folders can be located on a local disk, on a removable device, or be a network resource available at the time of synchronization;
  • transferring files between remote computers that are not connected by a network; this process takes place in several stages and requires an intermediate storage medium or an intermediary device (floppy disk, CD-RW, Iomega ZIP, FTP); in this case, first, data from one computer is written to the intermediary device, and then on another computer is loaded from the intermediary device;
  • synchronization of the local computer folder and FTP folder; three directions of synchronization are possible: Duplex - bidirectional file synchronization, Mirror - download files from a local folder to an FTP folder, Sample - download files from an FTP folder to a local folder.

vuBrief can operate in two modes: visual, when the user works with the program manually, and hidden, when the program is minimized to the tray and works in the background of other programs according to a preset schedule. The built-in task scheduler is used to determine the scheduled tasks of the application. The program protects synchronized data and backup archives using encryption.

The convenient Russian-language user interface is designed both for beginners who can work with the master and for professionals who are provided with a lot of techniques to speed up the work process. These include, for example, filtering synchronized files and subfolders, as well as a quick launch list, thanks to which you can start the synchronization process or Backup with one click of a button.

Synchronization between programs was first demonstrated in 1985 at the CERN Science Center (Switzerland). Two programs running in parallel performed mathematical calculations and exchanged information. Even then, it was clear that synchronization would still play its role in the development of science and technology.

Then synchronization began to be used for military purposes, to coordinate a group of fighter aircraft. The synchronization system of each aircraft sent signals (its coordinates) to the satellite and received the location of all the aircraft in the group in return.

In 1996 Motorola first proposed a mechanism for synchronizing mobile devices.

Synchronization of mobile devices

Synchronizing contacts was essential for business people, executives. The phone can break, it can be stolen - all this could lead to the loss of important connections. To synchronize contacts, there are both tools of phone manufacturers and cellular operators, as well as third-party services. One of the most popular is Sinchronet. It allows you to link notebooks on most mobile systems. In addition to supporting Android and iOS operating systems, Sinchronet also works as a java application.

Apple first offered to sync Apple devices, including mobile iPhones and iPad via its own cloud service iCloud.

Cloud services

Synchronization is the backbone of cloud services. The very idea of ​​services is simple: your files are stored on a remote server, the "cloud". You can access them from different devices, you can edit and create files from synchronized devices, and view them from any. As soon as you make changes to the file on one of the devices, synchronization will start and you will have access to the file on all devices.

One of the first cloud services was DropBox, which offers an initial account for free. Currently, there are dozens of modern cloud services, including Amazon.Box, Yandex.Disk, Google.Drive.

Synchronization and business

Synchronization software can be a competitive advantage in those areas of business where the speed of information retrieval is critical. Trading stocks and securities depends on the main rule of price: the price of a commodity must be the same anywhere in the world (including logistics and taxes). The cost of a barrel of oil in Tokyo and New York should be the same. Synchronization ensures that prices are equal all over the world. Not only the prices themselves are important, but also their fluctuations. The stock market uses the latest computers and programs, because millions and billions of dollars are at stake. The fact is that stock speculators help to increase the efficiency of the market by determining the correct prices for shareholdings. Synchronization programs help them in this difficult process.

Synchronization I Synchronization (from the Greek synchronos - simultaneous)

bringing two or more processes to synchronicity, i.e. to such a course when the same or corresponding elements of the processes are performed with a constant phase shift relative to each other (for example, the speech of a speaker and an interpreter during simultaneous translation) or simultaneously (for example, the movements of dancers in the corps de ballet). C. periodic processes are achieved by bringing to mutual correspondence (for example, to equality or multiplicity) of their periods (frequencies) and establishing a constant relationship between their initial phases (constant mutual phase shift (see Phase shift)) . Processes that satisfy the conditions for synchronicity are called synchronous or synchronized; the quality (property) that they possess is called synchronicity. Asynchronous processes are called asynchronous. S. of processes is extremely important in technology, for example, in power engineering (S. operation of generators in an electric power system; in this case, the voltage equalization of generators is additionally provided), in television (S. horizontal and frame scanning in transmitting and receiving television devices), in film technology. (S. images and phonograms), etc. See also Synchronization of vibrations, Synchronization in telecommunications, Synchronization in cinema.

II Synchronization III Synchronization

in telecommunications, synchronous reception, carried out in a receiver (for example, a radio receiver), the coordination of electrical oscillations (signals) received from the transmitter and some auxiliary ones, the so-called. reference oscillations (for example, generated in the receiver) in frequency and phase. Consists in maintaining the discrepancy, on the one hand, of the carrier frequency (see Carrier frequency) received signals f and (or) modulation frequency (in discrete communication - keying frequency) F, as well as the phases of carrier vibrations φ =2 π ft(Where t - time) and (or) phases of modulating oscillations (or telegraph pulses) ψ = 2 π ft and, on the other hand, the corresponding frequencies and phases of the reference oscillations within the specified limits Δ f, ΔF, Δφ, Δψ. Accordingly, they talk about maintaining the frequency and phase synchronism - high-frequency, if the carrier frequency is considered, low-frequency, if - the frequency of modulation and (or) keying. S. can be carried out by the relative method - by tuning the oscillator of the receiver's reference frequency according to the signals received from the transmitter, or by the absolute method - by the oscillations received from the local highly stable oscillator. The most common communication systems operating in phase synchronism mode, in which automatic phasing of oscillations in the receiver is carried out (for example, using the so-called synchronous detector a , controlled by stable oscillations from the reference generator).

Frequency and phase instabilities (or local time t =φ /2 π f arise in any communication system due to the instability of the oscillation frequency of the generators (both on the transmitting and on the receiving side), dispersion (see Dispersion) of the group time of signal propagation, and for other reasons. Synchronous reception allows you to suppress interference in the receiver, the phase of which is different from the phase of the useful signal.

Lit .: Momot EG, Problems and techniques of synchronous radio reception, M., 1961; Bukhviner VE, Discrete circuits in phase radio communication systems, M., 1969; Shakhgildyan V.V., Lyakhovkin A.A., Systems of phase-locked loop frequency, 2nd ed., M., 1972; Time and frequency, per. from English., M., 1973; Gusyatinsky I.A., Pirogov A.A., Radio communication and radio broadcasting, M., 1974.

A. A. Pirogov.

IV Synchronization

in cinema, bringing to an exact temporal correspondence of visual and auditory images when playing back a film (or parts of it) shot by the method of synchronous filming (see Synchronous filming) with image and sound recording on two separate media (film and magnetic tape). S. is provided by the simultaneous beginning of reproduction of the image and the sound corresponding to it (for this, at the beginning of filming, so-called synchronous marks are made on the media) in combination with the exact repetition of the motion mode of the film and phonogram, which took place during filming and sound recording.

Synchronous advancement of perforated media is achieved by using, when shooting and reproducing, tape drives with toothed drums driven by synchronous electric motors (See Synchronous electric motor). If a non-perforated magnetic tape is used to record sound, then the correspondence between the speeds of motion of the film and the phonogram is achieved using synchronizing signals (sync signals) applied to the phonogram during shooting. These signals, the frequency of which is equal to or a multiple of the frequency (speed) of filming, can be used to correct the speed of the media when playing back a movie or re-recording a phonogram. If, when shooting a film, the image and sound are recorded on the same medium, then their synchronization during playback is ensured automatically.

Lit .: Konoplev BN, Fundamentals of film production, 2nd ed., M., 1975; Goldovsky E.M., Introduction to cinematography, M., 1974.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


You need to set up your smartphone so that once and for all! Setting up Android sync helps you keep your phone book, calendar, notes, and more always up to date!
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Why you need to set up Android sync

Synchronization (from the Greek. ????????? - simultaneous) is the process of converting one or more parameters of different objects to the same value (thanks to wikipedia). Synchronization is necessary so that all your devices have the necessary data and in case of loss or blocking of Android, they can quickly restore them.

Having spent time once, in the future you will save it by setting up synchronization, you can instantly set up the device so that all your contacts and settings are on your Android at once.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Create Google Account
  • Quickly transfer contacts from old phone to new one
  • How not to be left without a phone book
  • Synchronize data

Create a Google account

For those who do not know why we need to create a Google account, I explain Google created Android, so this OS is closely related to the search giant!

If you have ever registered on such Internet resources as:

This means that you have a Google account and you do not need to perform any actions, but it is better to double-check and make sure that you have Google mail. If there is, leaf through the article below, No, read on!

Phonebook with Outlook to Gmail

After all contacts are in Outlook, they need to be exported to Gmail. For this

Open Outlook
Select Import and Export

Select Export to file

Select Comma Separated Values ​​(DOS)

Select where to save and file name

After that we feed the file of contacts to Gmail. Now we feed all these contacts to Gmail
Select Advanced -> Import

Select contacts one by one and import

Setting up Android (phonebook) sync

Now that you have the entire phone book in Gmail, you need to have the entire phone book in Android smartphone or tablet and when you change any values ​​- a contact appeared or a contact was deleted, a number was added, a birthday, everything was synchronized automatically.

IN Android device go to settings

Accounts -> add account

Select existing

Enter your Gmail mail and password

Synchronize data

Now you have always at hand, the entire phone book on your Android smartphone or tablet and on your computer. If you bought a new Android, then you just need to enter your Gmail credentials and all the data is already in it!

When using multiple devices, it is necessary to be able to obtain the necessary data from each of them. It is for these purposes that gadgets have a convenient function. Let's talk about what synchronization is in Android phone and why is it needed.

Synchronization - what is it

Synchronization is a mechanism that combines actions on different devices into one coherent stream, which allows you to get relevant, uniform information on each of the devices. To fully use your Android device, you need a Google account, which is used to enter the app store. But it also has another function - synchronization.

If this setting is activated, then user data is automatically uploaded to the Google cloud. After logging into the account on another device, the data from the storage will be transferred to the gadget for use by the user. The following elements are synchronized:

  • browser bookmarks;
  • post office;
  • application data;
  • documentation;
  • the calendar;
  • contacts;

If you have one of the Google applications installed on your device ("Photos", "Documents", "Notes", etc.), then the corresponding items will additionally appear in the account settings.

Set up sync for Google

Let's move on to setting up a basic Android account.

Note! For example, we used Meizu M5 with Flyme shell. On other devices, the location of the items may differ.

Note! Use the Google Photo app to sync photos and videos, and Google Drive for files.

To disable it, just uncheck the corresponding items.

other methods

It is worth noting that you can copy data to all your devices in other ways.

For branded shell

Almost all smartphone manufacturers use proprietary Android shells (add-ons) on their gadgets. Some of them have a sync feature for their own profile.

Note! For example, we used Meizu with the Flyme shell, which provides a Meizu account. Different manufacturers have their own profile may differ or be absent altogether.

Similar actions for Mi-account and others.

Third Party Applications

In the app store Play Store you can find many applications that allow you to back up your data and sync it to another device. Let's look at the example of one of the most popular programs - G Cloud.

  1. Install and run the application.
  2. Click "Don't have an account yet."
  3. Select "Register with using google+ »→ enter your account.
  4. Select the checkboxes to add to the cloud → click on the button with the floppy disk.
  5. Wait for the process to complete.
  6. Your data is now in the cloud.

For automatic synchronization:

To install data on another phone, just install the application on the second device → enter the same account.

  1. Open the side menu → "Restore".
  2. Select your smartphone.
  3. Go to the folder with the corresponding data.
  4. Click on file → "Restore".

Synchronization with PC

You can get access to the elements of the smartphone through the computer in the MyPhoneExplorer program.

Functional overview

  1. Contacts:
    • View and edit all contacts on a smartphone;
    • Adding or removing;
    • Write SMS or email;
    • Transfer to the desired group;
    • Call;
    • Export Import.
  2. Challenges:
    • View the history of current calls;
    • Add a contact from the lists or edit the current one.
  3. Organizer:
    • Full work with the calendar;
    • Fully functional work with an alarm clock;
    • Add, edit or delete notes.
  4. Messages:
    • View all messages and conversations;
    • Write SMS;
    • Delete SMS or transfer them to the archive;
  5. Files:
    • View all files of a memory card or internal memory;
    • View all files in the system storage.
  6. Additionally:
    • View monitoring of the current state of the smartphone;
    • View available Android memory.