Already 4 computers in a week had to be treated for the following misfortune: a machine with installed Windows XP and the free version of the antivirus Avast Free stops seeing the local network. You open the connection state - it's empty there: no IP address, nothing. Network services like DNS and DHCP also stop working. If you look in the logs, the following messages are present: the DNS service cannot start due to a missing driver, etc. etc.

The following happened:

From 5 to 6 December 2012 Avast! Free antivirus has received updates, in which, due to a developer error, the tcpip.sys file ( system file responsible for the local network and the TCP / IP protocol) was found to be malicious and, accordingly, removed. At the same time, the local network completely stops working on this PC.

How to restore the work of the local network after Avast

I did the following: tested on 4 machines, the method works 100%.

I myself have not been using Avast for a long time, because I got enough. Skips everything, including lockers, banners, worms. It's better to pay for Kaspersky and be calm than to use free, but IMMEDIATE protection.

Note: this problem arose only on the Russian version of Windows XP

On December 5, in the evening, my friend had an unpleasant event - the Internet stopped working, which she immediately informed me about in phone call... It turned out that the antivirus program avast! Installed on her computer found some kind of virus and offered to immediately remove it, restart the computer and conduct a full scan. The owner of the computer agreed with the proposal, not suspecting how it would turn out for her. As a result: the Internet does not work, the girl is very upset.

In order to help my friend, I decided to ask for help from search engines(fortunately, I have another antivirus installed on my computer and the Internet worked fine). After a few minutes of research, it was possible to find out that the problem is becoming widespread. Its essence is as follows. On December 5, in the late afternoon, an incorrect update of the avast! Antivirus program was released, as a result of which on computers with an installed operating Windows system XP and the aforementioned antivirus, a false alarm occurred, avast! saw a serious threat in the system file tcpip.sys and insisted on getting rid of it. If the user agreed, then this file was deleted from the computer, then the computer was restarted and all network connections that were installed on the computer stopped working.

All the solutions to this problem described on the Internet are based on restoring the tcpip.sys system file, which can be taken from the C: / Windows / system32 / dllcache folder. However, judging by the answers on the forums, this file is far from always present in this folder. In general, the elimination of the above problem turns into a practically unsolvable task for the user. It's not hard to put yourself in the shoes of such a user. The internet suddenly stopped working. It is clear that avast! Is to blame, after all, after he deleted the file, the Internet and stopped working. And what file did he delete? Unclear! After all, they agreed with the proposal to remove the ugly. There is a natural desire to seek help from Google (Yandex or other search engines), but the Internet does not work! And what to do? Seek help from a friend, which my friend did. I will describe the method that helped in our case. I downloaded the system file tcpip.sys here:, unzipped it, dropped it on a USB flash drive and went to visit.

The file must be dropped into the system folder, which, of course, is hidden. To display hidden files in Windows XP you need to go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel".

In the window that opens, select the item "Folder Options".

Go to the "View" tab and in the additional parameters select "Show hidden files and folders" and click "OK".

Now copy the tcpip.sys file to the C: / Windows / System32 / drivers folder. After copying, you need to enable the tcp / ip protocol driver. To do this, click on the shortcut "My Computer" on the desktop with the right mouse button and select "properties".

In the window that opens, select the "Hardware" tab and click the "Device Manager" tab.

In the window that opens, select the "View" menu, check the "Show hidden devices" checkbox and select "Non-Plug and Play Drivers".

Right-click on "TCP / IP Protocol Driver" and select "Properties".

In the window that opens, go to the "Driver" tab. We set the type of startup "System" and click "OK".

We reboot the computer. After rebooting, the ill-fated antivirus may again demand to delete the file it hates, but we, taught by bitter experience, will not agree to this now. From now on, the network connections are working again and the Internet connection can be connected. After access to the Internet appears, you will need to update avast !. Fresh updates no longer allow false positives.

I would like to mention one more method proposed directly on the site, which helped my friends who faced the above problem. Its essence is as follows.


  • Download the file from a friend / comrade / relative / neighbor who has the Internet (see the link above for XP SP3) to your USB stick / CD-R;
  • Unpack the archive on the defective computer / laptop (right-click on the file - "extract everything");
  • Disable Avast: right-click on the avast icon near the clock, select "control avast screens", then
    choose "shutdown forever";
  • Run the fixtcpip.bat file, which is located inside the folder you unpacked, after that the computer will reboot;
  • Update Avast databases to latest version(double-click on the avast icon near the clock, select "maintenance" - "update" - "update the virus scanning and detection module"), enable avast: right-click on the avast icon near the clock, select "control avast screens", then select " turn on all screens ".


ATTENTION! In very rare cases, you may have the "old" operating Windows XP with the second service pack ( Windows XP SP2), then you need to download the file from the link: . If you do not know which version you have operating system XP SP2 or XP SP3, then you can find out about this from the properties of your computer: click Start - right-click on "My Computer" - select "properties" and it will say which Service Pack you have - 2 or 3.
Or download from here (mirror):

Since December 5, 2012, Internet blocking has been observed among users of Russian operating systems Microsoft Windows XP. The problem arose due to an error of the antivirus company employees; a signature was released that damages the TCP / IP protocol driver. On the days of December 5 and 6, all providers and services were "on their ears" - the Internet disappeared from users of Avast antivirus. The solution was found quickly, but the aftermath of such work of the most popular antivirus remained.

« Avast blocked the Internet"- this problem is solved in several ways:

Solution # 1 99% helps users to restore the Internet (even if you have already removed the antivirus itself - you can use Solution # 1, just ignore the instructions for enabling / disabling Avast).
Download the file from the link: from here (mirror):

Download the file from a friend / comrade / relative / neighbor who has the Internet (see the link above for XP SP3) to your USB stick / CD-R;
Unpack the archive on the defective computer / laptop (right-click on the file - "extract everything");
Disable Avast: right-click on the Avast icon near the clock, select "control avast screens", then select "disable forever";
Run the fixtcpip.bat file, which is located inside the folder you unpacked, after that the computer will reboot;
Update Avast databases to the latest version (double-click on the Avast icon near the clock, select "maintenance" - "update" - "update the virus scanning and detection module"), enable avast: right-click on the Avast icon near the clock, select "control avast screens ”, then select“ enable all screens ”.

ATTENTION! In very rare cases, you may have an "old" operating Windows XP installed with a second service pack (Windows XP SP2). If you do not know what version of the operating system you have XP SP2 or XP SP3, then you can find out about this from the properties of the computer: click Start - right-click on "My Computer" - select "properties" and it will say which one you have Service Pack - 2 or 3.
Or download from here (mirror):

Solution # 2
It is advised to first restore to the last working restore point, reinstall Avast and select "Ignore" when a message about this detection appears.

System Restore:
Unplug the internet cable / USB modem before restoring the system. Start button - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore - select a restore point earlier than December 5 and perform a restore. After restoring the system, uninstall avast through "Add or Remove Programs" in the control panel, insert the cable / modem.
Install Avast again:
How to do a complete reinstallation of avast! Free / Pro / IS

1. Download and save the complete installer for avast! Free / Pro / IS.
2. Download and save on your Desktop the avast!
3. Remove the installed copy of avast! Free / Pro / IS
4. Restart your computer in safe mode.
5. Run the avast! Uninstall utility from the Desktop. Free / Pro / IS (file aswclear.exe).
6. Specify the version of the program and the folder with it (if the program was installed not in the default folder).
7. Click the Uninstall button and wait for the uninstallation check to complete.
8. Close the uninstall utility window and agree to restart the computer in normal (normal) mode.
9. Install avast! Free / Pro / IS from the downloaded installer.
10. Restart your computer to complete the installation.

Note: The avast! Free / Pro / IS can be used without first uninstalling the program through the Windows Control Panel. In this case, you must first disable the self-defense module: open the main program window => Settings => Troubleshooting => uncheck Enable avast!

If after installation the program did not ask for permission to boot scan, then it is recommended to assign it manually.

Do not forget to renew the registration of the free version or enter the license information in the paid ones.
Solution # 3
Go to the folder C: / windows / system32 / dllcache, where is located backup copy tcpip.sys and copy (but not move) it to C: / windows / System32 / drivers, then restart your computer. Or Replace the tcpip.sys file with the file with installation disk(here it is, in a zip archive).
Important: The tcpip.sys file must be added not to the% Windows% / system32 folder, but to WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers

Solution # 4
1. Boot into Safe Mode.
2. Start-run-regedit and delete 2 keys in the registry.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Winsock
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / WinSock2

3. Go to the% Windows% / inf folder, find the Nettcpip.inf file, open it, find the section and in the Characteristics = 0xa0 entry replace 0xa0 with 0x80
4. Go to Network connections, right click on your network connection- Properties.
Open the General tab - click Install, Protocol and Add in sequence.
In the Select Network Protocols window, click Have Disk.
In the Copy files from disk window: enter C: / windows / inf and click OK.
Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and press OK.
We return to the connection properties screen. local network, the Delete button is now active.
Now we remove the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP).
It is advisable to replace the tcpip.sys file with the file from the installation disk (here it is, in the zip archive), before installing the protocol. You need to copy it to the% Windows% / system32 / dllcache and% Windows% / system32 folders, then install the protocol.

To restart a computer

Go back to Network Connections and install the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) again using the Have Disk button and the path c: / windows / inf

And restart the computer again.
Solution 5
In some cases, if the three solutions to the problem did not help, it is also necessary, in addition to tcpip.sys, to copy the nettcpip.inf file from the working PC running XP to the Windows / inf folder and repeat the steps from "Solution 4".
Solution 6
Copy the "working" (see Solution 1.3) file tcpip.sys to c: / windows / system32 / drivers
Then we go to the device manager - "view" - "show hidden devices". select "Non-Plug and Play device drivers" - "Tcp / ip protocol driver" by right-clicking "properties". tab driver - autoload, type "system". restart your computer.
Solution 7
Use the TCPIP.Sys RestoreTool utility from UnHackMe. Link:
Solution 8
Link to the description of the process:
Solution 9
Duplicates the solutions described here, but at the same time contains the tcpip.sys file for Windows 7. The problem in most cases affected Windows XP, but according to the statements of several users of the avast forum, there were possible cases of false positives on Windows 7. Link to the tcpip.sys file if you cannot find it on another computer or as it is written in solution # 3:

After performing the actions described in the solutions to the problem, if avast again wants to delete this file, be sure to put this file in exceptions until you update your anti-virus databases to current version that no longer contain an erroneous definition of the file as malicious.

But no viruses. No internet - no problem

On December 5-6, many users of the AVAST antivirus faced the following problem: for no apparent reason, the connection to the Internet and the local network was lost. This was preceded by the discovery by him of a certain rootkit Win32: Malware-gen, after the removal of which these misadventures begin among users. The "virus" turned out to be a file tcpip.sys, which is responsible for the network connections in the computer. This false positive led to catastrophic consequences: the activities of many thousands of users were paralyzed, the phones of providers were overheated to red from calls from dissatisfied customers, service and system administrators without lunch, sleep or rest, they knock themselves off their feet, eliminating the consequences of this collapse.

The first thing to do was of course ignore this warning and add the tcpip.sys file to the list of exclusions.

But if you are reading these lines, then most likely you or someone from your acquaintances have already fallen for this bait and now he has any network activity : sites do not open, there is no local network, returns the result “Configuring IP for Windows. An internal error has occurred: This request is not supported. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for further assistance. Additional information: Failed to query for hostname. " Team ping returns the result “Unable to access the IP driver. Error code 2 ".

In the System Event Log, we see the following warning: "The DHCP Client service is dependent on the TCP / IP Protocol Driver service that could not be started due to an error ..."

The DNS Client and DHCP Client services do not work for the same reason.

How to restore internet and network?

Options for solving this problem, after a long reluctance to admit the problem, appeared on the official website of the Avast company.

For "non-advanced" users (and for those who are too lazy to understand) the user "Obramko" ( has created a couple of programs that automatically solve this problem:

  1. Download the file for your Windows versions, transfer to a USB flash drive or other storage medium.
  2. Disable your antivirus (Screen Management - disable everything permanently).
  3. Run the file.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Update your antivirus and turn it back on (Screen Control - turn on all). After the update, it no longer blocks the Internet and the network and can be used successfully further.
