Hey! I want to say right away that this article is more aimed at users who are just starting to master the computer, but for everyone else, it can also be useful. After writing the instructions, I want to talk about one very important point in the "Folder Options".

I think you have often heard words or terms like: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rar. All this denotes the format of various files. Also, you might hear such names as: display extension for registered file types. Initially, the display (display) of the file type in Windows is disabled. But, as practice shows, displaying file extensions may be necessary at any time.

Where can you need it? The first example that comes to my mind is where the required setting was to enable the display of the file format. This is pretty easy to do.

How to enable display of file extension in Windows 7, 8, XP

As I said at the beginning of the article, to configure, first of all, you need to go to the "Folder Options", where we went earlier to enable the display of hidden files. And there we open “ Start» –> « Control Panel» –> « Folders settings».

Having opened " Folders settings", Go to the" View"And here, going down to the bottom of the list of" Additional parameters ", you should see the item" Hide extension for registered folder options". In order for us to see the extensions of our files, uncheck the box next to this item and save the parameters by clicking on the button " Apply».

Here is an example of what the Before and After settings should look like. If file format display is disabled, then only the file name will be visible, as shown in the option on the left. Otherwise, if you have opened access to the display of the file type, then its format will appear next to the name, you can see this on the right. In my case .txt- this is my file extension.

In order to return everything as it was, you need to follow the same instructions, but this time check the box, and not remove and save. If you decide to rename the file, be careful, you only need to delete the file name, and leave the extension itself (Example: File name (remove) .txt (leave)). That's all. Do not forget to subscribe to updates by E-mail and RSS. Good luck!

Turn on the display of file extensions

File extension is a system parameter that defines the program's ownership, properties, and file content. It is displayed after the name separated by a period in the form ".xxx". For example: text.doc. ".Doc" - in this case, there is an extension that denotes that this is a Word application document from the Microsoft Office package. It is not displayed by default in modern Windows operating systems. Therefore, many people have a question - how to enable the display of file extensions. Let's consider it in more detail.

How to enable display of file extensions on your computer

The developers hid it, of course with a good purpose - so that an inexperienced user does not accidentally change it or not delete it at all - how can you then find out what kind of file it was. But hackers and malware creators took advantage of this. The user receives an attachment by mail with the name "test.doc.exe" - the ".exe" extension is hidden by the system. A user with complete confidence that this is a Word program document (even the icon is the same) launches it and infects his computer with a virus.

Turn on the display of extensions through Windows Explorer

  • Go to the "Control Panel", for this, for example, in the address bar of any pop, type: control panel and press "Enter".

  • Set the "View" field to "Large icons" and find the "Folder Options" section (in Windows 10 - "Explorer Options").
  • Go to the "View" tab

Today I decided to write a small instruction or, more simply, a simple manual on how to enable the function. In my opinion, this article is useful to almost everyone. So let's go.

First, I will explain the very concept of file extension. Extensions means a set of characters (numbers or numbers) that are at the end of the name of any file, or rather after the end point. With these file type pointers, it is easy for the operating system to correctly identify the files. Toist, the system, seeing a certain extension, automatically selects the application with which this file can be opened. In order to make it more clear what I am talking about, we will consider an example. Let's take the well-known file type pointers that everyone has probably encountered: * .txt, * .doc, * .zip * .rar, * .jpg, * .png, * .mpeg, * .mkv, etc. For example, a file with the * .jpg extension (picture) is opened with a standard Windows image viewer, and files with a * .doc extension are opened with MS Word. If you have several programs installed on your computer to open certain types of files, you can always choose the most convenient one for yourself. For example, I have four programs for viewing images: a built-in viewer, Photoshop, irfanview and ACDSee. For certain work with photographs, I myself choose a more suitable and convenient program for this purpose.

In Windows operating systems, by default, the display of file type pointers is not provided, that is, they are hidden and it looks like this:

To enable or vice versa enable extensions, do the following (an illustrative example is given on the Windows 8.1 operating system):

1. Click Start → Control Panel → Folder Options or open My Computer → click on the View tab → in the upper right corner click on the square icon Settings → Change folder and search settings.

2. In the "Folder Options" window, go to the "View" tab and scroll the mouse wheel to the very end of the available list. We are looking for the item "Hide extensions for registered file types" at the end.

3. And now the most important thing. If you have expressed a desire to enable the display of file type pointers, then all you need to do is to uncheck this item, then click on "Apply" and the "OK" button. Likewise and disconnects file extension display, then put a tick back and save our actions.

That's basically all, I hope dear readers that I explained this procedure in a way that is understandable for you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer everything. Good luck.

What is the file extension? A file name extension is a sequence of characters in a file name after a period (for example, “New Text Document.txt”) that is used to identify the file format.

Why do you need to see it in Explorer? For example, in my situation, to create empty sitemap files for a blog from files in the .txt format to the .xml and .xml.gz formats for their subsequent uploading to the hosting.

By default, the Windows operating system does not display file extensions. And having created a simple text file (or a file of another format), we do not see its extension.

That is, by renaming “New text document” to “sitemap.xml”, we will see a file called “sitemap.xml” on the screen.

But in reality, when displaying the extension, it will be “sitemap.xml.txt”, which does not suit us in any way, because we need exactly “sitemap.xml”.

To rename the file correctly and give it the extension we need, you need to make some settings in the Windows Control Panel.


Click "Start" - "Control Panel".

In the Control Panel, click on "Appearance and Personalization".

Click on "Folder Options"

In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab.

We are looking for the item “Hide extensions for registered file types”, uncheck it and click on the “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you how to enable the display of file extensions in Windows operating systems. First, let's figure out what kind of beast it is and why we need it!

Without going into too much detail, these are the symbols that are added to the file name, they allow the computer and the user to determine which program this file was created by or how to open it. For example, you typed your coursework and saved it under the name "My coursework", but this is not the full name of the file, the operating system hides the file extension from us, and the full name will be for example "My coursework.doc". If the file did not have an extension, then Windows would not understand in which program the file was created and offered to choose a program to open

In Windows 8 / 8.1 this window looks completely different, but the meaning does not change - there will be an offer to select a program from the list

This article will show you how to enable display of file extension:

Why do you need to know what an extension is, how to display and change it? By default, the Windows system hides the extension for files that it knows with what programs to open, and those that do not know - will display its extension to you. It seems logical, but not always. I will give an example: I run my blog and I need to specify the path to the file, but without specifying the extension, I cannot write it completely (and documents can have both * .doc and * .docx) and guessing which one you need to substitute is stupid, that's why we will display the file extensions.

Another very important point is computer viruses. Now I will try to explain in detail how a simple display of the extension can slightly increase your security on the network. As we said, each file has an extension:

For documents it is usually * .doc, * .xls, * .odt, for movies * .avi, * .mkv, * .mp4 and so on ... and so, programs also have an extension - this is * .exe, * .msi , * .com, * .bat ... and it should be understood that the "Gravitation.mkv" movie should be opened by a program such as "kmplayer.exe", but the movie itself cannot be programmed. What's the humor? Quite often, you can stumble upon a virus in a search engine. You decided to download the movie The wolf of Wall Street, and on the very first link we get the following message:

As you can see, this is not a movie, but a PROGRAM, and what is there - only the creators of the file know, and we can only guess that there is some kind of nasty (film is not there 146%), since they tried to confuse us: the program has an icon like a video, a name like a movie, but in fact it is a program ... the same with audio and many other files, so be careful 😉

How to enable display of file extension Windows 7

Now let's see how to see the file extension in Windows 7, as I wrote above, Windows hides the extension from the files it knows, to disable this function, open any folder and click "Organize", "Folder and Search Options"

The "Folder Options" window will open in front of you, switch to the "View" tab, and almost at the very bottom uncheck the "Hide extension for registered file types" checkbox, and apply these options ...

... now ALL of your files will have the extension displayed!

How to enable display of file extension Windows 8

Everything is easier in the new OS from Microsoft (Although many criticize for complicating things ...)- Open any folder, go to the "View" tab and check the "File name extensions" box ... EVERYTHING! Extensions are displayed for all files

Now you know how to make a computer running Windows display the file extension, as you can see - there is nothing difficult 😉 Until next time on the pages

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