For everyone keywords looked natural in the text and did not cause stress for the reader, you should use them in different types of entries... Don't know what occurrences are and what they are? This article is written about this in detail.

Occurrences- this is the use of phrases in the text in different versions. Distinguish between exact, direct, morphological, synonymous and diluted types of entries. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Exact entry Is the use keywords in the same form as the user enters it into the search engine. For example, if your site is devoted to literary topics, and you are optimizing your article for the search query "Tolstoy Anna Karenina download", then this particular variant of the phrase will be the exact entry.

The exact match will certainly be as relevant to the query as possible. However, reading such a text is not very pleasant. Moreover, search engines are good at recognizing keywords, even if they have slight differences from the query in the search line.

Therefore, much more popular direct occurrences... In this case, the phrase is also written in full accordance with the request, however, the placement of punctuation marks is allowed. For example, you can write this: “One of the most famous Russian novels was written by L.N. Tolstoy - Anna Karenina. You can download the electronic version of the book on the website. " In this case, the text looks much more natural and without sacrificing ranking.

Diluted occurrence allows you to insert between keywords an additional one or two words not from the key. The search engine will still correctly identify the key phrase. For example, a watered-down occurrence of the query “buy a phone cheap” might look like this: “buy good phone inexpensive ".

Morphological occurrence allows you to change the form of the keyword, i.e. use it both in the singular and in the plural, using various cases, declensions, etc. For example, the search phrase “build a bathhouse in the country” for the convenience of writing the text can be changed to the following: “construction of a bathhouse in the country”. Moreover, at search engine there is no doubt whether to show the text with the second key phrase when searching for the first one.

Modern search engines are good at identifying and synonyms of keywords... So instead of the key "car" it is quite possible to use "auto" or "car" so as not to use the same word too often in the text. This will be the use of synonymous entry.

Thus, modern search engine algorithms give scope for SEO-optimization of the text without compromising its quality. Use these opportunities, and your texts will be highly appreciated by both users and search engines.

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Hello again, colleague. For today's conversation, I want to suggest a topic about what types of key occurrences are. What are, in fact, keys and whether all search queries can claim their role, we have already found out in. But before you start writing SEO text, you need to figure out in what form these same keywords can be used.

It may seem to some that in the light of the new search algorithms in 2016, this topic is no longer relevant. After all, intellectuals - Yasha and Gosha - react sensitively not only to direct swotting with keys, but also to their various forms. And, nevertheless, every self-respecting copywriter, as well as any blogger performing part-time functions of a webmaster, is obliged to know about the types of key entry. After all, each key fits only its own keyhole. Stupidly poking one of them, trying to open all the doors at once, is not rational, is it? It's another matter when a flexible master key appears in skillful hands. Well, have you convinced me? Let's go then!

Key Entry Types - Traditional Classification

1.Exact (clean)- like hello from the unforgettable 2010s. No matter how “crooked” the keyword was, it was impossible to change it. After all, SEO texts were written not for people, but exclusively for the needs of robots. They, as cute, swallowed them. Yes, and when asked, people in some strange way forgot the Russian language, and used ridiculous phrases like "buy cheap mobile phone". Fortunately, I did not see these terrible times, but their echoes sometimes sound even now. But if the key phrase is readable and makes sense, then the use of this type of entry is welcome today. True, everything is good in moderation.

2.Direct entry key allows the insertion of punctuation marks - semicolons, colons, dashes, commas. In this case, the key phrase cannot be broken with a transfer to another paragraph. This type was widely used with "wild" keys in order to somehow refine their appearance. Lost its meaning.

3.Diluted- inclusion of additional words (prepositions, adjectives, adverbs).

4.Morphological key entry allows you to change words by number, gender, as well as to inflect and conjugate. This type of entry, along with diluted ones, is most adequately perceived by today's search engines.

5.The reverse- allows to swap words in a key phrase.

6.Synonymous- the use of well-known abbreviations, popular synonyms - a feature no less approved by search engines. It is used to improve the readability of the text and increase its relevance.

You have already understood, my friend, that the use of different types of key occurrences in the seo text turns the latter into a universal master key. So use it so that the hearts of the "iron woodcutters" open up to meet you. Of course, this method is necessary, but not sufficient to get a good chance of promotion.

Note, I never say that the next technique I describe will bring you 100% success in climbing to the TOP. If only it were that simple! But do not forget our mantra: "Chicken grain by grain ...".

Goodbye, buddy. See you in the new article by copywriter GALANT.

This is the easiest way to use keywords: you just need to insert them into the text in the form in which the customer provided. You can not change the order of words, add punctuation marks to them, dilute in other words or decline in cases. An exact match is also called a clean match. This is the same thing, with a pure occurrence, keywords also cannot be split or changed.

Direct keyword entry

Direct occurrence refers to the use of keywords when they need to be used exactly in the same way, but can be separated by a punctuation mark. Some keywords look "indigestible" for exact occurrence, no matter how you change the construction of the sentence, but with direct occurrences such problems usually do not happen: using a comma or a colon, you can "reconcile" even combinations of words that look very strange for a live text.

When writing articles for search engine promotion, the customer usually asks to include keywords in the text in different forms, for example, several exact occurrences and several direct ones.

Diluted occurrence

This use of keywords is the most convenient for a copywriter. With a diluted entry, you can supplement the key phrase with other words that make the text more readable. You can only "dilute" the key phrase, because if the word is one, then you can't add anything to it.

Morphological occurrence

In this case, the keyword can be changed case by case, giving it a different ending. This can be very convenient, since if the key phrase is two or more nouns, it is convenient to connect them by declining. With a morphological occurrence, words are easier to write into any text.

If the customer is inexperienced, then he himself does not always understand exactly which occurrences are called direct. Just in case, you can briefly clarify what exactly he means.

Synonymous entry

In the past, this type of entry was not used at all, but search engines have become "smarter", so promotion is now also based on more cunning principles. For a synonymous entry, you need to replace the key phrase or some words in it with. It is important not to overdo it here: synonyms should be obvious, because the search robot, who is alien to the love of sophisticated metaphors, will evaluate how suitable they are.

Reverse entry

Reverse match refers to the use of keywords in reverse order. Reverse driving cannot be applied if there is only one keyword, it is used only in relation to a phrase.

Many SEOs and copywriters rightly fear that the exact use of keywords in the text can lead to sanctions against the page by the search engine. At the same time, until recently, many authors of texts tried not to use even word forms, as a result of which the quality of texts that were written for a robot, and not for a person, suffered. Today, morphological entry is very popular, in which the shape of the key changes depending on the context. Another way to change a passphrase is to use diluted occurrences - modified keys using additional words (including prepositions).

Before moving on to the discussion possible options dilution of search phrases, we will discuss what options for using keys exist in general. So, the following types of entries are usually distinguished:

  • accurate (the key fits unchanged - “in our store you can buy plastic windows cheap»);
  • clean (key without punctuation: the phrase “we offer the following shop equipment: counters, showcases ... "is not a clean entry for the key" shop equipment counters»);
  • straight (punctuation marks are allowed, see above);
  • morphological (word forms of keywords are used: “ sell an elephant» - « we sell elephants»);
  • with errors (words in the key are spelled with an error to get traffic: “ glass doors»);
  • dilutional (a preposition or a word of an independent part of speech is added to the key phrase: “ buy windows» - « buy inexpensive windows»).

Obviously, one-word keys cannot be used in dilution entries. Most often, dilute occurrences of words are used so that, with a high density of keys in the text, the robotic systems do not have a "desire" to consider the article spammed. Another reason for this approach is that most of the keys in their original form are difficult to fit into the text "for people" even with the help of a morphological entry. To give it a natural look, it is necessary to change the structure of the expression. Most often, prepositions are used for this purpose: “ car rental Mytishchi» - « rent a car in Mytishchi».

In the last example I gave, I deliberately chose an example in which I used the name "Mytishchi". If you replace it with Moscow, you get the option “ car rental in Moscow", And many optimizers oppose morphological occurrence, therefore, the possibility of using word forms in dilution phrases should be clarified in advance with the customer of the article.

It is worth noting that sometimes almost all types of inclusion of key phrases are referred to as dilute occurrences, with the exception of exact and direct. These are the subtleties of the "terminological apparatus", which is useless to argue about - nevertheless, copywriting does not yet belong to the sections of linguistics, and therefore it is possible to argue about classification for a long time, but it is useless and will not lead to anything at all. Therefore, if you are a customer, forming a TK, be sure to indicate whether you allow the use of dilution entries with declination of keys. Just using the phrase, "You can use a dilute entry" is not enough, as there may be misunderstandings.

By the way, before writing this article, I studied the proposals of several copywriters, on the sites where dilution, direct and morphological occurrences are understood almost as synonyms.

I prefer the following definition: dilution occurrences are a way of constructing a key phrase in which the forms of the keys do not change, but additional words can be used to adapt the phrase to the content of the text.

Now that you and I use the same term to define, a few examples can be given.

Let's say: for the key " engine repair inexpensive service station"You can use the sentence" We offer engine repair at service station is inexpensive". If it were possible to use word forms, another option would appear: “We propose inexpensive engine repair at our service station».

Most recently, I ran into the key " shop equipment jewelry". The copywriter suggested the following version of the dilution entry: “We sell high-quality shop equipment - and bijouterie and the jewelry will look perfect in it. " A variant with the use of word forms: “We offer high-quality shop equipment for jewelry and precious jewelry ”.

Well, one more key to fix: " buy a TV". The key is added to the phrase simply: “Here you can choose the appropriate TV and buy it on credit. " Depending on the possibility of declension of words, let us assume another variant: “In our store you can buy for tv antennas, brackets, etc. ”.

How to check dilution occurrences

Most of the services that check key density are focused on checking single-word expressions. For example, using, you can get information on the frequency of words that make up the semantic core, but you will have to evaluate the density of the phrase yourself.

Some resources work with full-fledged expressions. So, will allow you to calculate the density of phrases even when using morphological entries. But what about breakdowns that don't feel like a key expression?

For these purposes, I usually use the Textus Pro program. It is completely free and has fun functionality. It would seem that it is very similar to the web version of the analysis from Advego, but it has an important advantage.

The program interface generates statistics on the use of words and phrases. Of course, it does not take into account different variants of dilution occurrences, but with a little effort, we can fix it.

In the panel, you must select the words that make up the key. After that, they will be highlighted in blue. Accordingly, we can only count how many times they are used at a distance of 1 - 2 words from each other. This allows you to exclude from the count the single use of word forms, which will not be considered as a key.

If there are a lot of texts or there is simply no time and desire to count, then there are three ways out: include counting in the copywriter's assignment, ignore the possibility of single words in the text and calculate the total percentage, or simply check the compliance of the classic nausea of ​​the document according to Advego with the accepted norms.

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