By default, when creating a database on the cloud from a template, you must select a user to enter the program Administrator, with empty passwords.
It is not recommended to use this account for everyday work.
To differentiate access rights and increase the level of security, it is recommended to create user accounts and specify certain permissions for working with the database.

Creating users for 1C 8.2 databases

To create a list of users, open the database in Configurator.

Go to the "Administration / Users" menu. To manage the list of users, you must have Full rights in the database.

Click the "Add" button.

In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
Name- the name that will be displayed in the user selection list.
Full name - the name that will appear in the database when performing operations.
flag Authentication 1C:Enterprise- allows you to set a password under which the user will log into this database.
flag Show in selection list- allows you to hide or show the user in the launch window. If the user is hidden in the selection list, then you can log in using his data by directly entering his name and password.

flag Authentication operating system allows you to link your 42 Cloud account to account in the 1C database.
When installing this option, you will need to select from the list your login on the 42 Clouds website(tip: start typing your username to search the list).

On the "Other" tab, you need to specify for users the roles that they can perform in the database.
The list of roles depends on the user's responsibilities.
Pay attention! To launch the database on the cloud, check the "Run thick client" and "Run thin client" flags.

After specifying the required settings, click OK. Now the created user can work in the database.

Creating users for 1C 8.3 databases

Creation of new users in such configurations as Trade Management 11.1, Enterprise Accounting (edition 3.0) occurs in the mode of working with the database, in the Users directories. Created users will be included in the Configurator automatically after creation.

Go to the menu “Administration / Setting up users and rights / Users”. Click the Add button. To manage the list of users, you must have Full rights in the database.

Enter a name, give permission to access the database (by checking the box) and select an authorization method (either entering a login and password, or logging into 1C under a domain account). The fields "Individual" and "Division" are optional and are used for analytics.

To work with the database, you need to add rights to the user in the “Access Rights” section. The set of groups can be changed and edited in the User Group Profiles directory.

Disabling access to the database

To disable access to the 1C user database, simply uncheck the “Access to the infobase is allowed” flag or change the password.
When setting up a user through the Configurator (for 1C 8.2 databases), it is enough to remove the user from the list.

Creating users for 1C 8.3 databases (Taxi Interface)

To configure access rights, log into the database in 1C Enterprise mode on behalf of the Administrator and go to the User and rights settings / Access group profiles section, click Create group.

Enter the name of the group and check the boxes for the roles available to users of this group. An example group that would allow users to use external processing includes the following roles:

  • Interactive opening of external reports and processing
  • Using additional reports and processing

Click Burn and Close

Return to menu Users and select an employee from the list, click Access rights. In the list of profiles, select the previously created profile. Click Record.

Every novice 1C information database administrator sooner or later faces the question: how to add a user to 1C. And if in version 7 of the program the answer to this question could be given unambiguously: through the Configurator, then in version 8, depending on the version of the program, the methods for adding a user can vary significantly.

Why do you need to differentiate by users?

Each infobase user has a set of specific rights and roles. To limit access to specific configuration objects and eliminate conflict situations associated with incorrect input and correction of information and there is a list of users.

In addition, the user list allows you to:

  1. Adjust the program interface, excluding from the visual display those elements to which access is not needed;
  2. Record changes in the database in the context of this list.

The main rule when editing this list: a user with full (administrative) rights should always be added first.

Adding a user via the Configurator

In fact, from the programmer's point of view, the main list of users is stored in the Configurator. It is this that can be opened by going to the Administration->Users menu (Fig. 1)

In the table that opens, two columns will be visible: “Name” and “Full name” of the user. Actions with an existing user (restricting and adding rights, changing the password, etc.) can be performed by activating the line by double clicking the mouse.

To add a new user, you must click the icon on the command panel of the table or the Insert (Ins) button on the keyboard, which will open a dialog box (Fig. 2)

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Briefly about the form elements on the “Basic” tab:

  • Name – contains text information, which will be displayed in the user selection list when logging in, the name of the current user can be read in the code of the program modules using the UserName() method;
  • Full name – can coincide with the user name; most often the full name of the employee is written here.
  1. Using internal program tools, for which you need to set a user password;
  2. Using the operating system;
  3. Using OpenID.

The “Show in selection list” checkbox set in the “1C Enterprise Authentication” submenu indicates that the user will be displayed in the list called up when the system starts. If you do not install it, then to log in this user will have to enter his name (as it is set in the Configurator) using the keyboard in the appropriate window.

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There are only four elements on the “Other” tab (Fig. 3):

  • Available roles (by checking certain boxes, you can significantly limit or increase the possibilities for changing information);
  • Main interface (you can adjust the visual display of the system);
  • Language (main program language);
  • Launch mode (managed or regular application).

Adding a user in 1C Enterprise mode

Starting from platform 8.2, adding new users became available in 1C Enterprise mode. For this purpose, the corresponding “Users” directory was added to the database.

In thin client mode, you can access it by going to the “Administration” tab (Fig. 4) -> User and rights settings -> Users

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In the form that opens, to create a new user, you must click the “Create” button. A window will appear (Fig. 5)

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As you can see, some of the elements of this window coincide with the window for creating a new employee in the Configurator. Significant differences in this method of adding:

  • The user can be associated with a specific individual from the corresponding directory;
  • By checking the “Require setting a password at login” checkbox, you can additionally protect the database from unauthorized access (the protection mechanism is as follows: the administrator adding a new element sets simplest password and informs it to the user, at the first login to the system, this password is entered, and when the system starts, a window appears asking for new identification data, thus, no one except the user will be able to log in to the system);
  • Specific access permissions for a particular user are issued not by turning his roles on and off, but by adding him to certain access groups, which can be accessed by activating the appropriate link on the form.

The profile that defines the set of rights is stored in the “User Groups” directory; you can change and add a profile in the “User Group Profiles” directory. Thus, the Administrator does not need to control each specific user; access parameters are changed for the entire group as a whole.

In the normal application mode, the “Users” directories can be found in the Operations->Directories menu (Fig. 6)

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In principle, the window for adding a new artist in this mode differs little from those presented above and there is no need to re-describe each of its elements.

In this article we would like to draw attention to the menu “ More information"(Fig.7)

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It contains 4 points:

  1. User settings;
  2. Contact information;
  3. Access groups;
  4. Additional rights (not available when the user has a profile).

The first menu item allows you to automate some of the performer’s actions: configure automatic substitution of document details, display of calendars and events, prefixes, etc.

As experience in using the 1C system shows, the “Additional rights” menu is most often required to enable editing printed forms documents. This is where the corresponding checkbox is located.

The user created in the program will automatically be added to the list in the Configurator. Feedback new versions of the program do not, which is extremely inconvenient and unusual for administrators working the old fashioned way.

Working in the 1C program allows different users to assign functional access to documents and database directories. For example:

  • If the user works as an accountant, then in 1C he is assigned the appropriate role, which allows him to add, change, delete documents and directories on business activities.
  • If a 1C user only works with reports and views database data, say a manager, then he is given rights to read data.
  • A user who can work with all objects of the 1C program - Administrator, has full rights and receives unlimited access on working with a database in 1C.

Access rights can only be configured Administrator– 1C user who is assigned Full rights.

Setting access rights in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

In 1C: Accounting 8th edition. 3.0 there are 4 main profiles for working with the program:

  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Chief accountant;
  • Synchronization with other programs;
  • Read only.

To understand the principle of setting rights in 1C, let's turn to the configurator. When analyzing configuration objects we will see a special branch Roles, which lists all possible accesses to database data specified by 1C developers:

Each role corresponds to a set of capabilities for working with configuration objects, these are:

  • Reading;
  • Addition;
  • Carrying out;
  • Cancellation;
  • Editing;
  • Delete.

If you open a given role, then for each object you can view what can be done with each configuration object:

It is important to know that a 1C user can be assigned any set of roles from specified by the developers list. At the same time, if in some role it is impossible to change an object, but in another role added to this user it is possible, then the resulting user rights will be “changeable”. The roles complement each other. To ensure that an object cannot be changed by the user, none of the roles assigned to it should have “Change”.

Setting up access rights in 1C 8.3 Accounting

Setting up access rights in 1C 8.3 is carried out in the Administration section – User and rights settings:

The User and Rights Settings window opens:

Let's consider the possibilities of setting up access in 1C.

How to create a new user in 1C 8.3

By default, the 1C program sets Login to the program is allowed, Show in selection list and login to the program using the login and password set in 1C. You can set the password yourself, or you can suggest setting it to the program. Typically, the password specified by the program 1C corresponds to a more serious level of verification and it is more difficult to select such a password when hacking a system.

You must remember the password! If the password is lost, only the Administrator can reset it again. If the passwords are lost and you cannot enter the database, you will have to “hack” the entrance to the database.

Specialists use a HEX editor for this and change the information responsible for working with users in the right places. This is possible, but not advisable.

How to set up access rights based on standard profiles in 1C 8.3

Each user (Administration – User and rights settings – Users) is assigned Access Rights from the list of profiles that is in the configuration. For example, for accountant S.B. Petrova. assign the Accountant profile:

Here we can transfer settings to a new user from a user already working in 1C: Functionality settings, internal report settings, etc., so as not to waste time and type everything manually:

We mark the settings for transfer to the new user Accountant Petrova from the Administrator user:

Transferring personal settings, printing settings and Favorites:

Press the button. Select “Copy and close” in the settings selection form. All settings for a new user from the Administrator user have been transferred.

Setting up access rights with adding new profiles in 1C 8.3

We create new profile With limited access to reference books and documents. Access Group Profiles – Create:

It is convenient to create a new profile for 1C subsystems. For example, for the rights of the Accountant we can note the following functionality:

  • Reflection of salaries in accounting;
  • Reading taxes and contributions;
  • Mutual settlements with employees;
  • Personalized accounting;
  • Payroll accounting:

According to the book Only selected roles a list of selected user roles is displayed. Personnel accounting can be set separately for the HR profile.

How to configure additional access rights to existing standard profiles in 1C 8.3

You can add functionality to a specific 1C user with a selected profile. For example, for the user Petrov, in the Accountant profile, the command is not available All functions, but we can add it to this user. Go to Administration – User and rights settings – Access group profiles. Book Create – All functions mode – add rights “All functions” mode:

We add a new profile to accountant S.B. Petrova:

Setting up additional access rights to individual documents and directories in 1C 8.3

This setting allows you to work with the configuration extension. Let's say you need to set up access for a 1C user to an arbitrary set of documents and reference books. The set of these documents and reference books may be different - 1C developers are not able to provide all the options for suitable roles that users may need in practice. Moreover, requests for access to data can be completely extraordinary.

In 1C 8.2, we had to remove the editing ban from the configuration and add a new role to Role objects, assigning access to the necessary directories and documents, and accordingly, difficulties arose with the subsequent 1C update. Such configurations were no longer automatically updated, so only users of organizations with 1C programmers on staff could afford such a pleasure.

In 1C 8.3, due to the emergence of a new ability to work with configuration applications, we can realize our task of delimiting user rights without removing the editing ban from the main configuration and leaving it completely standard. Let’s look at how to do this now:

  1. For reference Users Let’s enter an additional attribute “Access_Sale_Products”, which will take the values ​​“Yes” or “No”.

Go to Administration – General settings–Additional details and information. We enable the ability to work with “Details and information with a general list of values”:

  1. Opening the hyperlink Additional details.

In the left column of the lists of configuration objects we find Users and click on the button. Add. Fill out the form that opens as shown below. The new attribute will have two values: “Yes” and “No”. Let's combine the values ​​into the “Access” group. Fill out the Main tab:

Fill in the Values ​​tab:

  1. Now let's fill in this information for our users.

“Petrov’s Accountant” – No:

"Administrator" - Yes:

All necessary actions in the 1C 8.3 database have been completed, now we will work with Configuration extension.

  1. Enter the database configurator: Configuration – Configuration extensions:

We add a new configuration extension according to the book. +:

We agree with the default extension data or set our own:

Open the extension configuration using the book. :

Now we will transfer the data necessary for work from the main configuration. The created configuration extension “Extension 1” is still empty:

In the main configuration, we find in the documents – the document Sales of goods and services, and transfer the form with which we will work. For example, let’s add “Product Document Form” to the configuration extension by clicking on the name of the form and right-clicking on it. mice. From the drop-down menu, select the “Add to extension” command:

Open the form in the configuration extension and create event processing BeforeRecording. When creating an event handler, the 1C 8.3 program will ask you to indicate where to create the program code. Select: Create on the client and a procedure on the server without context:

When an event is created, we will see in the empty cell of the “BeforeRecord” events the event processing procedure assigned by the 1C 8.3 program: “Ext1_BeforeRecord”:

Go to the form module and insert the following program code:

We update the changes and run the database in user mode to check the changes made. Log in as the user Accountant Petrova and edit the document Sales of Goods and Services, click the button. Write down:

For the administrator, editing the document will be no problem.

The given program code can be placed in the 1C 8.3 configuration extension for any document and reference book, and this will allow you not to change the standard configuration, but at the same time solve the problem of access to database objects for different users.

How to share a report variant with individual settings for other users in 1C 8.3 ZUP, watch our video:

Here we will tell you how to add a new user to work in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system.

1. Adding a user in the configurator

Users in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system are defined separately for each information base. To add a new user, you need to start 1C in mode configurator by selecting the required database.

In the configurator that opens, go to “ Administration» — « Users» .

A list of users registered in the current database will open. To add a new one, go to the menu “ Actions» — « New» .

The window “ User Properties". On the " Attributes» fill in:

Now go to the tab " Role» where to choose Set of rights And Interface from the drop-down menu and click " OK» .

Next, what we need to do is create a password to log in to the system. To do this, select the newly added user in the list and go to the menu “ Actions» — « Change password". Then enter the password twice.

This completes the creation of the user. All that remains is to save all the changes by selecting “ File» — « Save» .

User properties are edited in the same way as creation, in the same list.

2. Default value settings (only for the “Trade and Warehouse” configuration)

If the “Trade and Warehouse” configuration is used, then it is also possible to define default values ​​for the new user.

When a user logs into the system, 1C:Enterprise searches in the directory for “ Users» element with a name similar to the user name specified in the configurator. For example, if the user name in the configurator is set as “Onyanov”, then the directory element must have exactly the same name (including spaces). If the element is not found (for example, when the user first logs in), a new position with the same name is created. And in the message window you can see the corresponding inscription:

This directory stores the default settings that will be used when entering new documents, opening reports, etc. throughout the session. To set these values, open the reference book “ Users"(in the standard general interface " Directories» — « Company structure» — « Users") and find the required element in it. Or you can click a button with an image of a person sitting at a computer from under the user’s session:

On the " Default values"You can, in fact, select these values.

Or by going to the tab " Basic", it is possible to select the user from whom the default values ​​will be inherited.

Having selected the necessary parameters, click “ OK» to save the results.

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Creating a user. Setting up user roles

Let's fill in the list of users of the information base. To do this, go to the menu item “Tools - User and access management - User list”. Add a new user using the “Add” button.

Let's fill in the short name. Let's select an employee from the list. Let’s go to the “Settings” tab, fill in the “Primary organization” field and check off certain settings if necessary. Next, we need to click on the “Edit user settings” button at the top of the window.

The program will prompt us to write down the element, we will answer in the affirmative. Next, the program will offer to automatically create a database user, we agree. A window for editing user settings will open in front of us.

You can set a password by filling out the fields in the “1C: Enterprise Authentication” block. Below we can select the main database user interface. On the right we need to set the user roles. To fine-tune the rights of a specific user, we can check the boxes for the roles that will be available to him. If fine tuning not needed, you can check “Full rights”. Let’s save our user by clicking the “OK” button. Now, when you log in, the program will ask you to select a user.